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5-1. Motion Detection 动态检测 When signal fluctuation is less than the result (range ×Min. Scale Div.) and is with in the set period, weighing value is stable and STAB. display lights. The two modes of Motion Detection in the F805 are: Stable Mode and Check Mode. 当信号的变动量小于其结果(范围×最小分度)并且在设定周期之内,则认为重量值是稳定的,稳定信号灯STAB亮灯。F805有两种动态检测方式:稳定方式和校验方式。 Stable Mode : Per each A/D conversion, the current weight is compared to one (1) second previous. If the any of the set parameters are exceeded, STAB. display goes out. (Refer to the following chart) 稳定方式:每次A/D转换的重量值,是将当前的重量值与1秒前的重量值进行比较。当两者间的变动量超出上述稳定条件时,稳定信号灯STAB不亮。(参见下图) Check Mode : Per each A/D conversion, the current weight is compared to 0.09 second previous. If the any of the set parameters are exceeded, STAB. display goes out. (Refer to the following chart) 检验方式:每次A/D转换的重量值,是将当前的重量值与0.09秒前的重量值相比较。当两者间的变动量超出上述稳定条件时,稳定信号灯STAB不亮。(参见下图) 5-5. Zero Tracking 零点跟踪 This function automatically adjusts slow drifts and slight shifting of the zero point due to small amounts of accumulation on a scale. 零点跟踪的作用是自动调整由于秤微小的累积引起零点的缓慢漂移以及微小漂移。 当设定的零点跟踪范围以内的重量变化在某个周期内时,显示值就自动调整到零。零点跟踪周期可设定在0.1~9.9秒范围内,跟踪范围的单位是最小分度的1/4,即设定值为0.2时相当于0.5个分度;设定值为12相当于3个分度。当周期为0.0秒或者范围为0.0秒时,零点跟踪功能无效。 5-6. Digital Zero (DZ) 数字置零 The Digital Zero function zeroes the Gross Weight to adjust for slight shifts at the zero point due to load cell drift or dregs remaining on a scale. If Digital Zero is operated when the displayed weight is beyond the set Digital Zero Regulation Value (refer to P.33 ), then the Zero Alarm is actived, appears red. 数字置零的作用是将毛重值设为零以调整由于称重传感器漂移或者秤上的残留物引起的零点的微小漂移。进行数字置零操作时如果显示的重量值超过设定的数字置零的选择范围(参见33页),零点报警启动,而且零点异常变为红色。 Display on the to main display then press 主界面显示时按。 To operate Digital Zero via the Control connector on the rear panel, input ON edge signal to the pin 3 (D/ Z ON) and the COM (Common). 通过后面板上的控制端子进行置零操作,输入ON信号到pin3(数字置零ON)和共通COM。 5-7. Digital Zero Clear 数字置零清除 When highlights in red, do Digital Zero Clear. goes out. 不亮。 Then Digital Zero will be cleared and 当为红色时,执行数字置零清除。数字置零清除后,Input PASSWORD 1269 →1111inorder. 按顺序输入密码1269 →1111 5-8. Digital Zero Regulation Value 数字置零选择范围 Set a range for Digital Zero adjustment (a gap from the Registered Zero Calibration) by operating Digital Zero or Zero Tracking. 通过数字置零或者零点跟踪设定一个数字置零选择范围(与保存的零点校准之间的范围)。 5-9. Tare Subtraction/ Reset 去皮重/复位 Tare is subtracted and the Net weight is zeroed by pressing tag on the top. The Gross weight will not be changed by this function. The range of Tare Subtraction may be selected between the “whole range” and 0 <Tare ≦Capacity. Also, the Tare subtraction operation could be done during weight is stable, or in regular. The subtracted Tare can be restored and Net weight becomes equal to the Gross weight. 按上方的键扣除皮重,使净重变为零。本功能不会改变毛重值。去皮重的范围可以选任意范围或者0<皮重≦最大称量值之间选择。当重量值稳定或者有规律时也可以执行去皮重操作。扣掉的皮重可以恢复,使净重值等于毛重值。 Display 当主界面显示 on the main display then press 时按



