no alternative but to rely on regulatory bodies to assess their safety (as is the case with other foods.) The consumer is entitled to make a choice, and making a satisfactory choice requires trust or knowledge. But that depends on everyone sticking to the rules on quality control and full disclosure of what is in the food; the role of legislators is to make sure that these rules are rigorously followed. As with the licensing of medicines, each new genetically modified food must be considered individually. Science commissioned by a government and carried out in-house in government research labs is not appropriate when the results have important implications for public health and government policy. It is essential in doing science to expose all one’s acquired knowledge to criticism by others. The main lesson to be learned from the experience with BSE is that openness is all important.
14. Other fears related to the so-called tyranny of knowledge which, claims Ian Kennedy, arises through the choices it forces on us ―for which none of us is prepared spiritually or intellectually‖. Thus, couples may be faced with difficult choices about prenatal diagnosis of genetic diseases: this could lead to choices about whether or not to terminate a pregnancy, or whether to inform siblings of a possible genetic risk of which they are not aware. There are problems, but I believe that one must not underestimate people’s capacity to deal with difficult choices when they understand the issues. Ultimately, the choice as to whether to seek knowledge rests with the individual. Most ethical issues in medicine are best resolved by considering the rights of the people involved to determine their own futures. Censorship
15. Are there areas of research that are so socially sensitive that they should be avoided, even proscribed? One possible area is the genetic basis of intelligence, and particularly the possible link between race and intelligence. Are there, as the literary critic George Steiner has argued, ―certain orders of truth which would infect the marrow of politics and would poison beyond all cure the already tense relations between social classes and these communities?‖ In short, are there doors in front of current research that should be marked ―Too dangerous to open‖?
16. I realize the dangers, but I cherish the openness of scientific investigation too much to put up such a notice. I stand by the distinction between knowledge of the world and how it is used. So I must answer Steiner’s question in the negative, provided of course that scientists fulfill their social obligations. The better understanding we have of the world, the better chance we have of making a just society. One should not abandon the possibility of using a scientific idea to do good because one could use the same idea to do bad. There is no knowledge that is not susceptible to manipulation for evil purposes.
17. Once one begins to censor the acquisition of objective knowledge, one is on the most slippery slope of all. Scientists cannot easily predict the social and technological implication of research. It was once argued that radio waves would have no practical applications, and Lord Rutherford famously said that the application of atomic energy was moonshine. Those investigating the resistance of certain bacteria to viral infection did not predict the discovery of restriction enzymes, an indispensable tool for cutting up DNA and hence the basis of genetic engineering.
18. To those who doubt whether the public or politicians are capable of making the ―correct‖ decisions about science and its applications, I commend the advice of Thomas Jefferson: ―I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves, and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise that control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their direction.‖
19. But how do we ensure that the public are involved in decision-making, and that scientists, doctors, engineers, bioethicists and other experts, who must be involved, do not appropriate decision-making for themselves? How do we ensure that scientists take on the social obligation of making the implications of their work public? We must rely on our democratic institutions: elected representatives; a free, vigorous and even responsible media, affected groups and the researchers themselves. National and international councils that can assess the ethical issues relating to the applications of science and promote public debate are no doubt valuable. But one wonders what such a committee would have said if the public had been offered a convenient form of transport, but at the cost, in the United Kingdom alone, of more than 3,000 lives per year, a quarter of a million injured and the untold damage of pollution. Where are the car-ethicists?
人类社会需要保护以抵挡科学发展带来的危险吗?当然不需要,只要科学家及其雇主们致力于公开他们所知道的一切详情。 1.知识是危险的这一观念在我们的文化中根深蒂固。圣经中的亚当和夏娃被禁食“智慧之树”上的果实,而弥尔顿《失乐园》中的蛇将此树称为“科学之母”。当亚当试图向天使长拉斐尔询问有关宇宙本质的问题时,拉斐尔建议他最好“知之甚少”。事实上,西方文献中有大量关于科学家扰乱自然界,而后导致灾难后果的记载。科学家被描绘成一群冷酷和无视伦理道德的人。
2.那么科学真地是危险的吗?科学家需要肩负起特定的社会责任吗?我们必须认识到,可靠的科学知识并不负载道德或伦理的价值。科学只告诉我们世界为何等模样:我们人类不处于宇宙的中心这一事实本身无好坏之分;基因会影响我们的智力和行为这一可能性亦无优劣之别。 道德义务
7.科学研究中最明显的不道德行为是优生运动。这一运动的科学理据至为关键:人类绝大多数的特征(好的或不好的)均为遗传。进行此项研究的科学家未能全面评价这一观点的可靠性,对这一观点的后果也是考虑不周。更有甚者,也是更应受到谴责的是,这批科学家似乎在一种他们认为是有益于社会的观念的驱使之下,得出有关的结论。与此相反,那些共同研究原子弹的科学家的行为表现得十分合乎伦理。他们承担各自的社会责任,知会政府有关原子理论可能会产生的社会影响。是否制造原子弹的决策权在于政治家,而不是科学家。那么应不应该赋予科学家同样的决策权呢?对那些进行优生研究的德国科学家而言,他们本应该感到作为科学家和公民之间的义务冲突。 8.那么,当作为研究者的义务和作为受雇者的义务之间发生冲突时,科学家应该如何行事呢?
受雇于政府部门的科学家是否应该默许上司向公众隐瞒某类食品有害的真情呢?同样,在化学制品公司工作的科学家如果知道某一产品有危害,但其工作合同却注明他必须严守研究机密时,他又将站在哪一方的伦理道德立场上呢?在上述两种情形下,科学家均不应该低估这样的事实:他们需要权衡的利弊本身就是一件十分棘手的难题。此类难题与其他行业人员所遇到的问题一样。例如,一位会计发现公司财务上出现贪污现象,如果他向上司汇报了有关情况,但上司却未采取任何行动,那么该会计就面临难以抉择的处境。科学家同其他任何人一样,应该尽量不要成为任由雇主支配的无声工具。 泛滥的基因宣传 9.“基因工程”一词本身让人联想起弗兰肯斯坦和他的怪物——玛丽·雪莱无意间成为基因科学的始作俑者——这一传统在文学作品中来源已久(例如先前的《勇敢新世界》、《蒙罗博士岛》等作品),还有最近的《侏罗纪公园》和《哥拉斯》等电影。媒体十分清楚这一现象,而且频繁地进行我称之为泛滥成灾的基因宣传报道——通常是故意制造耸人听闻的报道。一个令人作呕的例子就是四处张贴的一幅图片,一只老鼠背上生出一只“人耳”——其实根本不是人耳,而是一片类似软骨的东西。报纸上大肆刊登过分夸张并且无法证实的头条消息,例如“弗兰肯斯坦食品”之类的极端愚蠢的话语充斥英国有关基因改造有机体的报道之中。
10.将基因工程运用于实际中需要有渊博的学识,另外,更为重要的是需要资金。而资金对大多数科学家而言一般很难获得。事实上,在政府资助的研究中,如果将基因研究和分子生物学研究成果应用于临床实践,会出现难以抉择的局面:新的医学治疗手段由于需要通过繁杂的技术程序,不可能提供给所有需要治疗的病人。这需要一定的配给政策来权衡。而这一点恰恰向人们提出了更为严峻的伦理道德难题,这一难题远比基因工程以及类似研究提出的伦理道德问题更值得人们去深思熟虑。 基因研究的危险所在