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高三英语外研 七省专用一轮总复习 第二部分 学生作业手册 85 含答案

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Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe


1.The world was in shock-maybe they ________(假定)this space flight would be no more dangerous than getting on an aeroplane.

2.We didn't have much ________(耐心)waiting for the launch. 3.To explode means to ________(爆炸)with a lot of force and loud noise.

4.It is now ________(认为)by the movie industry as the most successful film series ever.

5.Luke Skywalker is ever told that his ________(忠诚)ought to be to finish his training rather than rescue his friends.

6.This is ________(一致,吻合的)with many religious faiths. 7.It is a ________(戏剧性的)story about an invasion of the Earth by aliens from Mars.

8.When peopole heard that an invasion by aliens from Mars was ________(在进行中),there was a wave of mass hysteria.

9.He ________(发誓)that he had never talked with the girl. 10.The prince was determined to ________(为……报仇)his father,the King.

答案:1.assumed 2.patience 3.burst 4.acknowledged 5.commitment 6.consistent 7.dramatic 8.underway 9.swore 10.avenge


1.She never acknowledges her mistakes.

→She never acknowledges ___________________________.

2.He set about doing his homework as soon as he arrived home. →________________ at his home, __________________ his homework.

3.The little boy cried suddenly as soon as he saw his mother. →The little boy ____________________ as soon as he saw his mother.

4.He isn't patient with his students. →He ______________________ his students. 5.Though he was ill, he kept on working.

→____________________________________, he kept on working.

答案:1.that she has made mistakes 2.On his arrival; he set out to do 3.burst into tears 4.has no patience with 5.In spite of his illness


1.After I stood in the room for one minute, my eyes slowly grew ________ to the gloom.

A.familiar C.accustomed

B.similar D.addicted

答案:C grow/be accustomed to “(变得)习惯于……”。sth. be familiar to sb. “某物对某人来说是熟悉的”;be similar to “和……相似的”;be addicted to“沉溺于”。

2.After the accident, the police spent a week finding out the person who ________ it.

A.witnessed C.proved

B.stared D.heard of

答案:A witness“见证;证明;目击”。stare“盯着看”为不及物动词,强调由于好奇而一直盯着看,后接宾语时,需加介词at;prove“证明是”;hear of“听说”。

3.The star footballer was out of ________ with the aggressive reporters.

A.patience C.practice

B.habit D.envy

答案:A be out of patience with“对……忍无可忍”。 4.He went to work sick, and ________ bad weather, he always never missed a day.

A.because of C.instead of

B.according to D.in spite of

答案:D 此处in spite of意为“尽管”,后接名词作状语。 5.Only after he was brought to the police station did the young man ________ that he had stolen some purses from other passengers.

A.participated C.summarized

B.realized D.acknowledged

答案:D acknowledge“承认”;participate“参加,参与”; realize“意识到”;summarize“概括”。

6.I hope you understand the tennis committee has ________ you of a serious offence, John.

A.charged C.blamed

B.accused D.warned

答案:B accuse sb. of sth.“指控某人做某事”。charge常与介词with连用;blame常与介词on连用;warn sb. of sth.“警告某人某事”。

7.Of these two basketball teams, the former comes from the US; the ________ comes from England.

A.late C.latter

B.later D.lately

答案:C the former...,the latter...“前者……,后者……”,为固定搭配。late“迟到的,晚的”;later“稍后”;lately“最近,近来”。

8.I am sure she will pass the test. I've got great ________ in her. A.hope C.faith

B.determination D.will

答案:C faith“信心,信任”;hope“希望”;determination“决心”;will“意志,决心”。

9.I'm sorry that what I said just now has hurt you, but I didn't do it ________.

A.deliberately C.carelessly

B.actually D.especially

答案:A deliberately“故意地”;actually“实际上”;carelessly“粗心地”;especially“特别地”。

10.I have been a prisoner, so I have a lot of ________ with other people in prison.

A.shame C.pain

B.sympathy D.sadness

答案:B sympathy“同情”;shame “耻辱”;pain“痛苦”;sadness“悲伤”。

11.We greatly ________ the financial support from several local businesses.

A.acknowledged C.contributed

B.knowledge D.promised

答案:A acknowledge“感谢”。本题缺少谓语,排除B项。contribute“贡献”;promise“允诺”,均不符合语境。句意:我们对本地几家企业的资助表示感谢。

12.We all can go for a picnic this afternoon ________ that the others agree.

A.assumed C.assume

B.assuming D.to assume

答案:B 由句子结构可知,前句是后句前提下的结果,故后句为状语,assuming that...“假定……”,在句中作条件状语。

13.________ , you can't lift the heavy box up. A.Even you are strong B.Strong as you are C.How strong you are D.As you are strong

答案:B 句意:虽然你很强壮,但你举不起这个重箱子。考查as引导的让步状语从句,需用倒装形式,形容词应放于句首,答案为B。

14.—Are you going to visit him? —Well, ________. I may not have the time. A.right C.all right

B.I'm sure D.it depends

答案:D 答句的“我”可能没时间,说明不一定去,选D表示“根据情况而定”,而A项“正确”;B项“我肯定”;C项“好吧”,均不合乎语境。

高三英语外研 七省专用一轮总复习 第二部分 学生作业手册 85 含答案


