Electric pump
申请(专利)号: KR20140035944
专利号: KR102118031B1 主分类号: F04C2/10
申请权利人: ?????
???? 公开国代码: KR 优先权国家: KR
摘 要:
The present invention is a motor unit including a stator, a rotor core disposed inside the stator, and a shaft coupled to the rotor core; A pump unit including an inner rotor coupled to the shaft and
having an outer lobe formed thereon, and an outer rotor disposed outside the inner rotor and formed to engage the outer lobe; A housing part including a motor housing including the motor part, a pump housing connected to the motor housing and having a pump housing part into which the pump part is inserted; and a cover part coupled to the housing part to cover the pump housing part, wherein the The pump accommodating portion is formed in a guide region for guiding the outer rotor in frictional contact with the outer circumferential surface of the outer rotor, and an inner circumferential surface having an inner diameter extending area which is formed to have an inner diameter extended than the guide area to form a clearance space with the outer
circumferential surface of the outer rotor. An electric pump is provided to provide an
申请日: %Y-%m-%d 公开公告日: %Y-%m-%d
分类号: F04C2/10;
F04C15 发明设计人: ???
申请国代码: KR
优先权: 20140327 KR
摘 要 附 图:
advantageous effect of greatly reducing the power consumption of the electric pump by reducing the friction torque of the inner circumferential surface of the pump accommodating portion and the outer circumferential surface of the external rotor, which greatly affects the friction torque generation. 主权项:
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权 利 要 求 说 明 书
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Electric pump