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¡¾ÆªÒ»¡¿ÉÙ¶ùÓ¢Óï˯ǰС¶ÌÎĹÊÊ The Birthday Cake

It was Jenny\for her. Her mom baked a chocolate cake for her. The cake had two layers. Her mom put vanilla frosting on the bottom layer. Her mom put vanilla frosting on the top layer. Her mom put vanilla frosting all around the cake. Now the chocolate cake was



¡¾Æª¶þ¡¿ÉÙ¶ùÓ¢Óï˯ǰС¶ÌÎĹÊÊ Those who will not work deserve to starve.

A Blacksmith had a little Dog, which used to sleep when his master was at work, but was very wide awake indeed when it was time for meals. One day his master pretended to be disgusted at this, and then he had thrown him a bone as usual, he said, ¡°What on earth is the good of a lazy cur like you?¡± When I am hammering away

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at my anvil, you just curl up and go to sleep: but no sooner do I stop for a mouthful of food than you wake up and wag your tail to be fed.



¡¾ÆªÈý¡¿ÉÙ¶ùÓ¢Óï˯ǰС¶ÌÎĹÊÊ Walk the Dog

\walk. Make sure you take a plastic bag with you.\scratching. He said the dog did not need to go for a walk. He said there were no plastic bags in the house. His mom said, \Tommy got the dog leash, a plastic bag, and a little plastic shovel. \my homework when I have to walk the dog?\homework when you get back,\neck and walked outside. It was cold outside. The dog walked to a tree. It pooped. Tommy put the poop into the plastic bag. \homework.\



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¡¾ÆªËÄ¡¿ÉÙ¶ùÓ¢Óï˯ǰС¶ÌÎĹÊÊ The Clock Says

The alarm clock by the bed rings at seven a.m. This clock says it is time to wake up.

The kitchen clock ticks at 8:30 a.m.This clock says it is time to go to school. The Timer goes off after ten minutes. This timer says it is time to get the cookies out of the oven.The Coo-Coo clock on the wall coo-coos at ten a.m. This clock says it is time to have a snack. The clock in the tower strikes at noon.

This clock says it is time to eat lunch. The clock at the school rings at three-thirty p.m.

This clock says it is time to go home. The clock near the soccer field shows it is six p.m.

This clock says it is time to eat dinner.The grandfather clock chimes at nine p.m. This clock

says it is time for bed. Good-night! ʱÖÓ˵

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