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CD1,02 磁带1 A NARRATOR: a

STELLA: Hello, I’m Stella. I’m nine. I’ve got a brother and a sister. This is my favorite computer game. It’s called ‘Brainbox’. NARRATOR: b

Hello, I’m Suzy. I’m five. I’ve got a big dog. She’s black and white and she’s called Dotty. NARRATOR: c

Hi, I’m Simon. I’m eight. I like reading comics. My favorite comic’s called ‘Lock and Key’.

CD1,03 磁带1 A d-o-l-l b-i-k-e T-r-a-i-n m-o-n-s-t-e-r g-a-m-e c-o-m-p-u-t-e-r k-i-t-e c-a-m-e-r-a l-o-r-r-y h-e-l-i-c-o-p-t-e-r


CD1,05 磁带1 A She’s drinking orange juice. She’s jumping. He’s eating an apple.

He’s showing Lenny his new school bag. She’s reading a book. He’s playing football.

CD1,09 磁带1 A

1 frog 2 dress 3 hit 4 box 5 watch 6 friend 7 swim 8 man 9 bread 10 egg 11 milk 12 flat 13 in 14on 15 hat 16 drink

CD1,12 磁带1 A

STELLA: Hi, everyone.This is my project. Here’s my family tree. There are my parents, Mr and Mrs. Star.

And look, here are Grandma and Grandpa Star. They’re my grandparents and they’ve got two children: a son and a daughter.

Their son’s my dad and their daughter’s my Aunt May. I’ve got one aunt and one uncle: Aunt May and Uncle Fred. Aunt May’s my dad’s sister. Uncle Fred’s my mum’s brother. Grandma and Grandpa Star have got three children: one grandson, Simon, and two granddaughters, Suzy and me.


CD1,14 磁带1 A

This person’s taking a photo of his son. This person’s playing football with his uncle. This person’s reading a book to her daughter. This person’s playing a game with her aunt. This person’s painting a picture of her granddaughter.

CD1,15 磁带1 A

Grandma Star’s painting a picture of her [beep]. Simon’s playing football with his [beep]. Mrs. Star’s reading a book to her [beep]. Grandpa Star’s taking a photo of his [beep]. Stella’s playing a game with her [beep]. Mr. and Mrs. Star are Simon’s [beep].

CD1,19 磁带1 A

1 chicken 2 clothes 3 purple 4 crocodile 5 smile 6 tree 7 cousin 8 tomato 9 sausage 10 coconut 11 cupboard 12 lemonade 13 chips 14 mirror 15 hall 16 pineapple


CD1,23 磁带1,B

MEERA: We’ve got a new flat. We’re moving from our house in the country to a flat in the town.

ALEX: Do you like living in the country?

MEERA:I love the country. At the moment I live in a small village. It’s quiet and there are a lot of trees.

LENNY: Has your house got a basement under the floor? MEERA: Yes, it’s full of boxes and old toys. ALEX: And what about your new flat?

MEERA: Well, it hasn’t got a basement or a garden, but it’s got a beautiful balcony for my parents. ALEX: Cool.What else?

MEERA: The house in the village has got stairs to go up and down but the flat in the city is different. There are five floors so we go upstairs and downstairs in a lift!

LENNY: Wow! I want to live in a flat!

CD1,24 磁带1,B

a basement, a village, a lift, upstairs, a balcony, a town, downstairs


CD1,28 磁带1,B

May lives at number seventy-two. Tom lives at number ninety-eight. Jack lives at number twenty-three. Daisy lives at number forty-one. Peter lives at number sixty-four. Mary lives at number eighty-five. Sally lives at number thirty-seven. Vicky lives at number fifty-nine.

CD1,33 磁带1,B

Stella wakes up at seven o’clock every day. Stella gets up. Stella has a shower.

Then Stella gets dressed. She puts on her skirt and her T-shirt. Stella catches the bus to school. Stella does her homework.

Before dinner, Stella washes her hands.

Stella gets undressed. She takes off her skirt and her T-shirt. Stella goes to bed at nine o’clock.




