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Pulsant magnetic field 脉动磁场 Saturation 饱和 stainless steel material 不锈钢材料 polar distance 极距 mica 云母 quarte 石英 stimulate magnetism 激磁 magnetism circuit 磁路 magnetic line of force 磁力线 commutate quality 整流性

Flatation reagent professional words

Absorption 吸收

Absorption band 吸收光谱带 Abstract 抽出,提取 Abundance 丰富,丰度 Accelerant 促进剂 Acceptance 验收,接收 Accumulate 积累,聚集 Accuracy 准确度 Acctate 醋酸盐 Acctamide 乙酰胺 Acid 酸,酸的

Acid anion 酸性阴离子 Acidation 酸化

Acid depression 加酸抑制 Acid hydrolysis 加酸水解 Acintol 妥尔油制品 Acrylic amide丙烯酰胺 Activate 活化

Activated adsorption活性吸附 Activated molecule 活化分子 Activated effect 活化作用 Activator 活化剂,活性剂 Acto 精制石油磺酸钠 Acylamide 酰胺 Addition 加添

Adhere 粘附,附着

Adhesion coefficient粘着系数 Adhesive粘合剂

Adhesive tension胶结张力 界面吸引力 Adion 吸附离子 Adsorbate 吸附物 Adsorbent 吸附剂

Adsorption isotherm吸附等温线 Adsorption layer吸附层

Aero 美国氰胺公司的药剂品牌号 Aerofloat 美国氰胺公司的黑药牌号 Aerofloc 絮凝剂牌号 Aerofroth 起泡剂牌号

Aeromine 阳离子型表面活性剂 Aero promoter促进剂牌号 Aerosol 润湿剂牌号

Aerosurf MG-98A 醚胺醋酸盐 Agglomerant 团聚的凝结剂

Agglomeration flotation团聚浮选

Aggregate of large molecules大分子团 Aiv-avid亲气的

Aiv-mineral adhesion空气-矿物粘附 Alamine胺的牌号 Alcohol醇

Alcohol frother 醇类起泡剂 Aliphat- 妥尔油脂肪酸牌号 Aliphatic alcohol 脂肪醇 Aliphatic acid 脂肪酸 Aliphatic amine 脂肪胺

Aliphatic dydrocarbon脂肪烃 Aliquat苯胺盐牌号 Alkali 碱

Alkaliuity 碱度,碱性 Alkane 链烷,烷烃 Alkoxy- 烷氧基

Alkoxyamine 烷氧胺 Alkoxy benzene烷氧基苯 Alkyl- 烷基

Alkyl alcohol sulfate 烷基醇硫酸盐

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专业英语词汇 Alkylamine 脂肪胺 Alkylarsonic acid 烷基砷酸 Alkylarylsulfonate 烷基芳基磺酸盐 Aldyl hydroxamic acid 烷基羟污酸 Alkyl phosphate 烷基磷酸盐 Alkyl sodium sulfonate 烷基磺酸钠 All-flotation approach 全浮处理法 Allowance 允许,公差 All-purpose 通用的 Amine 胺的牌号 Amino-acid 氨基酸 Ammonia 氨 Amphateric 两性的 Amphoteric surfactant 两性表面活性剂Amylum 淀粉 Analysis 分析 Angle角, 角度 Anion 阴离子 Anion collector 捕收剂 Anode 阳极,正极 Anti-corrosive coating 防腐浮层 Antifoamer 消泡剂 Apparent hardness 表现硬度 Applicability 活用性,适应性 Aqua ion 水合离子 Aquation 水合作用 Armeen 胺的牌号 Arosurf MG醚胺的牌号 Affached bubble 粘附气泡 Bagolax 甲基纤维素 Barrett 煤焦杂酚油牌号 Benzyl alcohol 苯甲醇 Bromoform 溴仿,三溴甲烷 Bubble 气泡,泡沫 Bubbler 气泡器 Butyl 丁基 Butyl aerofoat丁基黑药 Calcium oxide 氧化钙 Capillary 毛细管,毛细作用 Carbitol 卡必醇 Carbohydrate 碳水化合物 Cation 阳离子 Cationic collector 阳离子捕收 Cellulosice CMC 羧甲基纤维素

Charge 电荷,充电 Chelate 螯合物 Chelate effect 螯合效应 Chelation group 螯合基团 Chemical adsorption 化学吸附 Chemical ore processing 化学选矿 Chloro acetic acid 氯乙酸 Cohesion 粘结力 凝聚力 Collector 捕收剂 Colloid 胶体 Creosote oil杂酚油 Critical PH value 临界PH值 Concentrate grade精矿品位 Concentration 精选、富集 Cyanide 氰化物 Daxad 烷基磺酸钠 Deflocculator 反絮凝剂 Defoamer 消泡剂 Dehydrating agent 脱水剂 Dehydrogenation 脱氧 Delamine 妥尔油胺 Dense liqued 重液 Depressant 抑制剂 Desorbent 解吸剂 Deslimie 脱泥 Desludging agent 脱泥剂 Dicarboxylic acid 二羟酸 Dodecylamine 十二胺,月桂胺 Dodecylalcohol 十二烷醇 Dodecyl amine-hydrochloride十二胺盐酸盐Dresinate 松脂酸皂捕收剂 Dual cleaning 二重精选 Duponol 烷基硫酸钠牌号 Dust-allaying medium 防尘剂 Dynamic balance 动态平衡 Efficiency 效率,功效 Electrochemical approach 电化学处理法 Electro-kinetic potential 动电势 Electrostatic attraction 静电吸引 Emulsifying agent乳化剂 Extract 提取,萃取 Ferric sulfate 硫酸铁 Flotation 浮选 共 12 页 第 7 页




1选矿-Mineral separation (ore dressing) 2设计-Design

3工艺-Process (craftwork) 4初步设计-Initiative(preliminary) design 5流程-Flow(circuit) 6流程图-flowchart 7施工设计-working design 8设计方案-design project 9粉碎-comminution 10 磨矿-grinding 11浮选-flotation 12脱水-dehydration 13干燥车间-drying shop 14尾矿-tailing 15精矿-concentrate 16中矿-middles 17精选-concentration 18粗选-first concentration 20选矿机-concentrator 21矿浆ore pulp 22分级-classification 22磨矿-grinding 23磨矿机-grinding mills 24筛分-screen 25粉碎-crush 26筛分机-screener 27粉碎机-crusher 28颚式粉碎机-jaw crusher 29圆锥粉碎机-cone crusher 30冲击式粉碎机impact crusher 31辊式粉碎机-crusher rolls 32球磨机-ball mill

33棒磨机-rod mill 34自磨机-autogenous mills 35震动筛-vibratory screener 36分级机-classification equipment 37浮选-flotation 38浮选机-flotation equipment 39重选- gravity concentration 40特殊选-special selection 41 浮选柱-flotation column 42脱水机-spin-drier 43干燥机-drier 44总图-general chart 45配置-deploy 46运输-transport 47环境保护-environment protect 48场址-field location(site) 49布置-lay 50设计资料-design information 51粉碎流程-comminution flow 52磨矿流程-grinding flow(circuit) 53浮选流程-flotation flow 54金属矿-metallic mines 55非金属矿-non-metallic mines 56闭路-close circuit(loop) 57闭路流程-close flow 58开路-cut circuit(loop) 59开路流程-cut flow 60废水-liquid waste

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61粉尘-powder 62噪声-yawp 63污染-contamination 64沉淀-form sediment 65净化-decontaminate 66输送-transportation 67矿石-ore 68物料-material 69给矿-feed ores 70给料-feed stuff 71设备-equipment 72方案-project 73标高-elevation 74通道-passage 75维修-maintain 76检查-check 77操作-operation 78化验-test、assay 79检测-examine 80坡度-gradient 81起重机-crane 82堆积-accumulation 83细粒-granule、fine 84粗粒-coarse

85尾矿坝-tailing dam 86矿仓-feed bin(storehouse) 87粉矿仓-crushing pocket 88产品仓-product bin(storehouse) 89砂泵-pump 90立式泵-stand pump 91卧式泵-horizontal pump 92耐酸泵-acid-proof pump 93耐碱泵-alkali-resistant pump 94勘察-reconnaissance 95地形-landform 96工程-engineering 97设计步骤design process 98规模-scale

99选矿厂-concentrating mill 100设计内容design content


1 comminution-粉碎 2 comminution engineering-粉碎工程 3粉碎机-comminuter 4粉碎动力学-comminution kinetics 5筛分曲线图-screen analysis chart 6筛孔-screen aperture 7筛面-screen area 8筛条screen bar 9筛框-screen box 10筛选厂-screen building 11筛分机生产能力screen capacity 12筛分槽-screen cell 13筛布-screen cloth 14筛分screen classification 15筛孔-screen hole 16筛分车间-screenhouse 17筛分分析-screen analysis 18滚筒筛-screening-drum 19筛分效率-screening efficiency 20筛分速率-screening rate

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21筛网-screen mesh 22筛制、筛比、筛序-screen scale 23筛孔尺寸-screen size 24套筛-screen set 25筛序-screen size gradation 26筛余物screen tailings

27筛下产品-screen throughs(underflow.undersize) 28可碎性crushability 29可碎性系数-crushability factor 30碎矿仓-crushed ore pocket 31粉碎产品-crushed product 32粉碎粒度-crusher size 33粉碎腔-crushing cavity 34粉碎厂-crushing plant 35粉碎系数-crushing coefficient 36粉碎工段-crushiong section 37助磨剂-grinding aid 38磨球-grinding ball

39 磨矿负荷-grinding charge 40磨矿效率-grinding efficiency 41磨矿-grinding ore 42磨砾-grinding pebble 43磨碎能力-grinding property 44研磨试验grinding test 45磨矿设备-grinding unit 46磨矿速度-grinding rate 47磨矿功率-grinding power 48磨矿车间-grinding plant 49可磨性-grindability 50可磨性指数-grindability index 51可磨性指标-grindability rating 52可磨性试验-grindability test 53研磨工-grinder 54磨工车间-grindery 55磨矿动力学-grinding kinetics 56粉碎能-crushing energy 57粉碎机给矿口-crushing mouth 58粉碎面-crushing face 59粉碎力-crushing force 60粉碎机进料口-crusher throat 61筛分动力学-screen kinetics 62选厂矿仓-mill bin

63 选厂中矿mill chats 64选厂配置mill configuration 65磨过的矿石-milled ore 66磨机给料-mill feeder 67选厂给矿-mill-head 68研磨作用-milling action 69磨机衬里mill liner 70入选品位milling grade 71入选品位矿石milling-grade ore 72磨矿机milling-grinder 73细碎、精磨-milling grinding 74磨矿介质-milling medium 75磨矿法-milling method 76选矿作业-milling operation 77选矿厂-milling plant 78选厂矿泥-milling slime 79选厂厂址-mill site 80磨机负荷-mill load

81选矿工(工长)millan 82磨机需用功率-mill power draft 83选矿质量控制mill puality control 84选矿取样-mill sampling

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