原创教学设计 Excellent Teaching Design 具箱中摸出相应的玩具听诊器,作看病的动作。 延伸活动:
布置一个装扮区,提供各种职业的服装和用具,幼儿在自由装扮中,加深对各种职业的了解,并用到相应的对话。 5
幼儿园大班英语教案:new house
new house 活动内容: new house (大班) 执教教师: 马魏娜 活动目标:
1.通过游戏活动"布置新房",复习对日常生活中常用单词,介词及句型 i need… … i put it… …进一步掌握. 2.通过描述日常生活中幼儿所熟悉的物和事情,激发幼儿学习英语的兴趣. 活动准备: 1.房子图片 2.平面示意图――组合图(1幅) 平面示意图――教师示范幼儿操作图(1大6小)
3.小超市所需图片若干 活动过程: 一.幼儿边唱“happy home”边进教室,并引导幼儿与老师招呼. today, we have so many guests in our classroom. let’s say “ hello” to them. all right!
sit down, please! 二.(一)引出活动 1.出示房子图片,引起兴趣:"look! what’s this?"
2.复习各种房间的名称:this is the bedroom ( bathroom living room kitchen)
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原创教学设计 Excellent Teaching Design 3.以布置房间的形式引起幼儿兴趣. now, i want to decorate them. first, i want to decorate my
living room. can you help me? 4.请6-7名幼儿先商量布置客厅,引导幼儿去超市购买所需要的物 品. i need
something to decorate it. can you help me? look ! the supermarket is beside my
new house. you can get there and buy something we need. who can help me?
a.要求幼儿通过商量,购置布置客厅所需的物品. think about it. what we need! b.复习句型i need……
c.请幼儿将所购买的物品布置到客厅内,并复习句型i put…… 及各种介词的用法. are you ready? come on! you do it!
tell us, where do you put it? (二) 幼儿分组操作,教师指导. 1.a .引起幼儿布置其他房间的兴趣. i so
believe you. look at my bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. they are almost empty.
let’s decorate them, ok? b.引导幼儿布置其他房间. this is bedroom. (bathroom kitchen)
what we need? 2. 引导幼儿自由组合并讨论怎样布置其他房间,并学习去超市购买所需物品. if you want to
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原创教学设计 Excellent Teaching Design decorate the
bedroom ( bathroom kitchen). you can go there and here. the supermarket is
beside you. you can get there and buy something you need. 3.幼儿分组操作,教师巡回指导. you
do it! it’s up to you! 4. 引导幼儿把图纸讲述给客人老师听. say something about your picture to
our guests. 5. 听音乐安静入座. 三.通过竞赛的形式进一步复习巩固介词的用法及句型i need… i put it… 任意选1-2组讲述.
come on! let’s have a race. tell us something about your picture. (we need… …i
put it… …) 四.结束活动 1.鞭炮起,教师发糖 welcome to my new house 2.song: 出教室. 6
幼儿园大班英语教案:she is my mother she is my mother. total: 3 lesson: 2
teaching purpose: use pronouns to identify people. ask a ‘who’ question use adj to describe people.
teaching difficulties: handsome, pretty, smart, naughty
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原创教学设计 Excellent Teaching Design who is this? it is me. who is he? he is my father. he is handsome. i love my father. teaching procedures: a: revision
1. singing: hello, how are you? i like coffee teddy bear
2. a chant: grandfather, grandfather, old, grandmother, grandmother, healthy, father, father, handsome, mother, mother, pretty, uncle, uncle, fat, auntie, auntie, slim, sister, sister, smart, brother, brother, naughty, i am lovely.
3.tony’s family picture: who is he? he is my father. a. the teacher asks and the students answer. b. boys ask and girls answer. c. girls ask and boys answer.
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原创教学设计 Excellent Teaching Design 4.singing: who is he? b: presentation a.
1. a picture of myself:
t: who is she? ss: she is miss zhang. t: yes, it is me.
2. teach the new structure: who is this? it is me.
3. a picture of our class: ( all the students ask together, and the one who
is in the picture should stand up and says: it is me.) ss: who is this? s1:it is me.
4. a game: look at the screen and the one appear on the screen
should stand up and say the sentence. tony, tony, can you see? tony, tony, it is me. b.
1. go back to tony’s family picture. 2. father—father, handsome mother—mother, pretty sister—sister, smart brother—brother, naughty
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