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2019年秋牛津译林版八年级英语上册必背知识点总结练习:Unit 1 Friends

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2019年秋牛津译林版八年级英语上册必背知识点总结练习:Unit 1 Friends

Unit 1

1. 口渴的__________,2. 诚实的;正直的__________,3. 秘密__________,4. 杰出的,极好的__________,5. 关心,关注,在意__________,6. 不快乐的__________,7. 你自己__________,8. 杂志__________,9. 好看的,漂亮的__________,10. 幽默的__________,11. 礼貌的__________,12. 爱整洁的,整洁的__________,13. 成为;适合__________,14. 信任__________,15. 谎言__________,16. 玩笑__________,17. 确实的;的确__________,18. 微笑(n.)__________,19. 嗓音__________,20. 歌手__________,21. 几乎,差不多__________,22. 圆形的__________,23. 感觉;观念,意识__________,24. 无聊的__________,25. 可容纳,装进__________,26. 碰,撞;把……撞击成__________,27. 笔直的__________,28. 可爱的,惹人喜爱的__________,29. 微笑(v.)__________,30. 选择;挑选__________,31. 更差,更糟,更坏__________,32. 最差,最糟,最坏__________,33. 高,高度__________,34. 重量__________,35. 秒__________,36. 竞赛,比赛;竞争__________,37. 测试,考查__________,38. 游泳者__________,39. 打算,计划__________,40. 社会的__________,41. 社会工作者__________,42. 害羞的__________,43. 方形的__________,44. 微笑的,带着笑意的__________,45. 英俊的__________,46. 胖的__________,47.




__________, 短语清单(想一想,译一译) )

1. 再吃一些食物__________,2. 保守秘密__________,3. 使我开心__________,4. 关

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2019年秋牛津译林版八年级英语上册必背知识点总结练习:Unit 1 Friends

心,关怀__________,5. 说谎__________,6. 给你讲滑稽的笑话__________,7. 我同意__________,8. 愿意做某事__________,9. 与朋友分享东西__________,10. 在任何时候__________,11. 有需要的人__________,12. 戴圆形的小眼镜__________,13. 很有幽默感__________,14. 把……撞到……上__________,15. 留笔直的长头发__________,16. 讲某人的坏话__________,17. 谈论未来计划__________,18. 想做一名社会工作者__________,19. 帮助人们解决问题__________,20. 周游世界__________,21. 在所有的中国艺术家中__________,22. 漂亮的艺术品__________,23. 和……一样著名__________,24. 左边的女孩__________,25. ……和……__________,26. 成为一名杰出的医生

__________, 句子清单(做一做,练一练) )

1. 你不能只想着自己而从不关心他人。

You can't only think of yourself and never ____________________________. 2. 当你的学习遇到困难时,你的朋友乐意帮忙吗?

Are your friends ________________________________________ with your study? 3. 你能再给我几分钟吗?

Can you give me ________________________? 4. 谢谢你为我保守这个秘密。你是我真正的朋友。

Thanks ________________________________. You are my true friend.

5. ——什么样的人适合做好朋友呢? ——我认为好朋友应该是诚实的,并且从不说谎。

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2019年秋牛津译林版八年级英语上册必背知识点总结练习:Unit 1 Friends

—____________________________? —I








6. 她愿意和她的朋友们分享东西吗?

Is she ____________________________________________? 7. 她很幽默,和她在一起我从不感到无聊。

She is ________________ and I ________________________________. 8. 你戴这副眼镜看上去很精干。

You ________________________________________. 9. 说别人的坏话是不礼貌的。

It's not polite ____________________________. 10. 绘画比赛中谁的画最漂亮?

Whose ____________________________________________ in the drawing competition? 11. 他是你们班最擅长讲笑话的吗? Is he ____________________________? 12. 我想和他一样著名。

I want ____________________________. 13. 他在英语方面比他弟弟好得多。

He's much ________________________________ his brother. 14. 每个人都相信她未来会成为一名杰出的艺术家。

Everyone believes she will ____________________________________. 15. 我最好的朋友经常在作业方面给予我很多帮助。

My best friend often ____________________________________. 16. 这位漂亮的教师总是笑容满面。

The pretty teacher always ____________________________________.

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2019年秋牛津译林版八年级英语上册必背知识点总结练习:Unit 1 Friends

Unit 1


1. thirsty 2. honest 3. secret 4. excellent 5. care 6. unhappy 7. yourself 8. magazine 9. good-looking

10. humorous 11. polite 12. tidy 13. make 14. trust 15. lie 16. joke 17. true 18. smile 19. voice

20. singer 21. almost 22. round 23. sense 24. bored

25. fit 26. knock 27. straight 28. sweet 29. smile 30. choose 31. worse 32. worst 33. height 34. weight 35. sec. 36. competition 37. test 38. swimmer 39. plan

40. social 41. social worker 42. shy 43. square 44. smiling 45. handsome 46. fat 47. hard-working 48. patient


1. have some more food 2. keep a secret 3. make me happy 4. care about 5. tell lies 6. tell you funny jokes

7. I agree 8. be willing/ready to do sth. 9. share things with friends 10. any time 11. someone in need

12. wear small round glasses 13. have a good sense of humour 14. knock...onto... 15. have long straight hair

16. say a bad word about sb. 17. talk about future plans 18. would like to be a social worker

19. help people with problems 20. travel around the world 21. among all the Chinese artists 22. beautiful works of art 23. as famous as... 24. the girl on the left

25. both...and... 26. make an excellent doctor 【句子清单】

1. care about others 2. willing/ready to help when you have problems 3. a few/some more minutes 4. for keeping the secret for me 5. What makes good friends;

should be honest; never tell lies 6. willing/ready to share things with her friends 7. very humorous; never feel bored with her 8. look very smart with this pair of glasses 9. to say a bad word about others 10. drawing is the most beautiful 11. the best at telling jokes 12. to be as famous as him 13. better at English than

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2019年秋牛津译林版八年级英语上册必背知识点总结练习:Unit 1 Friends

14. make an excellent artist in the future 15. helps me a lot with my homework 16. has a big smile on her face

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2019年秋牛津译林版八年级英语上册必背知识点总结练习:Unit 1 Friends


