【期刊名称】《证据科学》 【年(卷),期】2012(020)005
【摘要】影响证人记忆的因素众多,而证人的记忆准确性决定了其证言的可靠性,从心理学的角度对这些影响因素进行分析并找出应对方法,将证人的记忆提取效率提高到最大化,减少错误记忆的发生。讨论认知神经科学应用在探查证人记忆的可行性及现有理论支撑,该方式在证人记忆检测中将有极大的作用。%There are many factors that affect the memory of witnesses, while the accuracy of the witness memory determines the reliability of their testimony. It can maximize the extraction efficiency of the witness memory and reduce the occurrence of false memories by analyzing these factors in view of psychology and identi- fying the relevant methods to cope with them. This article discusses about the feasibility of the application of cog- nitive neuroscience technology in probing memories of witnesses and the existing supportive theories, and finally concludes that the cognitive neuroscience technology will have a great effect on witness' memory testing. 【总页数】7页(592-598)
【关键词】证人证言;错误记忆;认知心理学;认知神经科学;格式塔 【作者】王龙;刘洪广