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中职英语第四册Unit 5 are IQ test intelligent备课讲稿

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中职英语第四册Un5 are IQ testintelligent

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备 课 组 英语组 主备人 执教人 课时安排 第 1 至 2 课时 总 课时 课 题 教学 Unit5 Are IQ Tests Intelligent? 课 型 时 间 年 月 日 2. Learn some useful new words and expressions. 3. Master the express about complaint. 目标 4.Identification the keywords in the listening. 1. Guide students to guess the answer before listening . 2. Students will be able to get information and take notes while listening. 重点 教3. Students will be able to learn and use the expressions of apologize and excuse. 1. Students will be able to understand listening materials with various English 学难点 accents. 2. Apply what has been learnt in the real life situation. 1. Get to know some intelligent people. 设想 教法学法 教学手段 Task-Based Teaching Method A multi-media computer 教 学 程 序 与 策 略 个性化 修改 Step 1: Warming up 1.Match the famous people with their names. Einstein Confucius 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢2


Newton Darwin Hawking Zhang Heng Let the students talk about the high intelligence people, introduce the famous people to the student.. 2.Look at the following qualities. Tick the ones that you think will help people become more intelligent. ( ) Being able to adapt to changes. ( ) Being able to learn things quickly. ( ) Being able to think and reason independently. ( ) Being able to understand relationships. ( ) Being able to find specific information effectively. ( ) Being able to have original and productive thoughts. ( ) Being able to ask for help. ( ) Being able to get on well with others. Step 2: Listening and speaking A. He is a total airhead 1. Listen to the conversation and tick the best representation of Matt. 注:让学生先描述每一幅图片,猜测对话中可能会出现的关于人物特征的表达方法。 Key: The boy in the middle. 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢3


2. Listen again and categorize the following expressions as approval or disapproval. a. He’s a total airhead. b. That guy is so dense! c. Matt was always considered a gifted child. d. He seemed bright and perceptive. e. He’d go far. f. He’s not all there. Key: Approval: c, d, e Disapproval: a, b, f 3. Listen again and tick true or false. (1). Andre and Matt are lab partners.( T ) (2). Andre’s Mum believes that Matt is a smart kid.( T ) (3). Andres agrees that matt is gifted.( F ) (4). Andre’s Mum believes Andre can’t do well without Matt.( F ) B. I’d love to, but… 4.Listen to the conversations and find out what excuse is given in each one. 注:听之前,让学生预览题目,猜测听力内容,听之后,让学生复述听到的 内容。 Key:(1)d (2)c (3)b 5.Complete the conversations with sentences in the box. Listen and check the answer. Then practise the conversations with a partner. 适当讲解和补充相关表达方式,如Your watch must be fast. My alarm clock failed this morning.等。学生做完后,两人一组,不看书的情况下,复述对话。 Key:(1)I’d love to, but I have to help my room-mate. (2)I completely forgot to bring it today. (3)I had an emergency. I got stuck in traffic. 6.Work with a partner. Role-play the following situations. Use the conversation strategy in Activity5. 学生对话前,简单复习相关词汇和表达方式,讨论哪些可以直接使用在新的情境中。留出时间让学生组织语言,适当提示可能用到的词汇和表达方式,如busy with homework, caught in a traffic jam等。 Situation1:Your friend invites you to a movie, but you can’t go. Speak with your friend and make an excuse. Situatin2: You’re late for a job interview. You have to explain to the interviewer why you’re late. Step 3 :Important words and expressions airhead n.傻瓜 dense adj. 愚笨的 perceptive adj. 理解力强的 intelligence n. 智力 affect v. 影响 flood n. 水灾 get stuck with 与不喜欢的------在一起 go far 成功,大有前途 all there 头脑正常的 depend on/upon 取决于 shape up 改进,好好干 you know 你知道的 get around 各处走动 rush hour 交通高峰时间 Important Sentences: I can’t believe I got stuck with Matt as my lab partner in school. 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢4


Matt was always considered a gifted child. Every time I look over at him in class, he’s staring off into space. I wouldn’t bet on it! I’d love to, but I have to help my room-mate. I’ve been waiting for you all morning. I thought you were going to --- I had an emergency. Step 4: Homework: 2. Preview the Speaking. 1. Finish off the Workbook exercises. 3.Copy the new words three times. 教后 反思

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中职英语第四册Unit 5 are IQ test intelligent备课讲稿


