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初中英语介词用法总括 1.in 序号 功能 含义 理解核心 朝代、古今、世纪、年代、年、季、月、星期、早、下午、晚上、过去、将来等不具体的、模糊的大于1天的时间段。 (注意和at在这方面的区别:at指的是短于1天的时间点) 国家、地区、省、市、区、太空、天空等… (自然意义上的地方) 车、教室、超市等 (注意和at在这方面的区别,at一般用在:家、角、店、站、口等可能有和露天接触的地方) 除实物里面外,注意“光、灯、影、树荫、雨、森林”,有全身置入某种环境之中的含义在内。 典型例句 In Tang dynasty;in the 19 century;in 1980;in this year;in spring;in a week; in a month;in the morning th1 表示时间 在某段时间 在某个地方 在某个场所 In china;in huabei;in Beijing;in the sky In the train; in the classroom; 2 表示位置 甲处于乙中… 3 4 表示将来 语言 单位 材料 状态 方面 服饰 在…以后 / 5 / 初中阶段应掌握的 In的常见短语 介词短语 We are in the classroom; They are sitting in the shade of a tree; They are studying in the birghtlight. 用在一般将来时中,是从“现在时间点往后..” They will come back in 10 days 关于“材料“,注意和with在这个用法上的区I wrote a novel in Russian; 别。 The length is measured in meter, and centimetre; (with偏向“工具”,in偏向“材料”) This board was cast in gold. He wasn’t in good health,so talk in low voice. 状态:既可以指人的状态,也可指物的状态; Our country in rich in natural resources; 方面:既可指具体,也可指抽象方面; A good teacher must be an example in study 服饰:尤以颜色和状态常考 He is in red shoes today in all 总计;in general 一般来说;in time 及时;in advance 事前;in the meantime 与此同时;in place 适当地; in the hope of怀着……希望;in connection with 和……有关;in contact with 和……联系;in addition to 除……以外;in case of 倘若,万一;in conflict with 和……冲突;in force 有效的,大批;in depth 彻底地;in regard to 关于;in the neighborhood of 大约、邻近;in retrospect 回顾,一想起;in behalf of 代表……利益;in the long run 从长远说来;in one's opinion 在……看来;in word 口头上;in a word 总之;in vain 无益地, 白白地;in case 如果,万一,以防;in detail 详细地;in haste 急急忙忙地;in conclusion 总之;in spite of 尽管;in other words换句话说;in return 作为回报;in the name of 以……名义;be confident in 对……有信心;be interested in 对……感兴趣;in doubt 怀疑;in love 恋爱中;in debt 负债;in hesitation 犹豫不决;in wonder 在惊奇中;in public (secret) 公开他(秘密地);in a good mood (情1 / 49

初中英语介词用法大全 绪)好; in danger, in debt(负债), in a hurry;in stock(有库存);in peace(平安) (at peace和平), 动词短语 believe in信任; break in break in 闯入,插嘴,打断;bring in引起;产生;带来; come in进来;流行;call in下令收回; take in吸收、卷起;订阅,上当,受骗; turn in上缴,归还;fill in填充;get in收获;succeed in成功;check in到达登记,cut in插嘴,插入;count in包括; draw in时间接近; drop in顺路拜访;give in投降、屈服; go in for 参加;爱好,追求;hand in 交上,上缴;pour in源源而来。 2.on 序号 1 功能 表示时间 含义 理解核心 典型例句 th2 表示位置 3 表示状态 4 表示关系 5 特定时间 On Sunday(Mon.Tue…);on May 12 1998;on the night of 在某天或一天内的某在星期几、具体的某一天or某日的早、中、晚 thOct.29;on Wed.morning;on a cold night;on 个时间段 (时间前有定语修饰) children’day(核心提示:所有的节日都是用on) There are a lot of books on the shelf; On the face; on the head;on the floor\\football (具体)在……上面 与物体表面相接触(注意与above\\over的区别) field\\playgroud\\road\\roof\\ On the farm \\on the market(常考) 收音机、电视、电话、网络、手机、问题、纸张 On TV; on radio; surf on the internet;on the phone; (抽象)在……上面 (所有有形的,无形的“新闻媒体上”都是用You are wrong on all these issues on) On the left; on the right; on both sides; 在……(边)上 左、右、两边 there is a hotel on the lake On duty; on show; on fire; on strike; on sale;on 处于…状态 人或者物的目前状态; business;on schedule; on time;on the country;on scale 关于…文章or论著 I want a book on South Africa. On指专门论述(注意和about相区别) He wrote an article on the importance of birth control (高中阶段掌握) The people in the south live on rice; 靠…… 相当于depend on的含义 You can't afford the expensive ring on an income of 1000 yuan a month; on foot 一…就… 相当于as soon as+主语的含义 On entering the room, he found his friends dancing; (高中阶段掌握) 2 / 49 初中英语介词用法大全 On the spot当场;立即;on the run在逃跑中;On the air在广播中;on fire着火;on time准时;on duty值日;on strike罢工; on sale上市;on the country相反地;on schedule按时间表,准时; on business公事; on display在展出;on the one hand一方面;on the other hand另一方面; on one’s way to在…路上;on one’s own=by oneself;on top of;and so on等等;on purpose故意,专门 特别注意:乘坐交通工具都用by,但on foot 步行;on horse骑马;on donkey骑驴 Bring on引起,导致; call on 号召,拜访;decide on 决定;depend on依靠,取决于;get on上车;相处;进展; go on继续; get on with进展,相处; look on旁观,观望;look on…as把……看/当作;look down on看不起,轻视;pass on传递,传交;hand on传递下去;put on 表演,上演;戴/穿上;假装;take on 呈现,具有;流行;承担,雇用;turn on打开(灯,气,水,电器等);work on 继续工作, 钻研(学问或技术); carry on继续开展,坚持; hold on 继续;(电话)不挂断;抓牢,坚持;try on试穿。 介词短语 初中阶段应掌握 In的常见短语 动词短语


序号 功能 含义 理解核心 典型例句 At noon;at night;at midnight;at dawn;at lunch;at breakfast;at supper;at dinner;at the moment;at the same time;at once;at the beginning of;at the end of;at the age of; at daybreak;at sunrise;at sunset; at 7 o’clock……at(on) the weekend常考 at the foot of;at the corner of ; at the crossroads;at the gate of;at he bottom of; at the top of;at the center of; at a distance;at the edge of ;at home;at the barbar’s;at the airport;at the station; at 405 Victory Road … The car ran at 120miles an hour; At full speed Water usually boils at 100°; at 10 degrees centigrade The pen was sold at a good price; at low cost Aim at向..瞄准;shout at向..大喊;throw at向..扔;smile at向..微笑;rush at向..冲去;fire at向..开火 I was surprised at the news; He was discouraged at his failure 1 表示时间 在…时刻\\岁时 In是时间段,at是时间点,相对更精确 2 表示地点 在……位置或场所 家、脚、角、店、站、口、底、中心、核心 3 4 5 表示度 速度 温度 价格 以…速度 在…度 按…价格 表示动作的方向 一般用在系表结构中,对形容词的原因进行说明 3 / 49

表示方向 朝…,向… 表示原因 由于(高中阶段掌握 6 表示能力 擅长于… 初中英语介词用法大全 固定考点:be good at;be bad at;an expert He is good at drawing(at后接名词或动名词) at at first 首先,开始时;at last;at most;at least 至少;at all events 无论如何;at home 在家,无拘束;at a loss 不知怎办;at any rate 不管怎样;at length 详细地;be at high tide 处于高潮期;at our invitation 应我们的邀请;at our request 应我们的请求;at the news 听到这消息;at the risk of 冒……危险;at a great expense 以巨大费用;at intervals of 每隔;at the sight of 一见到at the point of 接近,靠近;at the thought of 一想到;at the speed of 以……速度;at the cost (price) of 以……为代价;at leisure 闲着、失业;at stake 在危险中、在成败关头;at bottom 实际上、本质上;at short notice 一得到通知;at seeing us 看到我们;at the present stage 在现阶段;at the weekend 周末;at all times 永远; 介词短语 初中阶段应掌握 In的常见短语 动词短语 call at访问(某地);come at袭击,攻击; get at意指,本意是;理解;到达; knock at 敲打(门窗),敲击; look at看; work at从事, 致力于, 钻研; laugh at嘲笑;glare at怒目而视; glance at匆匆一瞥;point at指向 4.about 序号 1 2 3 4 关于、有关 大约…, 近于… 到处,在…周围,附近 What about…?(习惯用语) 含义 表示时间或数量 相当于here and there About为介词,所以后接动词ing形式 理解核心 典型例句 This is a book about how to study english I will be with you in about 3minutes; There are about 30students in the classroom. He walked about the street. What about taking a break? 4 / 49

初中英语介词用法大全 动词短语 go about着手,四处走走;set about着手,开始;worry about为…担心; come about 发生;care about关心、在意; bring about引起,带来,导致;knock about漫游;look about四处看看,四处环顾;set about doing着手做,开始;turn about向后转;think about考虑(是否去做);argue about争论; know about了解;hear about听说;ask about询问;chat about闲聊;quarrel about争吵;speak/talk about谈论;complain about报怨 5.above 序号 含义 理解核心 典型例句 The mountain is 2000meters above the sea level(位置); I know you're above me socially, but I must say you are rude man(职位) The old lady is above eighty(年龄); There are above forty girl students in the class(数量); Our private car weighs 1.8tons(重量); Any money earned over that level is taxed(度量) The maths problem is above me; Honest above everything else; He is above doing such things(他不至于做出那样的事情来) 1 高于,在…之上 表示位置、地位、年龄、价格、量(重、数、度)、音调等 2 非…能力所及,超出 能力、行为、品质等 介词短语 Above all首先,最重要的是,最要紧的是; He was above all a good and tireless writer; above all, we must be health


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