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Welcome to Adventureland!

Everyone loves Adventureland! The Parks and Exhibitions were built for you to explore, enjoy, and admire their wonders. Every visit will be an unforgettable experience. You will go away enriched, longing to come back. What are you going to do this time? The Travel Pavilion

Explore places you have never been to before, and experience different ways of life. Visit the Amazon jungle village, the Turkish market, the Tai floating market, the Berber mountain house and others. Talk to the people there who will tell you about their lives, and things they make. You can try making a carpet, making fishing nets… The Future Tower

This exhibition shows how progress will touch our lives. It allows us to look into the future and explore the cities of the next century and the way we’ll be living then. Spend some time in our space station and climb into our simulator(模拟装置)for the Journey to Mars! The Nature Park

This is not really one park but several. In the Safari Park you can drive among African animals in one of our Range Cruisers: see lions, giraffes, elephants in the wild. Move on to theOcean Park to watch the dolphins and whales. And then there is still the Aviary to see… The Pyramid

This is the center of Adventureland. Run out of film, need some postcards and stamps? For all these things and many more, visit our underground shopping center. Come here for information and ideas, too.

21. The Travel Pavilion is built to help visitors ______.

A. realize the importance of travelling B. become familiar with mountain countries

C. learn something about different places in the world D. learn how to make things such as fishing nets

22. When you visit The Future Tower, which of the following is NOT available for you to do?



A. Get to know about what people's life will be. B. Have a journey to Mars.

C. Enjoy your time in its space station.

D. Learn about the impact of progress on our lives.

23. If you want to get a toy lion to take home, where will you most likely go?

A. The Travel Pavilion. C. The Future Tower.

B. The Nature Park.

D. The Pyramid. B

Nothing could stop Dad. After he was put on disability for a bad back, he bought a small farm in the country, just enough to grow food for the family. He planted vegetables, fruit trees and even kept bees for honey.

And every week he cleaned Old Man McColgin’s chicken house in exchange for manure(肥料). The smell really burned the inside of your nose. When we complained about the terrible smell, Dad said the stronger the manure, the healthier the crops, and he was right. For example, just one of his cantaloupes filled the entire house with its sweet smell, and the taste was even sweeter.

As the vegetables started coming in, Dad threw himself into cooking. One day, armed with a basket of vegetables, he announced he was going to make stew(炖菜). Dad pulled out a pressure cooker and filled it up with cabbages, eggplants, potatoes, corns, onions and carrots. For about half an hour, the pressure built and the vegetables cooked. Finally, Dad turned of the stove, the pot began to cool and the pressure relief valve sprayed out a cloud of steam. If we thought Dad’s pile of chicken manure was bad, this was 10 times worse. When Dad took off the lid, the smell nearly knocked us out.

Dad carried the pot out and we opened doors and windows to air out the house. Just how bad was it? The neighbors came out of their houses to see if we had a gas leak!

Determined, Dad filled our plates with steaming stew and passed them around. It didn’t look that bad, and after the first wave had shut down my ability to smell, it didn’t offend the nose so much, either. I took a taste. It would never win a prize in a cooking competition, but it was surprisingly edible(可食用的), and we drank up every last drop of soup! 24. Why did Dad clean Old Man McColgin’s chicken house regularly?

A. To earn some money for the family. B. To get rid of the terrible smell.



C. To collect manure for his crops. D. To set a good example to us. 25. What can we infer about Dad’s stew?

A. It is popular among the neighbors. B. It tastes quite delicious. C. It looks very wonderful. D. It contains honey and vegetables

26. What does the underlined word “offend” in the last paragraph mean?

A. To attract.

B. To shut

C. To air.

D. To upset.

27. What can we learn about Dad from the text?

A. He is an experienced cook.

B. He has a positive attitude to life. C. He is a troublesome father.

D. He suffers a lot from his disability


Our surroundings are being polluted faster than nature and man’s present efforts cannot prevent it. Time is bringing us more people, and more people will bring us more industry, more cars, larger cities, and the growing use of man-made materials.

What can explain and solve this problem? The fact is that pollution is caused by man—by his desire for a modern way of life. We make “increasing industrialization” our chief aim. So we are often ready to offer everything: clean air, pure water, good food, our health and the future of our children. There is a constant flow of people from the countryside into the cities, eager for the benefits of our modern society. But as our technological achievements have grown in the last twenty years, pollution has become a serious problem.

Isn’t it time we stopped to ask ourselves where we are going-and why? It makes one think of the story about the airline pilot who told his passengers over the loudspeaker, “I’ve some good news and some bad news. The good news is that we’re making rapid progress at 530 miles per hour. The bad news is that we’re lost and don't know where we’re going.” The sad fact is that this becomes a true story when spoken of our modern society.

28. Man cannot prevent the world from being polluted mainly because ______.

A. the population of the world is decreasing fast



B. people use too many man-made materials C. we have more and more industry

D. we are producing more cars, trucks and buses 29. People crowd into the cities because ______.

A. they are anxious to enjoy the achievements of our society B. they want very much to find well-paid jobs C. they have become tired of their homeland

D. they have a strong wish to become industrial workers 30. According to the passage, what does man value most?

A. Health. C. Clean air.

B. Industry.

D. The future of the children

31. The story about the airline pilot tells us that ______.

A. man knows where the society is going

B. the writer is worried about the future of our society C. man can do little about the problem of pollution

D. people do not welcome the rapid development of modern society


Once when I was facing a decision that involved high risk, I went to a friend. He looked at me for a moment, and then wrote a sentence containing the best advice I’ve ever had: be bold and brave and mighty(强大的)forces will come to your aid.

Those words made me see clearly that when I had fallen short in the past, it was seldom because I had tried and failed. It was usually because I had let fear of failure stop me from trying at all. On the other hand, whenever I had plunged into deep water, forced by courage or circumstance, I had always been able to swim until I got my feet on the ground again.

Boldness means a decision to bite off more than you can eat. And there is nothing mysterious about the mighty forces. They are potential powers we possess: energy, skill, sound judgment, creative ideas even physical strength greater than most of us realize.

Admittedly, those mighty forces are spiritual ones. But they are more important than physical ones. A college classmate of mine, Tim, was an excellent football player, even though he weighed much less than the average player. “In one game I suddenly found myself confronting a huge player, who had nothing but me between him and our goal line,” said Tim. “I was so frightened that I closed



my eyes and desperately threw myself at that guy like a bullet and stopped him.”

Boldness a willingness to extend yourself to the extreme—is not one that can be acquired overnight. But it can be taught to children and developed in adults. Confidence builds up. Surely, there will be setbacks(挫折)and disappointments in life; boldness in itself is no guarantee of success. But the person who tries to do something and fails is a lot better off than the person who tries to do nothing and succeeds.

So, always try to live a little bit beyond your abilities—and you’ll find your abilities are greater than you ever dreamed.

32. Why was the author sometimes unable to reach his goal in the past?

A. He faced huge risks. B. He lacked mighty forces. C. Fear prevented him from trying. D. Failure blocked his way to success.

33. What is the implied meaning of the underlined part in Paragraph 3?

A. Swallow more than you can digest. B. Act slightly above your abilities. C. Develop more mysterious powers. D. Learn to make creative decisions.

34. What was especially important for Tim’s successful defense in the football game?

A. His physical strength. C. His real fear.

B. His basic skill. D. His spiritual force.

35. What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage?

A. To encourage people to be courageous. B. To advise people to build up physical power. C. To tell people the ways to guarantee success. D. To recommend people to develop more abilities. 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

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