2014年华东师范大学翻译硕士真题及答案 I. Phrase Translation
1) 社会的道德和心理底线 2) 宏观调控体系 3) 农村扶贫标准 4) 衣食住行用条件 5) 基层民主
6) 人民的精神文化生活 7) 有利的国际环境 8) 现代文化市场体系 9) 财税体系
10) 中华文化走出去 11) 社会核心价值体系 12) 各类市场主体
13) 利率和汇率市场化 14) 双边、多变开放合作
15) 国家法制统一、尊严、权威 16) trade term
17) indicative price 18) customs valuation
19) AFTA (ASEAN free trade area) 20) special preferences 21) Commit No Nuisance 22) No Angling 23) caravansary
24) high comfort hotel 25) deluxe hotel 26) concourse
27) sleeper with couchettes
28) film industry cinematograph 29) board of census 30) distributor
II. Passage translation汉译英(60分) Section A Chinese to English 明代绘画
第 1 页 共 1 页
明代中期(1506-1620),随着工商业的发展,作为纺织业中心的苏州逐渐成为江南富庶的大都市,文化繁荣,文人荟萃,此地区画家逐渐成为画坛的主力。许多游山玩水的文人士大夫以画自娱,继承和发展了崇尚笔 墨意趣的文入画传统,其中较为著名的画家有沈周、文征明、唐寅、仇英等。
Section B English to Chinese(60分)
Students (and others) often, as I said earlier, talk about “using” this or that approach-“I think I’ll use Durkheim”-as though they had a free choice of theories. In fact, by the time they begin to write about their research, they have made many seemingly unimportant choices of details that have foreclosed their choice of a theoretical approach. They decided what questions to investigate. They picked a way of gathering information. They chose between a variety of minor technical and procedural alternatives: who to interview, how to code their data, when to stop. As they made these choices from day to day, they increasingly committed themselves to one way of thinking, more or less firmly answering the theoretical questions they thought were still up for grabs.
But sociologists, and especially students, fuss about choosing a theory for a practical reason. They have to-at least they think they do-deal with the “literature” on their topic. Scholars learn to fear the literature in graduate school. I remember Professor Louis Wirth, one of the distinguished members of the Chicago school, putting Erving Goffman, then a fellow graduate student of mine, in his place with the literature gambit. It was just what we ail feared. Believing Wirth had not given sufficiently serious attention to some influential ideas about operationalism, Goffman challenged him in class with quotations from Percy Bridgeman s book on the subject. Wirth smiled and asked sadistically, “Which edition is that, Mr. Goffman?” Maybe there was an important difference between editions, though none of us believed that. We thought, instead, that we^ better be careful about the literature or They Could Get You. “They” included not only teachers but peers, who might welcome an opportunity to show how well they knew the literature at your expenses.
——Excerpts of Chapter 8 “Terrorized by the Literature”,from Writing for Social Scientists: How to Start and Finish Your Thesis, Book, or Article.
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