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六 河南省名校联盟 2019~2020学年高三 12 月质量检测


第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节 (共 15小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

A 应用文 介绍了青少年而体验的马术活动

23 We run activities specially designed for teenagers. Not only will they have fun, get some much needed fresh air but they will learn about caring for a horse, preparing for shows and entering competitions.

Training Days

This day is intended to work towards their Progressive Riding Tests, Stage 2 and Pony Club C+ tests. 2-hour riding (2 lessons) and 1-hour stable management are included in the day. Don 't forget to bring a packed lu dnrcinhk a. nd a

Suggested age: 1+1 a

Timings: 9:30 am— 2:00 pm Cost: £90

Dressage(花样骑术) Days

21 Learn how to build a ground and to plai(t 编辫子)and groom(梳毛)a horse for competition. Then join in a dressage theory lesson and finally ride as a test to be judged by Rosie Lord BHSI, competing with all the other members of the day. You will be awarded.

You'lln eed to dress appropriate shirt, tie, jacket, gloves and ridi ng boots. Also, don' t forget to bring paacked lunch.

Suggested age: 1+1

Timings: 9:30 am— 3:30 pm

Cost: £85

Clear Round Jumping Days

A single course of jumps will be prepared, starting at 20cm. The day will be a mix of teaching and jumping. 22You will warm up in the playpen and then participate in three rounds of jumping. You choose if the rounds are at different heights or all at the same height. When not jumping or warming up you will receive instruction from an instructor. You can also jump different horses if you want to. Bring a packed lunch.

Suggested age: 1+1

Timings: 10:00 am— 3:00 pm(For the day, your part will last about 2 hours. Start times will be confirmed. )

Cost: £45

21. What will participants learn to do on Dressage Days?

A. Prepare their horses for competitions. B. Keep still as well as stable on



C. Judge different levels of horse riding. D. Plait and groom themselves to compete.

22. What is included in Clear Round Jumping Days?

A. Three hours ' riding. B. Awarded prizes. C. Three rounds of jumping. D. A free packed lunch and drink.


23. Who is most probably attracted by the activities?

A. Adults devoted to animal protection. B. Seniors intending to train horses. C. An 8-year-old girl fond of lovely pets. D. A 12-year-old boy liking horse riding.

B 记叙文作者和儿子对于是否学习乐器进行的一场斗争

My 12-year-old son Jack hit a mileston(e 里程碑)last summer.“ Mum, I'm asked. “

said so. ” And the bfoaltltolwed.

quitting piano,” he said firmly. Immediately, I said, “You can 't. ” “Why?” he

Many of you know of what battle I speak.24 It 'ths e one where all of a sudden instruments that once filled the home with wonderful music are abandoned in favor of sports, gaming and all things cool. When Jack started piano lessons in the second grade, he took to music eagerly, showing interest and talent. Over the next few years he willingly entered competitions recommended by his teacher.

25 Much to our son'sa dness, my husband and I decided to stand firm. While parents allow their children to win battles now and then, this was one where my

husband and I were not willing to concede. We decided, however, to give him a choice of taking up another instrument. We suggested guitar.

He was open to meeting a couple of instructors.26 “My hands are too small, ”

he complained(抱怨) . However, the student who came after us was a 5-year-old girl.

Though I disliked the idea, I suggested we look at changing teachers. Our son said he wanted a teacher who was “nice ”. I understood that me“annt o stress ”. Finally, we found a male teacher with a gentle voice and a great sense of humor, who said that competitions were not his thing yet playing music was.

After my son 's first lesson with his new teacher, I took a deep breath and prepared myself for the usual complaints. “Mum, he makes me like piano again, ”m y son announced as we headed to the car.

26My heart flew. Cheery piano music—missed notes and all—filled the house

during the long winter evenings. The playing wasn 't as long as I would have liked or as frequent as it used to beB. ut it was sweet and that was enough for me. 24. What made Jack want to give up piano?

A. Failing in music competitions. B. Being very busy with his lessons. C. Eagerness to do other cool things. D. Lack of interest and talent in music.

25. Which of the following best explains the word “ concede ” underlined in para

A. Calm down. B. Give in.屈服,让步 B. Hang out.闲逛 D. Step forward.走出,向前进 26. Why did Jack complain about his small hands?

A. To convince his mum of his weakness. B. To convey his embarrassment in learning.

C. To stress the difficulty playing the guitar. D. To find an excuse to avoid learning guitar. 27. How did the author feel at last?

A. Relieved and confident. B. Delighted and satisfied. C. Concerned but grateful. D. Disappointed but touched.

C 说明文为什么阅读对大脑有益

There are countless methods of improving your memory and cognitive( 认知的) functioning,31 But the cheapest and easiest way to sharpen your brain is reading, which


can improve your brain in so many ways.

The most basic influence occurs in the area associated with language reception, the left temporal cortex (颞叶皮层) . Processing written material—from the letters to the words to the sentences to the stories themselves—drives the neurons

(神经元) to attention as they start the work of transmitting(传递) all that

information. That happens when we process spoken language, too, but the very nature of reading encourages the brain to work harder and better. 28“ Readingg ives you a unique pause button for thinking. But when you watch a film or listen to a tape, you don ' t pressa pysa use,

Maryanne Wolf, EdD, director of the UCLA Center for Dyslexia, Diverse Learners and Social Justice.

It ' s hardly surprising that the language part of the brain would get a

workout from reading. 29But reading also energizes(使活跃 ) the area responsible

for motor activity, the central sulcu(s 中央沟) . That's because the brain is a very lively play actorW. hen it is reading about a physical activity, the neurons that control that activity get busy as well. You may not actually be riding a horse when you 're reading Se(ab奔isc腾ui年t 代) , but your brain acts as if it

were. And the more parts of your brain that get a workout, the better it is for your cognitive performance.

However, not all reading is created equal. The results from a study conducted at Stanford University indicate that close literary reading in particular gives your brain a major workout. People who are deep into a Jane Austen novel showed an increase in blood flowing to areas of the brain that control both cognitive and executive function, as opposed to the more limited effects that come from more leisurely reading.

30Developing the ability to read deeply takes time. But there ' s an easy Turn off your phone and your computer, set aside a good hour or two and just read. 28. What is special about reading according to Maryanne Wolf?

A. It allows you to stop to think. B. It makes you become more focused. C. It lets the brain pause for a rest. D. It forces the brain to work endlessly.

29. Reading Seabiscuit is mentioned in the text to _ .

A. show the brain se'nssitivity to physical activities

B. explain humans ' unknown cognitive performances C. say reading makes the central sulcus become active D. tell reading affects the language part of the brain

30. What is the author ' s advice on developing the ability to read deeply?

A. Sparing time for reading. B. Buying Jane Austen ' s novels. C. Reading books on the phones. D. Reading with famous writers. 31. What is the text mainly about?

A. The principle of how the brain functions. B. Why reading can bring benefits to the brain. C. A way to develop the potential of the brain. D. How reading and the brain affect each other.

D 说明文 研究人员的最新一项发明

Researchersh ave long imagined arranging armies of tiny flying robots to handle vital tasks. The machines could be used as first responders to trace gas or

pollutant seepage(渗流) during natural disasters, to survey crops in large farms and to help astronauts in space. However, fitting the heavy electronics required to power and control the wings into the robot ' s tiny frame has been ch3a5lNleonwg,in tgh.ere is hope, thanks




