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人教版高中英语必修5教师用书:Unit 4 Section_Ⅲ Learning_about_Language_-_Using_Language (含答案)

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Ⅰ.Choose the best answer according to the text.

1.What was his first task after Zhou Yang interviewed a famous film star? A.To write his story.

B.To judge whether the man had been lying. C.To be accurate. D.To check the evidence.

2.The first person who saw his article should be ________. A.the copy-editor B.the native speaker

C.an editor from his department D.the news desk editor

3.Who approved Zhou Yang's story after reading? A.The chief editor. C.The news desk editor. 答案:1~3 ACA

Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks according to the text.

Position Editor Journalist Senior editor on to the copyCopy editor. To edit the 3.piece and design the main headline and smaller heading. Duties To arrange the edition. To have a(n) 1.interview and then write the story. To 2.check the evidence, read the article and pass it B.The native speaker. D.The copy-editor.

editor Native speaker To 4.polish the style of the language. To read and 5.approve the article. Chief editor To show the 6.evidence in order to get the facts straight. 7.News_ To work on all the stories and photos until all the pages .



are 8.set.


1.edition A.correct and true in every detail 2.department B.to deal with

3.accurate C.having a higher position, level, or rank 4.senior D.the form a newspaper is produced in 5.polish E.an arrangement for a meeting

6.approve F.one of the groups of people working together 7.process G.to make something shiny by rubbing it

8.appointment H. to think that sb./sth. is good, acceptable or suitable 答案:1~5 DFACG 6~8 HBE


[教材原句] The first person who saw his article was a senior editor from his department.

第一个看到这篇文章的人是他们部门的一位编审。 (1)adj.年长的;高年级的;高级的

①He Zhenliang was a senior member of Olympic Committee. 何振梁是一位资深的奥委会委员。

②My brother is a_senior_student_of Grade Three. 我哥哥是一名高中三年级的学生。 ③He is two years senior to me. = He is senior to me by two years. 他比我大两岁。

(2)n.年长者;前辈;高年级学生;毕业班的学生 ④The seniors are planning to have a gathering. 这些毕业生正计划举行一次聚会。

⑤My brother is my senior by two years. = My brother is two years my_senior.




2.approve vt. 赞成;认可;批准 vi.赞同

[教材原句] Last of all, the chief editor read it and approved it. 最后主编审读了这篇稿子,并且批准可以发表了。

①The government approved a plan to build more houses for the poor to live in. 政府批准了一项计划来建造更多的房子让穷人居住。 (1)approve of sth. 赞成;同意 approve of sb./sb.'s doing sth. (2)approval n. [U] 赞成某人做某事 赞成;批准 ②Catherine's mother will never approve of her marriage to you. 凯瑟琳的母亲永远不会同意她和你结婚。

③I approve_of_your_trying to earn some money, but don't neglect your studies. 我同意你试着去挣一些钱,可是不要忽视了你的学业。 ④He showed his approval by smiling. 他以微笑表示同意。 3.process

[教材原句] All the information was then ready to be processed into film negatives.

然后,所有的报道材料就要被制成胶片。 (1)vt.加工;处理

①My new computer processes information more quickly than the old one. 我的新电脑处理资料的速度比旧电脑快得多。 ②Most food we eat is processed in this way. 我们吃的大部分食品都是用这种方法加工的。 (2)n.过程;程序;步骤;制法;处置

③Cutting off Internet addiction was a long and painful process for the children. 戒网瘾对孩子们来说是个漫长且痛苦的过程。 ④The car is in (the) process of repair. 这辆汽车正在修理中。

⑤in_(the)_process_of 在……过程中


人教版高中英语必修5教师用书:Unit 4 Section_Ⅲ Learning_about_Language_-_Using_Language (含答案)


