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1. Which one is NOT included in “logics in writing paper”? D Good theoretical analysis

2. Which is the CORRECT statement in the following?

B If the reader want to intuitively know the key ideas behind the paper, they should read the introduction.

3. Which of the following practice we should follow when writing scientific paper in English? C We should confidently show the contributions of our research.

4. What does “delivery” means in the context of writing an Engligh scientific paper? D The “responsibility of delivery” is on the writer rather than on the reader.

5. Which one is the CORRECT expression of “博士后流动站”? A Postdoctoral program.

6. Which of the following translation is authentic? A 注意安全 ---- take care.

7. What should we do in writing a scientific paper?

D We should present facts, theories, proofs, experiments, testing results objectively.

8. Which of the following is WRONG about the title of scientific paper? D It is better to use a complete sentence.

9. Which of the following is WRONG about the abstract of scientific paper? B It is better to use abbreviation to make the abstract shorter.

10. Which is NOT advised in the introduction section? D Using mathematical functions to explain our model.

11. Which of the following is RIGHT regarding the literature review? B It is better to comment on the existing work objectively.

12. Which of the following is RIGHT about the references of introduction of scientific paper? D Recent references should be cited

13. What may the reviewer thinks if you cite too many your own publications? B Other researchers are not interested in the subject.


14. If the a reference has 5 authors, how many authors should you include in the reference list? D All five authors.

15. What should you do in the “Problem description and formulation”?

C Usually you should describe your system configuration, environment and so on. 16. Which of the following statement is NOT correct?

D In the conclusion remark or the conclusion, you can just repeat your conclusion remark as the abstract.

17. What you can do if you want to show acknowledgment? B You can put a separate section of acknowledgment in your paper. 18. Which is CORRECT when you list the references? C Every reference you list must be referred in the main text. 19. What does “proof reading” mean? B 校对.

20. What is TRUE if at the procedure to submit a paper?

A Usually we submit the entire manuscript to a conference or journal.

21. If the publisher sends the proof to you, when should you give a reply? A In about 2 days.

22. Which of the following may not be the reason to reject a scientific paper? B There are many simple sentences in the paper. 23. Which of the following is TRUE?

C Font size should keep consistency in the entire paper.

24. Which of the following is TRUE about use of mathematical equations? D It is better to have a balanced use of equations.

25. Which statement is NOT true?

D You should not use synonyms in order to keep consistence.

26. What is NOT necessary when you want to better write your paper? D Use many hard and complicated sentences to polish your expressions.

27. Which of the following author names may NOT be the right format of the reference? D Guan Xiaohong, Zhang, S., S. Li, W. Wang

28. Which is NOT the general style of the reviewers? D Implicit

29. If the reviewer gives a lot of critical comments and requests for modification, what are the correct attitudes we should have?

C We should modify our paper according to the reviewers’ comments to get our paper published.


30. Which one is NOT the good advices on responding to reviewers? C We only need to address the comments that they are correct as we believe.

31. In order to help the reviewers save time, we should A List our original reviews and the response side by side.

32. Which is the WRONG response to reviewers if we don’t agree with their comments? D Ignore those comments or explain what we originally meant.

33. Which one is the good action in responding to reviewers?

A We explain to the reviews what we have revised to addressed their comments.

34. Which description of the review system is CORRECT?

B The authors do not know the reviewer, but the reviewer knows the authors.


1. What are the CORRECT statements in the following?

D Making presentations in English is important for many careers.

2. Which of the following is WRONG about making presentations in English? C It is only necessary when you attend an academic conference.

3. Which is NOT the correct statement in the following?

A You should overestimate the audience's capability to show smart they are.

4. Which of the following is WRONG about using Powerpoint to make presentations? B You cannot make the last minute change under any condition.

5. Which statement is NOT the correct one in the following?

D It is better to put many words in the slide to make your audience get the information clearly.

6. Which statement about the font size in the slide is NOT mentioned in the video? C Very rarely the minimal font size for text can be 12 points.

7. Which is the main function of a road map in your presentation? C To tell the audience where your talk is.

8. Which is NOT the correct statements in the following?

A It is OK to change notations half way through a talk by copying those in another talk to save efforts.

9. Which of the following may NOT be a necessary part of presenting experimental results? B Procedures detailed.

10. For a 30 minutes talk, what is the appropriate number of slides?




