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人教版高中英语必修5教师用书:Unit 1 阶段质量检测 A卷 学业水平达标(含答案)

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A卷 学业水平达标

(时间:120分钟 满分:150分)





(Text 1)

M:How did you like Professor Wang's lecture?

W:I shouldn't have attended it. It was a waste of time.

1. What does the woman probably think of Professor Wang's lecture? A.Interesting. B.Exciting. C.Disappointing. (Text 2)

M:Jim has been sitting there lost in deep thought for half an hour. W:It's typical of him. He is a little different from the other boys. 2. What do we know about Jim? A.He is often lost in deep thought. B.He is often laughed at by others. C.He often says something strange. (Text 3)

W:Shall we go now? It's already half past ten.

M:Don't worry. We still have one and a half hours left to catch the train. W:OK.

3. When does the train leave? A.At 10:30. C.At 12:00. (Text 4)

M:I'm in front of the People's Hospital now. How do I get to the Green Hotel from here?


B.At 11:00.


W:Cross the street and walk straight along. You'll see a post office in about ten minutes.

M:Is the hotel near the post office?

W:Yes. It's only a five-minute walk from there to the hotel. 4. Where does the man want to go? A.To a hospital. C.To a post office. (Text 5)

W:David, look! What a beautiful red dress! And the blue one looks beautiful too. M:Frankly, I like this white dress the best. W:Then I'll take this one.

M:OK. Now, Lisa, you put on the dress in the fitting room while I go and pay the money. We've got to hurry, or we'll be late for Jenny's party.

5. Which dress does the woman take? A.The red one. C.The white one.



听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 (Text 6)

W:Why do you look so upset? Have you been robbed? M:Well, I lost my wallet.

W:That's horrible. Do you have much cash in it? M:Not much. But I have several cards in it. W:That's bad. Do you need to borrow some money?

M:No, thanks. I still have one card. I should have been more careful. W:You are always very careful. Don't blame yourself. It can happen to anyone. 6. What happened to the man? A.He got robbed.

B.His wallet was stolen. C.He lost his wallet.

7. What does the woman generally think of the man?


B.To a hotel.

B.The blue one.


A.Careful. C.Careless.

听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 (Text 7)


W:Mike was injured this morning. Did he have a car accident? M:No. What made you think so?

W:He started driving only a week ago. So I thought he might have had a car accident. M:He got his driver's license three years ago. He is actually a skilled driver. W:Then what happened to him?

M:He went to play basketball this morning. He ran too fast and he was knocked over.

W:Is that how he got injured?

M:Yes. I was playing tennis nearby. I took him to the hospital. 8.What happened to Mike? A.He had a car accident.

B.He was injured while playing basketball. C.He drove too fast and hit someone. 9.When did Mike get his driver's license? A.A week ago. B.Three years ago. C.Three weeks ago.

10.What did the man do this morning? A.He played basketball. B.He played tennis. C.He went to see a doctor. 听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。 (Text 8)

W:Could you send me your story now? M:OK. By fax or by e-mail?

W:The former, please. There is something wrong with my laptop. M:But didn't you buy it just several months ago?

W:Not that one. I bought that one for my younger brother. M:What's wrong with your laptop?

W:I can't get into the system. I know nothing about computers. I need help.



M:Maybe I can come over and have a look. W:Do you know how to solve the problem?

M:I majored in computer science when I was in college. W:In that case, print your story and bring it here. 11.How will the man give the woman the story? A.He will send it by fax. B.He will send it by e-mail.

C.He will bring it to her in person.

12.For whom did the woman buy a laptop several months ago? A.For herself.

B.For her younger brother. C.For the man.

13.Why does the man know about computers? A.Because he often helps repair computers.

B.Because his job requires him to know about computers well. C.Because he majored in computer science in college. 听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。 (Text 9)

W:You like the movie very much, don't you?

M:Yes. I like little dogs. Besides, this movie is really interesting. W:Did you buy the DVD of this movie?

M:No. I rented it this morning. If you want to watch it, you should return it to me by six o'clock this evening.

W:OK. I'm sure I will have finished watching it by then as there are still three hours to go.

M:Do you want to go back and watch it now or do you want to stay for a while? W:I came here to borrow yesterday's notes. I didn't go to school. M:What was wrong?

W:I ate something bad. I felt sick yesterday morning. M:What did you eat?

W:Some chicken. It must have gone bad. I don't want to talk about it. It makes me sick.

M:OK. Is Jim at home?

W:Yes. He is swimming in the pool in our garden.



M:It's really good weather for swimming. 14.When does this conversation take place? A.In the morning. B.In the afternoon. C.In the evening.

15.What is the movie probably about? A.Some little dogs. B.Some interesting people. C.An interesting love story.

16.What happened to the woman yesterday? A.She became ill for no reason.

B.She felt bad after eating some chicken. C.She had to look after Jim at home. 17.What's the weather probably like today? A.Rainy. C.Fine.

听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。 (Text 10)

When I was a high school student, I belonged to the baseball club in my high school for three years. During the summer vacation when I was in my first year of high school, our baseball team went to a camp in New York. The camp lasted for a week there. The camp's schedule was too hard for first-year baseball members. We had to wake up at 5:30 am and prepare for our practice. The practice started at 6:00 am and ended at 11:00 am. After practice, we had to prepare the meal for everyone. The game started at 2:30 pm and ended at 4:00 pm. Then we had to prepare the meal again. After dinner we had a meeting at 8:00 pm for an hour. After the meeting we had to wash the dirty clothes, and then we could sleep. Because of the hard schedule, I couldn't play as well as I thought I could. The night before we came back to Tokyo, our coach said to me, “Tomorrow is the last day, and we have the last game. Recently you have made some mistakes during the games. What's happening? Get your confidence back!” He also said, “Don't forget — One for all, all for one.” I was impressed by his words. The next day I did my best and we won the game.

18.How long did the camp last? A.For three days.



人教版高中英语必修5教师用书:Unit 1 阶段质量检测 A卷 学业水平达标(含答案)


