【期刊名称】《移动通信》 【年(卷),期】2013(000)020
【摘要】校园网、展会、应急通信保障等特定场景中的EV-DO信道负荷已严重影响用户的感知,而信道负荷高的区域以QQ、微博、网页浏览等小流量业务为主,这些业务持续时间短、集中突发性强,前向与反向速率都不高,反向用户数较多会增加反向负荷,从而影响反向容量。通过优化小流量用户准入算法,提升网络资源利用率,解决了由于负荷过高导致的信道异常释放,从而提升特定场景的用户容量和小流量业务用户的感知度。%The overload of EV-DO channels have seriously affected the perceptions of users in some special scenarios such as campus network, exhibitions and emergency communication supports, while the low-flux services are major, such as QQ, blog, web and etc. The characteristics of them are short duration, strong burst, low speed in both forward links and reverse links, with the reverse users increasing, the reverse load will be increased, affecting the inverse capacity. The usage of network resources will be improved by Dynamic Load Control Algorithm for the Low-Flux, solving the abnormal release of channel because of overload. In the meantime, the capacity and perceptions of users in special scenarios are enhanced. 【总页数】5页(50-54)