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ou've probably heard a lot of myths and stereotypes about India. Some stereotypes might betrue, but many are not. Mariaebinesan3, a blogger from India, tries to dispel some stereotypesmost people assume about India.

或许,你听过很多对于印度的偏见和谬传。有一些可能是对的,有些则是错的。来自印度的博主Mariaebinesan3试图通过此文,消除大多数人对于印度的错误理解。 1. All educated Indians are IT professionals. 1、所有受过教育的印度人都是IT专业人员。

Fact: 1 out of every 200 workers is a software engineer in the US.Indiahas about 2.75 millionsoftware developers while theUShas 4.5 million. So do the math.

事实上:在美国,每200个人中,有1个人是软件工程师。在印度有将近275万软件开发人员,而在美国,这一数字为450万。你们自己算一算吧。 2. Dowry is prevalent in every part of India. 2、嫁妆在整个印度都盛行。

There's no dowry system in most of the North Eastern states ofIndia. In fact, in Meghalaya,marriages are matriarchal with a matrilineal system where property, names and wealth passesfrom

mother to daughter rather than father to son. You'll find women take center-stage inevery aspect of life.

在印度,东北部邦大部分地区都没有送嫁妆的习俗。事实上,在梅加拉亚邦,婚姻为母系婚姻,采用母系传承制,在这一制度之下,姓名、资产和财富都通过母亲传给女儿而不是通过父亲传给儿子。因而在生活各个层面,女性都居于核心地位。 3. All Indians live in extended joint families. 3、所有印度人都是数代同堂,一起生活。

Blame it on the numerous nonsensical Saas-Bahu Serials, the general

conception of a huge Indian joint family living under a single roof is a bit exaggerated and misplaced.


4. Arranged marriages happen overnight with the couple not knowing each other.


Almost every arranged marriage inIndiais preceded by an extended period of informal 'dates' meetings between the couple to evaluate each other and their prospective relationship.


5. Indians eat rich, spicy, masala curry everyday. 5、印度人每天必吃又稠又辣的马莎拉咖喱。

That's untrue. The staple diet of most Indians consist of dal/sambar, rice, chapatis/rotis with cooked vegetables mildly spiced/stir fried or fish/meat. Rich, thick gravies are either found

in restaurants or prepared rarely during special occasions.

假的。印度人的主食包括南印度酸豆汤、米饭、印度烙饼、适当调味或煸炒的蔬菜以及鱼和肉。在餐馆或在一些特殊场合才会有浓稠的肉汁。 6. Indian cinema is equal to Bollywood. 6、印度电影业等同于宝莱坞。

Be it Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Malayalam, Bengali, Punjabi or even Bhojpuri, the contribution of regional films to Indian cinema is immense. While Bollywood mints money, regional cinema brings accolades.


7. Indians are uncomfortable while interacting with the opposite sex. 7、与异性交往时,印度人会不自在。

This one's a classic: Popular western TV series like The Big Bang Theory stereotypes Indians as people who can't handle a conversation with the opposite gender. That's Raj for you.


The irony is that Raj, in real life, is married to a beautiful former Miss India.

讽刺的是,现实生活中的Raj扮演者最后娶了漂亮的前印度小姐。 8. Everyone from Southern India is dark skinned & has curly hair. 8、来自南部的印度人都是肤色黝黑,自然卷发。

The majority of South Indians have a wheatish tone. Not everyone has a mustache and they don't wear lungi all the time. So stop the 'Madrassi' ignorance.

大部分的南印度人肤色为小麦色,并非每个人都留胡子,而且他们也不会时刻戴着头巾。所以,别再愚昧地用Madrassi西方人对南印度人的歧视用语,译者注这样的称呼了。 印度\牛粪饼\网上热销

With the holiday season in full swing, Indians are flocking to the online marketplace in droves. But there's one unusual item flying off the virtual shelves: Online retailers say cow dung patties are selling like hot cakes.

随着假日季的到来, 印度人开始大量地网上购物。但网上出现了一样非常奇特的商品:牛粪饼。在线零售商说牛粪饼像热烤饼一样畅销。

The patties -- cow poop mixed with hay and dried in the sun, made mainly by women in rural areas and used to fuel fires -- have long been available in India's villages. But online retailers

including Amazon and eBay are now reaching out to the country's ever-increasing urban population.




