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Release calibration inhibition lock by switching OFF the Lock Switch on the rear panel. (Hardware Lock) 将后面板上的禁止校准量程开关切换到OFF状态(硬件锁) Release Setting Value Lock which inhibits the calibration. (Software Lock) 将禁止校准量程的数值锁解锁(软件锁) Select Load cell Excitation between 10V to 5V. 将称重传感器激励电压设定在10V——5V之间 Register the Unit of the scale. 记录分度单位 Register the position of Decimal point. 记录小数位 Register the maximum capacity of the scale. 记录最大秤量值 If the registered value is exceeded by 9 scale divisions, display shows over scale \如果记录的数值超过9个分度,则显示超出计量范围\Register the minimum scale division of the scale. 记录该秤最小分度 Register the value of load (balance weight) for calibration.记录砝码重量 Calibrate the initial zero point. 校准零点 Place the load (balance weight) on the load cell and calibrate the span value. 将砝码放在称重传感器上校准分度间距。 If it is necessary, re-calibrate initial zero point. 有必要的话,重新校准零点 Disable changing setting value related to calibration. 校准后不再修改与校准有关的参数 Turn on Lock Switch, disable calibration. 旋转校准锁定开关,停止 校准4-4. Secondary Calibration Procedure (Equivalent Calibration) 辅助校准的顺序(等量校准) Equivalent calibration by entering the Output (in mV/V) of the load cell to calibrate the instrument. The equivalent calibration function is not available for NTEP. Due to the replacement of weighing controller provides against an emergency or miss-operation Span calibration, and no chance to do actual load calibration, but have to continually operate the weighing system. It is a convenient, temporary measure. 根据称重传感器的输出值对该设备进行等量校准。等量校准对NTEP不适用。当紧急情况或误操作发生需要更换称重控制器时,如果没有时间进行真正的称重校准,同时又要保证称重系统继续工作,采用等量校准是一种方便的临时应急措施。 Release calibration inhibition lock by switching OFF the Lock Switch on the rear panel. (Hardware Lock) 将后面板上的禁止校准量程开关切换到OFF状态(硬件封锁) Release Setting Value Lock which inhibits the calibration.(Software Lock)将禁止校准量程的数值锁解锁(软件封锁) Select Load cell Excitation between 10V and 5V. 将称重传感器激励电压设定在10V——5V之间 Register the Unit of the scale. 记录分度单位 Register the position of Decimal Point. 记录小数位 Register the maximum capacity of the scale. 记录最大秤量值 If the registered value is exceeded by 9 scale divisions, display shows over scale \如果记录的数值超过9个分度,则显示超出计量范围\Register the minimum scale division of the scale. 记录该秤的最小分度 Enter the Balance value equivalent to the mV/V for calibration. 输入等量砝码值mV/V Enter in the output of load cell in mV/V. 输入称重传感器输出值mV/V If it is necessary, re-enter initial zero point. 如有必要,重新校准零点 Disable changing setting value related to calibration. 校准后不再修改与校准有关的参数 Turn on Lock Switch, disable calibration. 旋转校准锁定开关,注意: 停止校准 砝码重量必须小于或等于预定承载量,使用额定称重传感器mV/V输出量进行等量校准时,预定承载量必须等于称重传感器承载量。 多个称重传感器并联时,由于线路或导线材料可能导致电压降低,从而可能发生输入值和输出值不同。 这种情况下,可以记录实际mV/V值完成精确校准。 4-5. Do Calibration 校准 Lock release解锁 The F805 features a Lock function for disabling changes in calibration and setting values. The Software Lock is in the configuration of SYSTEM and perform on the Comparison Screen, the Hardware Lock switch is located on rear panel. Release both of Locks before starting calibration. F805特点之一是具有安全锁的功能,可以禁止修改校准值和设定值。软件锁是在系统内部设置的,通过相应的界面实现该功能;硬件锁开关安装在后面板上。校准前需将软件锁和硬件锁都解锁。 1) Set lock switch to OFF. 将锁开关切换到OFF 2) Press the tag. 2)先按下键,再按下键 3)选择“系统” button, then . 3) Select the \4) Press the \按下“密码”,输入“1269”然后按键 5) Press the tag of \ 选择“软件锁”,选择“OFF”,然后按键 6) Press 按下 , go back to comparison screen. 键,返回到相应界面 Load cell excitation 称重传感器激励 Select load cell excitation between 10V and 5V.Refer to the specification of load cell to select suitable excitation please.将称重传感器激励值设定在10V—5V。请根据称重传感器的特点选择适合的激励值。 1) Press button. 按下键 2) Select the \选择“校准” 3) Press button. 按下键 4) Select the \选择“称重传感器激励”,选择10V或5V,然后按下Unit单位 The unit can select from t, kg, g, N, lb or None unit. 单位可设定为kg, g, N, lb 或无。按照下列顺序操作 Decimal place小数位 键 Decimal place should be selected from 0/ 0.0/ 0.00/ 0.000. 小数位可设定为0/ 0.0/ 0.00/ 0.000,按照下列顺序操作



