【期刊名称】《郑州大学学报(工学版)》 【年(卷),期】2011(032)002
【摘要】The effects of water surface can greatly enhance the sense of immersion in virtual reality. This paper described an algorithm of the fast real-time surface simulation. The simulation of water surface for any scale was constructed by only two triangles,some technologies including Render-to-Buffer, Bump Mapping, Projective Texture Mapping and Texture Perturbation, were used to simulate the water surface with effect such as reflection,refraction, wave, and inverted reflection. Then the method of Texture Perturbation was proposed,which will make the surface more realistic. The experiments show that the optimum effect between realistic and real-time performance is obtained and the question of rendering a water surface in real-time in virtual environment is resolved well.%水面效果可以大大增强虚拟现实环境的沉浸感,设计了一种实时水面仿真算法,该算法采用两个三角形单元模拟水面的方法,综合运用了渲染到纹理、凹凸纹理、投影纹理映射、纹理扰动技术采模拟水的反射、折射、波动、倒影效果;并提出了一种改进的纹理扰动技术,设置Alpha值确定应该扰动的纹理,避免了扰动错法,使水面更加逼真.实验表明,该方法在系统绘制的真实感和实时性上取得了较满意的优化效果,较好地解决了虚拟环境中水面实时绘制问题.