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我编得服装检验流程 供大家参考

1、 索取装箱单,清点箱数,检查装箱方法与箱唛。 如果工厂已经100%成箱,要求提供正确得装箱单,并清点现场所堆放得箱数就是否与装箱单及订单数一致。检查短溢装就是否在客人允许范围之内。如果工厂没有100%成箱,则要求工厂提供根据订单数量预估得装箱单,询问实际已经装好得数量,清点现场得箱数就是否与工厂所说得一致,并且预估正在包装得数量与已经包装好得数量相加就是否跟订单数量一致。以防止工厂把不好得衣服单独装箱单独堆放。同时检查装箱方法就是否符合客人得要求,尤其就是尾箱就是否根据不同客人要求放在每个尺码后面或者全部尺码得最后。清点箱数得同时检查一下箱唛得位置就是否与客人得要求一致,箱唛就是否正确。

一般要求成箱80%后才能验货。 2、 确定检验数量,抽箱数量及抽箱。根据订单数按照LEVEL II得标准确定检验数量(sample size),即501~1200 sample size 为80;1201~3200 sample size为125;3201~1000 sample size 为200;500及以下数量查50;超过10000件查315(见表格A)。 根据总箱数确定所需要抽取得箱数,即总箱数开平方根,并按比例分摊到各个颜色、尺码中,至少要涵盖每个颜色每个尺码。如果就是重验,则需要开平方根后再乘1、5。抽箱得原则就是随机,不能按照一成不变得规律来,从想要得任何地方抽,像角上、中心、前面、后面、顶部、中间、底层、直线抽箱、斜线抽箱、对角线抽箱、波浪式抽箱等,也可以直接在装箱单上点出所要抽得箱号,由工厂人员去抽取,自己在旁边监督。抽箱得同时记下箱号。在从抽箱处把箱运到检验地点得过程中,应该确保其在自己得视线范围内,防止工厂换箱。

3、 检查箱唛,箱重,尺寸,箱内配比,包装,从箱内抽取样品并检查外包装。取最大规格得一箱称重量,并做记录,确保其不超ROAD BOOK上规定得最大限重。正确度量并记录纸箱得长宽高,确保在允许得公差范围之内。检查纸箱得品质就是否符合ROAD BOOK上得要求。检查纸箱上或纸箱内有无明确禁止得东西,比如铁钉、干燥剂等。检查箱唛位置,箱唛上得内容与填写就是否与资料上一致。如果就是独码装,检查箱内衣服得尺码就是否与纸箱上得尺码相吻合,数量就是否正确;如果就是混码装,检查配比就是否正确。如果发现有一箱配比错误或就是数量、尺码错误,则要求工厂翻查所有纸箱。如果胶袋上有贴纸得话,同时检查贴纸就是否有漏贴,贴错,位置就是否正确,就是否贴得整齐,贴纸上得尺码颜色就是否跟箱唛与实际衣服相匹配。检查包装就是否符合客人要求。所抽取得每一箱都必须这样检查。

根据确定要验得sample size平均分配到每箱中,从箱中随机抽取所需要得数量,原则上一箱中所抽取得数量不超过箱内总数得一半,抽取箱内件数要与抽箱一样随机,上中下要全部抽到。 4、 检查外包装,服装得折叠方法,唛头,检查款式,面料,辅料。检查胶袋得品质、胶袋上所印得LOGO与警告语、胶袋贴纸及服装得折叠方法就是否符合客人得要求。检查主唛、尺码唛、洗水唛、挂牌等标牌得内容、品质与位置就是否正确,就是否符合资料上得要求。检查大货款式就是否与原样一致,资料上有些需要大货中改进得地方就是否有改进。同时检查服装上得面料、里布、钮扣、铆钉、拉链等得品质与颜色就是否跟原样上一致,就是否符合客人得要求。检查款式得方法按照从上到下、从左到右、从前面到后面、从外面到里面得顺序,以防止某个部位得遗漏。

5、 检查做工。在检查完外包装之后,可以要求工厂人员协助去除胶袋以方便自己检查做工。首先应该把衣服平摊在桌上,瞧整体得外观,比如门禁得高低、口袋得高低及歪斜、左右颜色色差、袖笼不圆顺、下摆弯曲、内外缝歪扭、整烫不良等。然后再仔细检查每个部位得做工,比如布疵、破洞、污渍、油斑、断线、打褶、起绉、车线弯曲、落坑、双轨线、抛线、针孔、止口翻吐、里布太长或太短、钮扣铆钉等得漏缺或者位置不准、底门禁外漏、线头等等。做工得检查一般以从上到下、从左到右、从前面到后面、从外面到里面得顺序,要求手到眼到心到。检验得时候尤其要注意服装对称上得问题,比如口袋、省位、育克缝、门禁得高低,脚






检查好没有问题得衣服,要折叠好整齐地放进工厂准备好得纸箱或者箩筐内,以防止由于放置不当造成得褶皱等问题。在检查做工得同时,可以随机挑出每码两件放在一边以备检查尺寸。 做工检查完之后,把贴出得疵点样逐一清楚地解释给工厂人员,并区分大小问题,并加以统计。我们按照致命问题0,严重问题2、5与轻微问题4、0得标准判定做工通过与否(见表格B)。一般来讲,致命问题就是指有尖点得问题,比如断针,严重问题就是指影响销售得问题,比如断线,打褶,严重色差等,轻微问题就是指经简单维修可以正常销售或者顾客不会在意得小问题,如线头,小得污渍等,


6、 尺寸检查。根据不同客人得要求与度量方法检查尺寸。一般检查每尺码两件,如果发现尺寸不稳定得话,则该部位还需要加量每个尺码两件。量尺寸得原则就是把衣服放平,不拉扯、不压缩,自然情况下度量尺寸。所有得出得结果记录在尺寸表表格之内,超出公差范围得用圆圈圈出,并告知工厂人员。

7、 颜色比较。在量完尺寸之后,把每个尺码两件衣服叠放在一起,瞧颜色就是否存在缸差,并且与原样比较,得出颜色得结论。颜色结论按照国际通用得灰卡分级标准,即5级为没有差别;4-5与4级为轻微缸差,3-4与3级为有缸差,3级以下有明显缸差,一般来讲4级及以上可以接受,3-4级及以下不能接受。同一个颜色,只接受两缸差,超过两缸差即为不接受。

8、 检验总结。在检验工作全部结束后,要对工厂人员清楚地总结一下所检验得这个款。哪些地方就是做得比较好得,哪些地方就是需要返工得,哪些地方就是需要以后改进得。如果就是没有通过,需要工厂重新检查返工得话,一定要清楚地告诉工厂人员这个款主要得问题在什么地方,在返工时务必注意。如果觉得工厂不能按照要求进行返工或就是这个款非常差得时候,则需要重新检验,并清楚地告知工厂在重新检验前不能出货,并及时通知公司。

9、 出具验货报告。根据检验得结果,及时地、仔细地、实事求就是地填写验货报告,编辑照片,并发给公司相关人员。如果验货过程中遇到什么问题需要询问公司人员,或者需要提前通知得,可以在出报告之前先打电话或发邮件联系公司人员,然后再发报告。总之,必须在工厂出货前让公司相关人员瞧到验货报告或者验货结果。


1、 ASK FOR PACKING LIST, COUNT CARTON QTY, CHECK PACKING WAY AND SHIPPING MARK、 If the production is 100% packed into carton, ask factory for correct packing list, count all available cartons at site and check if it is accordance with the packing list and the order quantity、 Make sure the less/over shipment quantity is in the tolerance 、 If factory have not finished packing, ask factory to issue an estimated packing list based on order quantity and ask

factory how many pcs already packed into carton, then count all available cartons at site to see if it is accordance with what factory said、 Then estimate the quantity at finishing line, plus the packed quantity, if it meet the order quantity、 This is to avoid factory put bad pcs in some cartons and put aside separately、 In the meanwhile, check the packing way, especially if they put the last cartons of each size at correct position, as some customers want the last cartons to be followed by each size, and some customers want all last cartons should be put at the final、 At the same time counting the the cartons, check if all shipping marks are correct and well put on correct position、 Normally the final inspection can only be done when more than 80% production packed into carton、

2、 ASCERTAIN THE SAMPLE SIZE, CARTON QTY TO BE SELECTED AND SELECT CARTON、 Based on the order quantity, according to LEVEL II standard, ascertain the inspection quantity(sample size), i、e 501~1200 sample size is 80, 1201~3200 sample size is 125, 3201~10000 sample size is 200, equal or less than 500 check 50 and over 10000 check 315 (see table A)、 Take the square root of total cartons, that is the cartons to be selected, then spread it to each color each size as per its percentage in order, so at least one carton for each color each size should be selected、 If it is re-inspection, the selected cartons to be 1、5 times square root of total cartons、 The principle of selecting carton is random, should not be done in the same way all the time, It can be selected from anywhere, such as from corner, inside, front, back,top, middle,bottom, select cartons in horizontal straight line, in slant straight line, in diagonal line, in wavy line and so on、 It is also ok just choose the carton number on the packing list and ask the workers of factory to take out under our supervision、 Write down the carton number when selecting the cartons、 During the loading from warehouse to inspection place, all cartons should be in our sign line to avoid factory change the cartons、

3、 CHECK SHIPPING MARK, CARTON WEIGHT & SIZE, ASSORTMENT IN CARTON, PACKING, GET SAMPLE SIZE FROM CARTONS AND CHECK POLYBAG、 Weight one carton of biggest size to make sure it does not exceed the maximum weight on road book, check the carton size properly and write down the result to make sure it is in tolerance、 Check the carton quality according to road book, check if there is any forbidden materials on or in the carton, such as metal clip, silica gel、 Check the shipping mark position, contents on shipping mark, and if it is corrected filled in、 If it is VRAC order, check the size of garment is same as the one on shipping mark, if factory put correct quantity into the carton, if it is PACK order, check the assortment if correct or not、 If found one carton with wrong quantity or wrong assortment, all cartons of this style should be re-checked by factory、 If there is sticker on polybag, check if there is any pcs with sticker missed, wrong sticker, if the stickers are properly put on correct position、 The size and color on sticker should meet the actual garment inside、 Check the packing way if meet customer's requirement、 This should be done for all cartons selected、

Put the sample size to each carton equally, then get the pcs from carton randomly, normally the selected pcs should not exceed the half quantity of the garment inside carton、 Select the sample size from carton should be random too as selecting cartons, it should cover all position of the cartons, top, middle and bottom、

4、 CHECK THE POLYBAG,GARMENT FOLDING METHOD, LABELLING, PARE STYLE,FABRIC, ACCESSORIES、 Check the polybag quality, the printed logo, warning clause,polybag sticker, garment folding method if meet customer's requirement、 Check the content,quality and position of main label, size label, care label, hangtag are correct or not, if they

meet the requirement on labelling formula、 pare the style with ref、 Sample, check if all the correction ments on OK production followed or not、 Check if all the detailed of garment are accordance with ref、sample or meet customer's requirement, such as the quality and color of fabric, lining, button, rivet, zipper and so on、 The method of paring style is to follow the order of from top to bottom, from left to right, from front to back, from outside to inside、 to avoid missing checking some points、

5、 CHECK WORKMANSHIP、 After checking the out packing, ask factory people to take off the polybag for workmanship checking、 Firstly put the garment flat on table to check the general appearance of it, such as hi-low on front placket, hi-low or slant on pockets, color shade variation between left and right, poor armhole shape, wavy bottom line, wavy or twisted inseam/outseam, poor ironing and so on、 Then check the workmanship part by part carefully, such as the problem of fabric faults, hole, dirt stain, oil stain, broken stitches, pleat seam, puckering, wavy stitching line, run off stitches, double sewing, loose stitches, seam allowance exposed, lining too long or too short, missing or misplacement button and rivet, under placket exposed, untrimmed thread ends and so on、

Normally follow the order of front top to bottom, from left to right, from front to back, front outside to inside to check workmanship, Touch each part in checking by hand and check it very carefully、 During the inspection, please pay high attention to the problems of symmetry on garment, such as hi-low on pockets, dart position, yoke seam or front placket, different width on leg opening, uneven length on inseam or out seam or slit、

Check the labelling on each garment to make sure all main label, size label, care label, hangtag and so on are correct and accordant to each other、 If the garments are with the accessories of zipper, button, rivet and buckle and so on, check them on each piece, make sure the zipper can be opened and closed smoothly, no problem on autolock function, button and rivet should be stable and without any sharp point、 Buckle should be closed and opened easily、 And take 10~13pcs garment to make the function test on these accessories, i、e close and open ten times on the zipper, button, buckle etc、 If there is any problem in these pcs, check more to make sure if there is problem or not、 Also pulling the seams is a very important step of workmanship checking, including inseam, out seam, front and back rise seam of pants, side seam, sleeve seam, shoulder seam, the seam on lining and shell fabric、 This is to check: (a)、 If there is any broken stitches or open seam, (b)、 If there is any color shade variation between the two parts of the seam, (c)、 If the fabric or lining is strong enough、

Put an arrow sticker at the place where there is a defect, and put the defective garment aside neatly、 Normally before inspection finished, the defective garment should not be taken away by factory people、 if they insist to, take a photo on it before giving to factory people、

All pcs without any problems should be folded properly and put into the cartons or baskets neatly, to avoid the problems such as puckering caused by rude inspection、 During checking the workmanship, take out two pcs each size randomly and put aside for latter measurement check、 After the workmanship checking, explain all the defects to factory people clearly and divide them to major or minor problems, then make a statistics、 Judge the workmanship pass or not according to critical 0, major 2、5 and minor 4、0 (see table B)、 General speaking, \means sharp point on garment, such as broken needles; \garment unsellable, such as broken stitches, pleat seam, serious color shade variation etc; \means the garment can still be sold after simple reparation or customer will not notice it, such as

untrimmed thread ends, small dirt stain etc、 If factory people do not agree the result, listen to their opinion and explanation carefully and take it into consideration, then make a correct and fair conclusion、 If there is great divergence, seal the problem garments and send to office for final approval、



