1. Features 特点 F805使用两种计量方式,即“给料称重”和“卸料称重”。 Feed weighing.......to weigh and control quantity of material being loaded from material tank into weighing hopper with load cell device. 给料称重 对从储料仓落到带有称重传感器装置的称重料斗内的物料进行计量 Discharge weighing....to weigh and control quantity of material being discharged from weighing hopper to production line. 卸料称重 对从称重料斗落到生产线的物料进行计量 1-1-2. Combined use of Feed/Discharge weighing 给料称重与卸料称重的联合使用 在称重过程中可以在给料称重与卸料称重之间来回切换。这种切换可以通过触摸屏或者一个后侧面板上的控制连接器输出的信号来实现。 F805利用这种切换的优势,控制储料仓内不同物料的预定给料重量,在称重料斗内形成定量的混合物。F805可以储存100种的混合物配比公式。如此一来,大大提高了F805的应用范围。如下图所示: Multi-ingredient batching 多组分批量 1-2. Type of control to obtain constant weight 定量称重的控制类型 a) “简单比较”是一种将重量值和设定的目标重量进行比较的控制方式。控制过程如下图所示。这种控制方式是将称重值与设定的目标重量参数作比较。当称重值达到设定值时,相关输出信号为ON。 [Comparison screen] 比较界面 [Message screen] 信息界面 [Graphic screen] 图形界面 ? Weighing value display 称重值显示部分 ?Weighing value, Gross/ Net selectable, Minus sign, Center zero, Overload and Errors. 显示重量值,毛重/净重转换,负号,零点附近,过量和错误。 ? Status display 状态显示部分 ?OVER/ GO/ UNDER .. After each weighing circle, when the result is within the set tolerance range of Final, GO highlights for orange; or OVER highlights for blue or UNDER highlights for red. 过量/适中/不足 在每次称重完后,如果结果在定量值的误差范围之内,GO变为黄色,OVER为蓝色或者UNDER为红色。 ?COMPL ....................... During Complete signal is ON, COMPL highlights for sky blue. 比较 完成信号为ON时,COMPL变为天蓝色。 ?FEED/ DCHG.............. Either displays FEED or DCHG in the feed weighing or discharge weighing of the Simple Comparison Control. In Sequence Control, during Discharge gate control is ON, DCHG highlights for yellow; during the Discharge output signal is ON blinks during waiting for Discharging Command. 给料/卸料 在简单比较控制的给料称重或者卸料称重中,显示FEED或DCHG。在序列控制中,当卸料门控制为ON时,DCHG亮显为黄色;卸料输出信号为ON,DCHG等待卸料指令时闪烁。 ?HOLD..........................HOLD highlights for yellow during weight value is held. 保持 在重量值保持的时候,HOLD灯为黄色。 ?ZALM.......................... Press DZ tag, bring the Gross weight to zero, if the value is exceeded the range of set Digital Zero Regulation, ZALM highlights for red. 零点异常 按DZ键,清零毛重值。如果毛重值超过了数字置零的设置范围,ZALM为红色。 ?LOCK .......................... When LOCK on the rear panel is switched to ON (hardware lock), LOCK display in red color. When the LOCK in the setting items is set to ON (software lock), LOCK show in orange color. 加锁 当后面板上的LOCK打开为ON时(硬件加锁),LOCK为红色。在设置项目中如果将LOCK设为ON(软件加锁),LOCK为桔色。 ?STAB ........................... STAB highlights for green during weighing value is stable. The condition of stable varies with MD setting value. 稳定 当称重值稳定不变的时候,STAB为绿色。稳定的条件随模式设定值的不同而不同。 ?TARE...........................TARE highlights for yellow when Tare subtraction is ON. 去皮重 当扣除皮重为ON时,Tare为黄色。 ?HI, LO.......................... When Weighing value exceeds Upper limit or lowers than Lower limit of setting value, HI, LO highlights for yellow. 高,低 当重量值超过上限或者低于下限设定值时,HI,LO为黄色。 ?NZ................................ NZ highlights for yellow when Weighing value ≦Near Zero value. 零点附近 当重量值小于等于零点附近值时,NZ为黄色。 ?SP1, SP2, SP3.............. SP1 in sky blue color when SP1 output signal turns ON. SP2 in yellow color when SP2 output signal turns ON. SP3 in orange color when SP3 output signal turns ON. SP1,SP2 and SP3 blink during waiting for starting sequence control. SP1, SP2, SP3.. 当SP1输出信号变为ON时,SP1变为天蓝色。当SP2输出信号变为ON时,SP2变为黄色。当SP3输出信号变为ON时,SP3变为桔黄色。在等待开始序列控制时,SP1,SP2和SP3闪烁。 ?RUN............................. RUN in sky blue during normal operation. 运行 在正常运行时,RUN为天蓝色。 ? Accumulation display 累计值显示部分 ?ALM ..报警.................. Shows Alarm numbers. 显示报警数字 Calibration error during calibration operation. 在校准操作时校准错误 Sequence error during sequence control.在序列控制时显示序列错误 ?SEQ ............................ Shows status numbers in Sequence control. For detail status information refer to Message Display please. 序列 在序列控制中显示状态数字。具体的状态信息请参见信息显示部分。 ?CNT ............................ Shows the number of times under weighing. They are counted individually by each Code. The number of times is up to \value will be recorded when it beyond the \Initializes to \ 次数 称重显示累计次数。由每个代码单独计算。累计次数最多到9999。超过9999时,不再累加。通过累计清零置零。 ?ACM............................Shows the accumulated value. Accumulation is performed and recorded for the Code number currently weighing. 累计值 显示累计值。累计值是通过当前的称重代码记录和完成的。 ? Message display 信息显示部分 There are four screens in Message display. Changing screens push Message screen selecting tag. 信息显示部分有四个界面。按信息界面选择键来切换界面。 ?Error message .............. Show the detail error message of Calibration or Overload. 错误信息 显示校准或过量的详细错误信息。 ?Sequence status............ Show the present status of sequence control. To start or stop sequence control, push START or STOP tag in Message display or trigger Start / Stop control I/O on the rear panel. 序列状态 显示序列控制的当前状态。要开始或停止序列控制,按信息显示部分的START或STOP键或触发后面板上的Start / Stop控制I/O。 ?Setting value................Show the Setting value of the currently weighing Code, with its accumulated value and the number of times of weight. 设定值 显示当前称重代码的设定值,累计值和重量次数。 ?Space............................ No messages. 空格 无信息 ? Update setting value 更新设定值 During update the Setting value to the memory (NOV. RAM), instead of RUN shows NOV. Please make sure do not disconnected power when NOV is showing. 更新内存(NOV. RAM)中的设定值时,不显示RUN,显示NOV.到当显示NOV的时候要一定要确保不要断开电源。 2-2. Rear Panel 后面板 ① AC power input connector. AC电源输入插座 Connect with AC power cable supplied. AC voltage is 100V~240V( ±10%) AC frequency is 50Hz / 60Hz. 与AC电源线相连接,AC电压为100V~240V( ±10%),AC频率为50Hz / 60Hz。 ② Frame ground (F. G.) 机壳接地 Earth terminal should be grounded to avoid electric shocks and static charge interference. The F.G. terminal on the rear panel must be grounded directly, not with the AC ground. 接地端子应接地,避免触点和静电干扰。必须将后面板上的机壳接地端子F.G直接接地,并与AC电源分开接地。 ③ LOCK switch 加锁开关 Lock switch is for disabling changes in calibration and setting values. While switch is ON could not do calibration. 加锁开关用于防止由于误操作而引起的校准值和设定值的改变。当开关为ON时不能对控制器进行校准。 ④ Control signal Input/ Output connector 控制信号输入/输出插座 Connector for performing control signal input and output. The adaptable plug is DDK 5730500 (attached to the F805) or its equivalent. 插座用于完成控制信号输入与输出。适用的插头为DDK 5730500 (F805附属品)或者类似产品。 ⑤ SI/FII terminal board SI/FII接线端板 Higher speed bi-direction 2-wire serial interface is a network solution for connecting weighing controllers, converters, printer and remote displays up to 20 devices. 用来连接称重控制器,转换器,打印机和远程显示仪等多达20种外围设备的高速双向2线式串行接口。 ⑥ SI/F terminal board SI/F接线端板 2-wire Serial interface is to connect Unipulse peripheral equipment such as printer, remote display. 用来连接打印机和远程显示仪等单脉冲外围设备的2线式串行接口 ⑦ Load cell connector 传感器连接插座 7-pin round connector for 6-wire connection with load cells, adaptable plug is Hirose JR16PK-7S or its equivalent. 传感器为6线式连接,圆形7针连接插座,适用的插头为Hirose JR16PK-7S或者类似产品。 Pin No. 针号 Signal(6-wire) Signal(4-wire) 信号 6线式 信号 4线式 + EX + S -S -EX +EX (connect 1 to 2) +EX (将1接到2上) -EX (connect 3 to 4) -EX(将3接到4上) 1 2 3 4