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这是合同中的一项仲裁条款。(或:保险条款,检验条款,装运条款等) Payment terms are important in a contract too, aren''t they? 合同中的付款条件也很重要,对吗?

We ship our goods in accordance with the terms of the contract. 我们按合同条款交货。

I''m sure that shipment will be effected according to the contract stipulation. 我保证我们能按合同规定如期装船。

We sincerely hope that both quality and quantity are in conformity with the contract stipulations. 我们真诚希望质量、数量都与合同规定相吻合。

All terms and conditions will be the same as those in your previous contract number C70064. 所有条款与我们过去签的第C70064号合同规定的各项条款相同。

The contract states that the supplier will be charged a penalty if there is a delay in delivery. 合同规定如果供货商延误交货期,将被罚款。

When the goods aren''t up to specification stated in the contract, there is also a penalty for poor quality.


Words and Phrases


contract terms (or contract clause) 合同条款 contract provisions/stipulations 合同规定 contract period (or contract term) 合同期限 contract life 合同有效期

to be stipulated in the contract 在合同中予以规定 to be laid down in the contract 在合同中列明 (三)

The contract comes into effect today, we can''t go back on our word now. 合同已于今日生效,我们不能反悔了

Once the contract is approved by the Chinese government, it is legally binding upon both parties. 合同一经中国政府批准,对双方就有了法律约束力。 We have to hold you to the contract. 我们不得不要求你们按合同办事。

You must put their rights and interest into a contract. 你们必须把他们的权益订在合同中。

We always carry out the terms o four contract to the letter and stand by what we say. 我们坚持重合同,守信用。 It''s clearly a breach of contract. 这显然是违反了合同。

Any deviation from the contract will be unfavourable. 任何违反合同之事都是不利的。

The buyer has the option of canceling the contract. 买主有权撤消合同。

You have no grounds for backing out of the contract.



In case one party fails to carry out the contract, the other party is entitled to cancel the contract. 如果一方不执行合同,另一方有权撤消该合同。

Are you worrying about the non-execution of the contract and non-payment on our part? 你是否担心我们不履行合同或者拒不付款?

You cannot cancel the contract without first securing our agreement. 如果没有事先征得我们同意,你们不能取消合同。

This contract will come into force as soon as it is signed by two parties. 合同一经双方签定即生效。

Once a contract is made, it must be strictly implemented. 合同一旦确定就应严格执行。

Words and Phrases


to bring a contract into effect 使合同生效 to come into effect 生效 to go (enter)into force 生效

to cease to be in effect/force 失效 to carry out a contract 执行合同

to execute/implement/fulfil/perform a contract 执行合同 cancellation of contract 撤消合同 breach of contract 违反合同 to break the contract 毁约

to cancel the contract 撤消合同 to tear up the contract 撕毁合同 to approve the contract 审批合同 to honour the contract 重合同 to annual the contract 废除合同 to terminate the contract 解除合同 to alter the contract 修改合同 to abide by the contract 遵守合同 to go back on one''s words 反悔 to be legally binding 受法律约束 to stand by 遵守

non-payment 拒不付款

to secure one''s agreement 征得...的同意 Additional Words and Phrases contract price 合约价格 contract wages 合同工资

contract note 买卖合同(证书) contract of employment 雇佣合同 contract of engagement 雇佣合同 contract of carriage 运输合同 contract of arbitration 仲裁合同


contract for goods 订货合同 contract for purchase 采购合同 contract for service 劳务合同

contract for future delivery 期货合同 contract of sale 销售合同

contract of insurance 保险合同 contract sales 订约销售 contract law 合同法

to ship a contract 装运合同的货物 contractual dispute 合同上的争议 a long-term contract 长期合同 a short-term contract 短期合同 contract parties 合同当事人

contractual practice/usage 合同惯例 contractual claim 根据合同的债权

contractual liability/obligation 合同规定的义务 contractual income 合同收入

contractual specifications 合同规定

contractual terms & conditions 合同条款和条件 contractual guarantee 合同规定的担保 contractual damage 合同引起的损害

contractual-joint-venture 合作经营,契约式联合经营 completion of contract 完成合同 execution of contract 履行合同 performance of contract 履行合同 interpretation of contract 解释合同 expiration of contract 合同期满 renewal of contract 合同的续订

第一卷 第八章 ?(一)

Payment is to be effected (made) before the end of this month. 这个月末以前应该付款。

It''s convenient to make payment in pound sterling. 用英镑付款较方便。

Now, as regards payment, we''ve agreed to use U.S. Dollar, am I right? 至于付款,我们已同意用美圆,对吗?

We may have some difficulties making payment in Japanese yen. 用日圆付款可能会有困难。

I''ve never made payment in Renminbi before. 我从未用过人民币付款。

We can''t accept payment on deferred terms. 我们不能接受延期付款。

What''s your reason for the refusal of payment?


你们拒付的理由是什么? Collection is not paid. 托收款未得照付。

We don''t think you''ll refuse to pay. 我们相信你们不会拒付。

Only one refusal of payment is acceptable to the bank. 银行只接受一次拒付。

You ought to pay us the bank interest once payment is wrongly refused. 如果拒付错了,你们应该偿付我方的银行利息。

We''ll not pay until shipping documents for the goods have reached us. 见不到货物装船单据,我们不付款。

We''re worrying that a decline in prices might lead to refusal of payment. 我们担心市场价格下跌会引起拒付。

Of course payment might be refused if anything goes wrong with the documents. 如果单据有问题,当然可以提出拒付。

The equipment will be paid in installments with the commodities produced by our factory. 设备以我们工厂生产的产品分期偿还。

Words and Phrases payment 支付,付款

to pay 付款,支付,偿还 dishonour 拒付

deferred payment 延期付款 progressive payment 分期付款 payment on terms 定期付款 payment agreement 支付协定 pay order 支付凭证 payment order 付款通知 payment by banker 银行支付 payment by remittance 汇拨支付 payment in part 部分付款 payment in full 全部付讫 clean payment 单纯支付 simple payment 单纯支付

payment by installment 分期付款 payment respite 延期付款 payment at maturity 到期付款 payment in advance 预付(货款) Cash With Order (C.W.O) 随订单付现 Cash On Delivery (C.O.D) 交货付现

Cash Against Documents (C.A.D) 凭单付现 pay on delivery (P.O.D) 货到付款 payment in kind 实物支付

payment for (in) cash 现金支付,付现


pay...Co. only 仅付...公司

pay...Co. not negotiable 付...公司,不准疏通

pay...Co. or order (pay to the order of...Co.) 付...公司或其指定人 refusal 拒绝

the refusal of payment 拒付 the bank interest 银行利息 decline 下降,下跌

something goes wrong 某事上出问题,出现差错 commodity 产品 convenient 方便的 (二)

Now we have settled the terms of payment. 现在我们已经谈妥了付款条件。

Shall we have a talk about terms of payment today? 我们今天谈谈付款条件怎么样?

What is the mode of payment you wish to employ? 您希望用什么方式付款?

This is the normal terms of payment in international business. 这是国际贸易中惯用的付款方式。

We can''t accept any other terms of payment. 我们不能接受其他的付款条件。

If you can''t be more flexible, we won''t accept your terms of payment. 如果你们不能灵活些,我们将不接受此种付款方式。 Words and Phrases

payment terms 支付条件,付款方式 the mode of payment 付款方式 flexible 灵活的,多变的 (三)

Please protect our draft on presentation. 请见票即付。

Your draft will be honoured on presentation. 你方的汇票见票即付。

The draft was discounted in New York. 汇票已经在纽约贴现。

Our draft No.36 was dishonoured. 我们的第三十六号汇票被拒付了。 The draft has not been collected. 汇票之款尚未收进。

We''ll be unable to meet these draft. 我们无力兑付这些汇票。

We''ve drawn a clean draft on you for the value of this sample shipment. 我们已经开出光票向你方索取这批货的价款。

We''ve drawn on you for payment of the invoice amounting to $20,000. 我们已经按照发票金额20,000美圆向你方开出了汇票。




