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国际结算 International Settlement 有形贸易 Visible Trade 无形贸易 Invisible Trade 洗钱 Money Laundering

支付协定 Payment Agreement

国际结算制度 System of International Settlement 支付系统 Payment System

代表处 Representative Office 代理处 Agency Office

海外分、支行(境外联行) Overseas Sister Bank/Branch,Subbranch 代理银行 Correspondent Banks

附属银行(子银行) Subsidiary Banks 联营银行 Affiliated Banks 银团银行 Consortium Bank

票据 Instrument

设权性 Right to Be Paid 无因性 Non causative Nature 要式性 Requisite in Form 流通性 Negotiability 可追索性 Recoursement

基本当事人 Immediate Parties 附属当事人 Remote Parties 出票人 Drawer

付款人 Payer,Drawee 收款人 Payee 背书人 Endorser 被背书人 Endorsee 持票人 Holder 承兑人 Acceptor 保证人 Guarantor

汇票 Bill of Exchange

限制性抬头 Restrictive Order 指示性抬头 Demonstrative Order 持票来人抬头 Payable to Bearer 出票日期 Date of Issue

出票人签字 Signature of the Drawer 出票地点 Place of Payment 付款地点 Place of Payment 付款日期 Tenor



见票即付 At Sight or on Demand 定日付款 At a Fixed Date

见票后定期付款 At a Fixed Period after Sight 出票后定期付款 At a Fixed Period after Date 付一不付二 Pay This First/Second Bill 担当付款人 Person Designated as payer 预备付款人 Referee in Case of Need

必须提示承兑 Presentment for Acceptance Required 不得提示承兑 Acceptance Prohibited 付对价持票人 Holder for Value

正当持票人Holder in Due Course/Bona Fide Holder 银行汇票 Banker’s Draft 商业汇票 Trade Bill

承兑汇票Acceptance Bill

银行承兑汇票 Banker’s Acceptance Bill 商业承兑汇票 Trade’s Acceptance Bill 即期汇票 Sight Draft ,Demand Draft 远期汇票 Time Bill, Usance Bill 光票 Clean Bill

跟单汇票 Documentary Bill 本票 Promissory Note 商业本票Promissory Note

银行本票 Cashier’s Order/Check 国际汇票 Overseas Money Order 支票 Cheque or Check 出票 Issue

背书 Indorsement 承兑 Acceptance 保证 Guarantee

保付 Certified to Pay 提示 Presentation 付款 Payment 拒付 Dishonour 追索 Recourse

顺汇 Remittance

逆汇 Reverse Remittance 汇款人 Remitter

汇出行 Remitting Bank 汇入行 Paying Bank 收款人 Payee

电汇 Telegraphic Transfer 信汇 Mail Transfer

票汇 Remittance by Banker’s Demand Draft



预付货款 Payment in Advance

货到付款 Payment after Arrival of the Goods

托收 Collection 委托人 Principal

托收行 Remitting Bank 代收行 Collecting Bank 付款人 Drawee

提示行 Presenting Bank

托收申请书 Collection Application 托收委托书 Collection Advice

信用证 Letter of Credit 议付行 Negotiating Bank 偿付行 Reimbursing Bank 开证申请人Applicant 开证行 Issuing Bank 受益人 Beneficiary 通知行 Advising Bank 保兑行 Confirming Bank 付款行 Paying Bank

光票信用证 Clean Credit 跟单信用证 Document Credit

不可撤销信用证Irrevocable Credit 可撤销信用证 Revocable Credit 保兑信用证 Confirmed Credit 不保兑信用证 Unconfirmed Credit

即期付款信用证 Sight Payment Credit 延期付款信用证 Deferred Payment Credit 承兑信用证 Acceptance Credit 转让信用证 Transferable Credit

不可转让信用证 Nor-transferable Credit 背对背信用证 Back to Back Credit 循环信用证 Revolving Credit 预支信用证 Anticipatory Credit

银行保函 Letter of Guarantee 申请人 Applicant/Principal 受益人 Beneficiary 担保行 Guarantor Bank 通知行 Advising Bank 转开行 Reissuing Bank

反担保行 Counter Guarantor Bank 保兑行 Confirming Bank



投标保函 Tender Gurantee

履约保函 Performance Gurantee

预付款保函 Advanced Payment Gurantee 质量保函Quality Gurantee

关税保付保函 Customs Gurantee 付款保函 Payment Gurantee

延期付款保行 Defeerd Payment Gurantee 补偿贸易保函 Compensation Gurantee 来料加工保函 Processing Gurantee 租赁保函 Lease Gurantee 借款保函 Loan Gurantee 保释金保函 Bail Bond

票据保付保函Gurantee For Bill

费用保付保函 Payment Gurantee for Commission 备用信用证 Stand-by Letter of Credit

单据 Documents

商业发票 Commercail Invoice 首文 Heading 正文 Body

海关发票 Customs Invoice 形式发票 Proforma Invoice 领事发票 Consular Invoice 样品发票 Sample Invoice

广商发票 Manufacturer Invoice 证实发票 Certified Invoice

货物运输单据 Transport documents 海运提单Marine Bill of Loading 托运人 Shipper/Consignor 承运人 Carrier 收货人 Consignee

受让人 Transferee or Assignee 已装船提单 Shipped on Board 待运提单 Received for Shipment 直达提单Direct B/L

转船提单 Transshipmen B/L 联运提单 Through B/L 清洁提单 Clean B/L 不清洁提单 Unclean B/L 记名提单 Straight B/L 不记名提单 Open B/L 指示性提单 Order B/L 简式提单 Short Form B/L 全式提单 Long Form B/L



班轮提单 Liner B/L 租船提单 Charter B/L 运输代理行提单 Horse B/L 过期提单 Stale B/L

倒签提单Anti-dated B/L

集装箱运输提单 Container B/L 多式运输 Multimodal Transport

多是运输单据Multimodal Transport Document

不可流通转让的海运单 Non-negotiable Sea Waybill 租船合约提单 Charter Party Bill of Lading 航空运单 Airway Bill 基本险 Chief Risk

一般附加险 Additional Risk

特殊附加险 Special Additional Risk 保险单 Insurance Policy

预约保险单Open Policy of Open Cover 保险凭证 Insurance Certificate 保险声明 Insurance Declaration 联合凭证 Combined Certificate 暂保单 Cover Note

商品验证说明 Inspection Certificate 产地证明书 Certificate of Origin 包装单据 Packing Document 装货箱 Packing List 重量单 Weight List

打包贷款 Packing Credit/Loan 出口押汇 Outward Bill

质押书 Letter of Hypothecation

出口托收押汇 Advance against Documentary Collection 银行承兑 Bank’s Acceptance 票据贴现 Bill Discount

出口发票 Invoice Discounting

进口开证额度 Limits for Issuing of Credit 信托收据 Trust Receipt, T.R, T/R 留置权书 Letter of Lien 进口押汇 Inward Bills

进口信用证押汇 Inward Bill Receivables 买房远期信用证 Buyer’s Usance L/C

提货担保 Delivery against Bank Guarantee 国际保理 International Factoring

销售分户账管理 Maintenance of The Sales Ledger 债款回收 Collection from Debtors 信用销售控制 Credit Control




