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2020年高考英语二轮复习专题08 阅读填空(测)(含解析)

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38.根据上文Travel improves your brain health. Travel expands your mind. You meet new people all over the world. You adapt to new cultures and situations.可知旅行可以改善你的大脑健康。旅行使你的思想开阔。你在世界各地遇到了新朋友。你要适应新的文化和环境。由此可知,本句承接上文说明旅行让你在世界各地结实新朋友,因此你会变得更全球化,更有文化意识。上文中cultures可对应到D选项中culturally。故D选项“因此,你会变得更全球化,更有文化意识”符合上下文语境,故选D。

39.根据上文Travel will decrease your risk of heart disease. That’s because people who wander away from their homes for a little vacation are generally less stressed and anxious or at least they’re willing to take a break from their stressors.可知旅行会降低患心脏病的风险。这是因为离家度假的人通常压力更小,焦虑更少,或者至少他们愿意从压力中解脱出来。由此可知,旅行的人患心脏病的可能性更小。故G选项“事实证明,每年旅行的人患心脏病的可能性更小”符合上下文语境,故选G。

40.根据上文Travel will let you live longer. It’s true.可知旅行会让你活得更久。这是真的。由此可知旅行的人会活的更久,寿命更长。故C选项“那些旅行的人往往会延长他们的寿命”符合上下文语境,故选C。 8.【2020届辽宁省五校协作体高三上学期联合模拟】七选五(2020·辽宁实验中学高三)How to Become an

Activist (活动家)

Activists are people who see the need for change and devote their time to doing something about it. 36. If you are interested in it you can do so.

37. This could be anything from a student club to a national organization (like the American Civil Liberties Union or the National Organizers Alliance). Most activist organizations offer different levels of involvement, so you can do whatever you feel most comfortable with, whether that means attending meetings and demonstrations or just donating a little money when you can.

Volunteer your time. One of the best ways to make a difference is to volunteer your time. Reach out to organizations in your community that do work for your cause, and ask how you can help.

Donate money or supplies.38. If you can’t afford to donate money to an organization that supports yours cause, you may be able to donate other thing, they need, like clothing or canned food.

Reach out to family and friends. Tell your family and friends about your cause, and invite them to get involved. If they are interested, share literature about your cause or just talk to them about what you have learned.39.

Promote your cause on social media. You can use social media to help keep your friends and followers informed about the causes you support.40. Also, you can invite your friends to attend events or donate to fundraisers for your cause.

A.Take classes on issues related to your cause. B.Join an organization that supports your cause.

C.They are driven by passion and a vision for a better future. D.If you do volunteer work, invite them to volunteer with you.

E.Most activists or charitable organizations need resources to do their work. F.Post useful articles and write about what you are doing to stay involved. G.If you can’t reach out `to them in person, then try connecting to people online. 【答案】36.C37.B38.E39.D40.F


36.根据上文Activists are people who see the need for change and devote their time to doing something about it.(活动家是那些看到改变的需要并投入时间去做些什么的人)可知,C. They are driven by passion and a vision for a better future.(他们是由激情和对美好未来的憧憬驱动的)可以承接上文。C项中的they指的就是上句中的activists。故选C。

37.根据下文This could be anything from a student club to a national organization (like the American Civil Liberties Union or the National Organizers Alliance).可知,这可以是任何组织,从学生俱乐部到全国性组织(如美国公民自由联盟或国家组织者联盟)。由此可知,B. Join an organization that supports your cause.(加入一个支持你事业的组织)能够承接下文,其中organization是对应词。故选B。

38.根据本文段首句Donate money or supplies. (捐钱或物资)及下文If you can’t afford to donate money to an organization that supports yours cause, you may be able to donate other thing, they need, like clothing or canned food. (如果你不能给支持你事业的组织捐款,E. Most 你可以捐出他们需要的其他东西,比如衣服或罐头食品)可知,activists or charitable organizations need resources to do their work.(大多数活动家或慈善组织需要资源来完成他们的工作)符合语境。故选E。

39.根据上文If they are interested, share literature about your cause or just talk to them about what you have learned. (如果他们感兴趣,你可以和他们分享你的事业,或者只是和他们谈谈你学到了什么)可知,D. If you do volunteer work, invite them to volunteer with you.(如果你做志愿者工作,邀请他们和你一起做志愿者),其中选项中的them指的是上句中的they。故选D。

40.根据上文You can use social media to help keep your friends and followers informed about the causes you support. (你可以利用社交媒体让你的朋友和追随者了解你支持的事业)可知,F. Post useful articles and write about what you are doing to stay involved.(发表有用的文章,写下你要做什么来参与其中)符合语境,其中选项

中的Post useful articles and write about对应上文中的You can use social media。故选F。 9.【2020届湖南省长郡中学高三下学期(线上)适应性考试(二)】七选五

(2020·湖南长郡中学高三月考) You may say that rain comes from clouds, but you can also say that rain is clouds.36., you should know the mechanism through which water moves from the Earth to the atmosphere and back again.

Dew point is the temperature at which water vapor begins to condense (凝结) and becomes water droplets that can fall as rain. Dew point can vary anywhere from the 30s (Fahrenheit) to, on rare occasions, the 80s.

37.. Once the air has cooled past the “dew point\ tiny particles of dust, smoke or even salt that are floating in the air. Then tiny water droplets are formed.38.. If you pay close attention to clouds in the sky, you'll see char they’re constantly shrinking and growing,

Water vapor that has formed clouds is on its way to becoming rain, bur it's not there yet. For now, the water droplets are 80 tiny that the air currents keep them in the air, just as swirling particles of dust can stay in the air.39..

When water droplets combine with one another, they become heavier than the uplift of the air around them. Eventually they fall down through the cloud as rain.40.They attract more water vapor to themselves and grow quickly until they're heavy enough to fall as snow.

A.Rain cloud is formed when there is enough water in the air B.As warm air rises with the water vapor it contains, it cools C.If you are curious about what kind of cloud will become rain D.Sometimes the droplets rise high enough to freeze into ice crystals. E. The tiny water droplets that initially form are what you see as clouds F. If you want a better understanding of why rain comes down from clouds G. As those droplets continue to rise, they have two ways to come back to Earth 【答案】36.F37.B38.E39.G40.D


36.根据第一段的You may say that rain comes from clouds, but you can also say that rain is clouds.(你可能会说F项If you want a better understanding 雨来自云,但你也可以说雨是云)可知,本文主要介绍雨云是怎么形成的,of why rain comes down from clouds (如果你想更好地理解为什么雨从云上落下)围绕这个主题,且承接下文。故选F。

37.通读本段及空后的Once the air has cooled past the“dew point\

usually tiny particles of dust, smoke or even salt that are floating in the air. (一旦空气冷却过了“凝结点”,它就会在原子核周围凝结,而原子核通常是漂浮在空气中的灰尘、烟雾甚至盐的微粒)可知,本段主要讲述雨云的形成原因,B项叙述的是雨云形成的最初状况,选项中的it cools和has cooled相呼应,且语义As warm air rises with the water vapor it contains, it cools (当热空气与它所含的水蒸气一起上升时,它就变冷了)顺承下文。故选B。

38.根据上句Then tiny water droplets are formed.(然后形成微小的水滴)中关键信息词form可知,此处就初步形成的水珠展开叙述。选项中的droplets和上句相吻合,且语义The tiny water droplets that initially form are what you see as clouds(最初形成的小水滴就是你看到的云)承上启下。故选E。

39.根据下文Eventually they fall down through the cloud as rain.(最终它们以雨的形式穿过云层落下)及They attract more water vapor to themselves and grow quickly until they're heavy enough to fall as snow. (它们吸引了更多的水蒸气,并迅速成长,直到它们重到可以像雪一样落下)可知,此处讲述了两种降水形式。故G项As those droplets continue to rise, they have two ways to come back to Earth (随着这些水滴继续上升,它们有两种方式返回地球)符合语境。故选G。

40.根据下文They attract more water vapor to themselves and grow quickly until they're heavy enough to fall as snow. (它们吸引了更多的水蒸气,并迅速成长,直到它们重到可以像雪一样落下)可知,D项Sometimes the droplets rise high enough to freeze into ice crystals. (有时水滴上升到足以冻结成冰晶)紧接其义,语义顺承。故选D。 【点睛】

单词复现法是七选五常用的大题技巧之一,即选项和原文中的某些词相同或互为词根词缀的形式相呼应。比如第3题,E选项中的droplets和上句Then tiny water droplets are formed.(然后形成微小的水滴)中的droplets相呼应。


(2020·四川高三) School Spirit Week can be held any time throughout the year in America. It is a special time when youthful exuberance (活力) is allowed full expression.

36.There are spirit band sessions, spirit assemblies and spirit teams that have one primary goal. That goal is to promote school tradition and encourage students to recognize their school as an important part of their life.37.Some schools will use it as a kick-off for a charity (慈善) event such as collecting food for the local food bank.

A Spirit Week program can include many types of supporting activities. At most events, students like to wear identifying clothing or articles that show they are a unified group and support their school. Spirit week agendas often

encourage students to wear fun and modern clothes.38.Monday might be funny hat day, followed by Tuesday's Hawaiian shirt day and Wednesday's silly T-shirt day. Thursday could be pajama day, rounded off with Friday's school colors day.39.Students decorate the walls, halls and classrooms with banners, posters and other adornments. Spirit Week posters and banners can reflect the theme of the week, the pride in the school, or show any other creative support of the school.

Parents love this special week as much as students and teachers do because parents have a great interest in the success of their children.40.

A.Spirit Weeks often have a central theme. B.Spirit Week is about having loads of fun at school. C.They can wear a different one for each day of the week. D.The kids aren't the only ones dressed up for Spirit Week.

E.It makes them very happy to see the kids enthused about school activities. F.It is also a time to recognize athletic teams competing during that season. G.The main purpose of Spirit Week is to get the kids supportive of the school. 【答案】36.G37.F38.C39.D40.E


36.此题是词汇推测。根据下一句have one primary goal和That goal is to…可知,此段说的是学校精神周的目的。选项G意为:精神周的主要目的是让孩子们支持学校。primary goal和选项G中的main purpose 是同义词复现。故选G 项。

37.此题是代词指代和逻辑线索。此段是说明精神周的目的。选项F意为:这也是确认在那个赛季中参加比赛的运动队时候。选项F也是说明精神周的目的之一,其中it 指代Spirit Week,also表示递进关系。故选F项。

38.此段谈论的是精神周的各种活动。空前一句谈论的是“学生通过穿识别性的服装表示对学校的支持”,空后一句提到Monday …Tuesday's Hawaiian shirt day…Wednesday's silly T-shirt day..Thursday… Friday's school colors day可知, 学生一周中每天着装不一样。选项C意为:他们一周中的每一天都可以穿不同的。选项C是承上启下。故选C 项。

39.选项D意为: 孩子们不是唯一为精神周打扮的人;下文提到“学生用横幅、海报和其他装饰品装饰墙壁、大厅和教室”。选项D中be dressed up 和下一句decorate意思相近。是词汇复现。故选D 项。 40.空前一句提到“因为父母也喜欢精神周”;选项E意为:看到孩子们对学校活动充满热情,他们非常


2020年高考英语二轮复习专题08 阅读填空(测)(含解析)


