Universal Lamp Support
申请(专利)号: US201414582944
专利号: US2015184807A1 主分类号: F21K99/00 申请权利人: JOHN BRYAN
VINCENT 公开国代码: US 优先权国家: US
申请日: 2014-12-24 公开公告日: 2015-07-02
分类号: F21K99/00;
F21V19/00 发明设计人: JOHN BRYAN
优先权: 20141224 US
201414582944; 20131226 US 201361920791
摘 要 附 图:
摘 要:
An apparatus, manufacture and method of illumination support being a single structural element with light emitting diodes mounted on the external faces of the structural element. The necessary circuitry for the LEDs is embedded in a rigid or flexible substrate that is affixed to the external faces of the structural element. The two terminal ends of the structural element are designed to fit into the lamp sockets of an existing or new light fixture, which provides mechanical support for the structural element. 主权项:
1. An apparatus of a single structural element that is comprised of two terminal e
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