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〔摘要〕目的 探讨肾混合性上皮和间质肿瘤(mixed epithelial and stromal tumor of the kidney, MESTK)的临床病理特征和诊断要点。 方法 分析1例 MESTK的临床病理资料,观察其组织学形态及免疫表型特征,并复习相关文献。 结果 患者,女性,61岁。肾占位术后标本病理检查结果示:肿瘤大体为多个囊腔和实性区域构成,镜下呈双向分化,主要由上皮和间质成分组成,两种成分相互交织存在,上皮由大囊、微囊和小管形成,囊壁被覆扁平、立方或高柱状上皮细胞,部分上皮具有苗勒细胞分化可能,间质呈粘液样改变。未见明显核分裂像和异形性。免疫组化表型:肿瘤上皮细胞表达CK、vimentin,肿瘤间质细胞表达desmin、ER、PR、SMA,而α-inhibin及CR表达阴性。结论 MESTK 是一种罕见的良性的混合性肿瘤,可能具有一定的恶性潜能,具有较为独特的上皮和间质的组织病理学特点(上皮成分是由大囊,微囊及小管组成,间质粘液样变性),应与肾脏其他囊性及双向分化的肿瘤相鉴别。


〔中图分类号〕R736.6 〔文献标识码〕A DOI:10.16705/ j. cnki. 1004-1850. 2020. 05. 010

Mixed epithelial and stromal tumor of the kidney: a clinicopathological study

Wu Yan1,2, Yuan Jingping1, Zhao Lina1, Zhou Xianrong2, Liu Lin1*

(1Department of Pathology, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan, 430060, China; 2Department of Pathology, Qianjiang

Hospital Affiliated to Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Qianjiang, 433100, China)

〔Abstract〕Objective To explore the clinicopathological features and diagnostic points of mixed epithelial and stromal tumors of the kidney (MESTK). Methods The clinical and pathological data of a case of MESTK were analyzed, histological morphology and immunophenotypic characteristics were observed, and related literatures were reviewed. Results A female patient, 61 years old, was examined. Pathological examination of specimens after renal mass resection showed that the tumor was composed of multiple cystic and solid regions. The microscope view showed bidirectional differentiation and was mainly consisted of epithelial and interstitial components. The epithelial components and interstitial components were interwoven. The epithelium was formed by large cysts, micro-capsules and small tubes. The wall was covered with flat, cubic, or tall columnar epithelial cells, and some of the epithelium showed the possibility of Mullerian cell differentiation. The stroma showed mucoid changes. There were no obvious mitotic figures and atypia in the epithelium and stroma. Immunohistochemical phenotype showed that tumor epithelial cells expressed CK and vimentin, and tumor stromal cells expressed desmin, ER, PR, and SMA, while α-inhibin and CR showed negative expression. Conclusion MESTK is a rare, benign, mixed tumor that may have certain malignant potential. It has a unique histopathological feature of epithelium and stroma (The epithelium components were mainly composed of large cysts, microcapsules and small tubes and the stroma showed mucoid degener-ation) and should be distinguished from other cystic and bidirectionally differentiated tumors in the kidney.

〔Keywords〕Mixed epithelial tumors of the kidney; renal stromal tumors; clinicopathology

肾混合性上皮和间质肿瘤(mixed epithelial and

〔收稿日期〕2020-03-15 〔修回日期〕2020-10-08



stromal tumor of the kidney,MESTK)是最近公认的一种病因不明的罕见肿瘤,生物学行为良好,于1993年首次由Pawade等[1]报道之后,由Michael和Syrucek于1998年正式提出这一名称[2],之前被称为“肾盂的囊性错构瘤”。目前文献已经报道了大约100例。该病多见于围绝经期女性,大部分与体


*通讯作者(To whom correspondence should be addressed):dindun@163.com

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1 材料

收集我院1例MESTK的手术切除标本。患者女性,61岁。发现右肾盂占位1天入院,CT泌尿CTU造影示右肾内软组织密度影,考虑肿瘤性病变。2 方法


结 果


HE染色显微镜观察见肿瘤由上皮和间质两种成分组成,上皮多为囊性区,成分由大囊、微囊和小管组成(图2A),囊腔内可见嗜酸性粉染内容物,类似淀粉样物及甲状腺的胶质(图2B) 。囊腔内壁被附细胞扁平、立方或高柱状,胞浆部分透明嗜酸性,核仁不明显(图2C),间质多为实性区,成分由束状和编织状排列的梭形细胞组成,细胞分布不均,局灶间质水肿。上皮和间质细胞均未见明显异型性或恶变及核分裂像。

免疫组织化学染色观察显示:肿瘤上皮区 CK(AE1 /AE3)(图2D)和vimentin 阳性,梭形细

胞SMA、desmin、ER(图2E) 和 PR (图2F)均阳性,α-inhibin及CR均阴性。


图1 肿物巨检图像。肿物呈囊实性,切面灰白

Fig. 1 Gross appearance of the tumor. The tumor was solid-cystic with a gray section

讨 论

2004年WHO肾脏肿瘤组织学和遗传学分类正式确立肾混合性上皮和间质肿瘤(MESTK)的名称,将其定义为一种罕见的肾良性混合性肿瘤,由呈双向分化的上皮和具有苗勒管源性特点的间质组成。2016年,WHO泌尿及男性生殖系统肿瘤分类将MESTK及成人型囊性肾瘤(cystic nephroma)共同归属于混合性上皮间质肿瘤家族(Mixed epithelial and stromal tumour family,MEST)[3]。



本病临床症状通常有季肋部疼痛、血尿及尿路感染等,超声、CT 或肾血管造影检查均可发现肾区占位,但影像学无法提示良恶性。因此MESTK术前可诊断为肾血管平滑肌脂肪瘤、成人囊性肾瘤、囊性肾细胞癌和复杂囊肿。但是大约有25%的MESTK是偶然被诊断出来的[10]。本例肾脏CT提示:右肾盂内见不规则软组织密度影,增强呈轻度不均匀强化,肿块最大截面约3.4cm×4.7cm,右肾内软组织密度影,考虑肿瘤性病变,无明显特异性临床表现。



图2 肿物HE和免疫组织化学染色观察。A—C,HE染色;D—F,Envision法染色。A,上皮成分主要由大囊、微囊及小管和间质组成;比例尺,500μm。B,囊腔内可见嗜酸性粉染无定形物;比例尺,250μm。C,囊腔内壁被附细胞扁平、立方或高柱状,胞浆部分透明嗜酸性,核仁不明显;比例尺,100μm。D,上皮细胞CK阳性;比例尺,100μm。E,间质梭形细胞表达ER;比例尺,100μm。F,间质梭形细胞表达PR;比例尺,100μm

Fig. 2 Pathological observation of the mixed epithelial and stromal tumor of the kidney by HE staining and immunochemical staining. A to C, HE stain-ing; D to F, Envision staining. A, the epithelium components were mainly composed of large cysts, microcapsules and small tubes; scale bar, 500μm. B, eosinophilic pink amorphous substances could be observed in the cysts; scale bar, 200μm. C, epiphytic cells in the inner wall of the cyst were flat, cubic or high columnar, the cytoplasm was partly transparent and eosinophilic with no obvious nucleoli; scale bar, 100μm. D, CK was expressed in epithelial cells; scale bar, 100μm. E, ER was expressed in interstitial spindle cells; scale bar, 100μm. F, PR was expressed in interstitial spindle cells; scale bar, 100μm






上皮细胞成分表达细胞角蛋白,特别是CK7,间质经常表达ER、PR、SMA、vimentin、desmin和inhibin,而HMB-45、S-100、CD34和CD99通常为阴性[12-14]。有文献报道MESTK对ER和PR的反应性分别约为62%和85%,特别是在卵巢型基质的MESTK中[2] 。江腾等[15]对22例恶性MESTK总结发现,恶性MESTK大多发生于单侧肾脏,最大径在2.5~28cm,组织学上除了有在良性MESTK的基础上出现了上皮组织和梭型间质间质的恶变,可见异型性及核分裂象及浸润性生长及凝固性坏死,但KI67增殖指数明显升高(5%~80%)。也有文献报道恶性成分主要由未分化的梭形细胞肉瘤组成,核分裂象多见,也可伴有横纹肌肉瘤、软骨肉瘤等异源性恶性成分[16]。



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织不是呈膨胀性生长。镜下并没有明显的坏死,也无血管累犯和肉瘤样变化,大部分肿瘤存在 VHL 突变和 3p 缺失[3]。免疫组化示肿瘤细胞强表达PAX-8及CA-ⅠX也可与MESTK鉴别。③成人型多囊肾病(autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease,ADPKD):为常染色体显性遗传,大体多见肾组织由大小不等的囊腔使肾膨大,一般在50岁左右出现肾功能衰竭,镜下囊肿被覆单层立方或者扁平上皮,囊肿腔内由血性液体或者黄色透明液体,囊肿间的肾实质多被压迫至萎缩,且有大量的瘢痕及炎性肉芽组织。④囊性部分分化性肾母细胞瘤:部分恶性MESTK需与之鉴别,好发于儿童,多为男性,镜下囊腔内衬扁平、立方或靴钉样上皮细胞,有时缺乏上皮组织,囊壁中细胞数量不一,可含有胚基、肾母细胞瘤样上皮成分、分化或未分化间叶组织,大部分为横纹肌及黏液样间质[3]。该肿瘤只需单纯手术切除,预后良好。

临床治疗一般采用手术完整切除,且预后良好。具有恶性形态、复发或转移行为的 MESTK 非常罕见,表明MESTK可能具有一定的恶性潜能[15,17-21]。由此提示,对于具有一定恶性组织学特征的病例仍需临床定期随访观察。

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