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1.(2019·泰州模拟)With the application of 5G technology ________ profound changes in almost all fields throughout the world. A.will come C.comes

B.are coming D.come

解析:选D 该句为倒装句,正常的语序是:profound changes in almost all fields throughout the world come with the application of 5G technology。主语是profound changes。因为该句表达一个客观的事实,所以用一般现在时。 2.(2019·扬州模拟)—I will have two final exams tomorrow. —Me too. So you ________ any sympathy from me here. A.aren't getting C.hadn't got

B.didn't get D.haven't got

解析:选A 句意:“我明天有两门期末考试。”“我也是,因此你将不会从我这得到任何同情。”此处用现在进行时表将来。

3.(2019·南京、盐城模拟)—I hear you'll cancel all your plans and appointments. Why? —They ________ my life. I just can't stop. A.control C.have controlled


D.have been controlling

解析:选D 句意:“我听说你取消了你所有的计划和预约,为什么呢?”“因为它们一直在掌控我的生活,我控制不了了。”表示从过去到现在一直在发生,没有间断的动作,用现在完成进行时。

4.(2019·南通七市模拟)—Professor Li is wanted on the phone. Where is he? —I saw him coming, but in a minute, he ________. A.will disappear C.disappears

B.has disappeared D.disappeared

解析:选D 句意:“电话里有人在找李教授,他现在在哪呢?”“我刚刚看见他走来了,但一会儿后他却消失了。”saw对应过去时,消失也是刚刚一个瞬间的事情,用过去时。 5.(2019·苏、锡、常、镇模拟)With people paying attention to fitness, self-service mini-gyms, each covering about 5 square meters, ________ in China's major cities these years. A.have sprung up

B.sprang up

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C.had sprung up D.spring up

解析:选A 句意:近几年来,随着人们对于健身的关注,占地大约5平方米的小型自助健身馆已经在中国的许多主要城市涌现。根据时间状语“these years”可知此处表示从过去一直延续到现在的动作,所以应该用现在完成时。

6.(2019·南京模拟)—How could they misunderstand me like that?

—Just keep silent! It's the best way to let them know they ________ you wrong. A.do C.are doing

B.did D.had done

解析:选B 句意:“他们怎么能那样误解我?”“保持沉默!这是让他们知道他们冤枉了你的最好方法。”根据句意可知,“他们冤枉了你”这个动作应该发生在过去,所以用一般过去时。

7.(2019·扬、泰、南、淮、徐、宿、连模拟)—Have you found the new flat advertised in the newspaper?

—Yes. But the community ________ very large and I nearly got lost just now. A.had been C.will be

B.was D.is

解析:选D 句意:“你找到报纸上登的那套新公寓了吗?”“是的。但是社区很大,我刚才差点迷路。”这个社区无论是过去、现在还是将来都是大的,所以用一般现在时。 8.(2019·扬、泰、南、淮、徐、宿、连模拟)—What an amazing picture!

—The little boy ________ the soldiers, and I caught them in an unguarded moment. A.was saluting C.had saluted

B.saluted D.would salute

解析:选A 句意:“多棒的照片啊!”“小男孩在向士兵们敬礼,我在一个不设防的时刻抓拍了他们(敬礼)。”根据“caught them”可知是发生在过去的事情,我抓拍这个镜头的时候,男孩正在敬礼,所以用过去进行时。

9.(2019·南京、盐城模拟)—I'm going to the Golden Coast in Australia with my family at Christmas time. What's your plan for the holidays?

—Well, while you are enjoying yourself on the beach, I ________ on my couch, watching Game of Thrones. A.am sitting C.will have sat

B.will be sitting D.would sit

解析:选B 句意:“圣诞节的时候我将与家人一起去澳大利亚的黄金海岸。你的假期计划是什么?”“嗯,当你在沙滩上玩得开心的时候,我将正坐在沙发上看《权力的游戏》。”根据语境可知,去澳大利亚的黄金海岸度假应发生在将来,排除A、D两项;第二个人认

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为,那个时候,他将正坐在沙发上看《权力的游戏》,此时应用将来进行时,故选B项。 10.(2019·苏、锡、常、镇模拟)—What's the recent progress in Xiong'an New Area, first announced two years ago?

—It ________ increasing attention from foreign companies given its huge development potential. A.has been attracting C.would be attracting

B.had attracted D.was attracting

解析:选A 根据问句可知问的是这个地方最近的情况,所以选择现在完成进行时,表


11.(2018·苏、锡、常、镇模拟)Our country has launched a campaign to ban smoking in

public places, which ________ with some heavy smokers.

A.concerns C.concerned

B.was concerned D.is concerned

解析:选D 句意:我们国家推行了一项在公共场所禁烟的运动,这关系到一些重度吸烟者。be concerned with“与……有关”,此处描述的是客观事实,故用一般现在时。

12.(2018·南京、盐城模拟)—When do you think I can access Blackberry App World on

my computer?

—Not until you ________ your device password correctly. A.entered C.have entered

B.will enter D.will have entered

解析:选C 句意:“你觉得我什么时候能在我的电脑上登录黑莓应用世界?”“直到你正确输入了你的装置的密码。”在时间状语从句中,常用现在完成时表示将来。

13.(2018·常州模拟)Ladies and gentlemen, we ________ at Changzhou Station, please

get ready to get off the train.

A.are to arrive C.are going to arrive

B.are arriving D.will arrive

解析:选B 句意:女士们,先生们,我们即将到达常州车站,请准备下车。英语中,表示位置转移的动词(go, come, leave, start, arrive, return等)常与现在进行时连用,表示即将要发生的动作。

14.(2018·无锡模拟)Free subway newspapers, which appeared at the beginning of the

21st century in China, ________ at the subway stations in the rush hour.

A.are usually handed out B.usually hand out C.were usually handed out

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D.had usually been handed out

解析:选A 句意:免费的地铁报纸出现在21世纪初,一般在高峰期在地铁站被分发。这是一个客观事实,且报纸是被分发,故用一般现在时的被动语态。

15.(2018·南通、泰州模拟)—Why are you so upset, Mary?

—My boss ________ fault with me. He is not so kind as you think. A.always finds C.has always found

B.is always finding D.always found

解析:选B 句意:“你为什么这么心烦意乱,玛丽?”“我的老板总是对我吹毛求疵,他可不像你想得那么友好。”always与进行时连用通常表达强烈的情感意义,此处表示厌烦的语气。


1.(2019·苏北四市模拟)—Will you take over at the next service area? I want a short rest.

—Sure. You ________ for over four hours by then. A.have driven B.have been driving C.will be driving D.will have been driving

解析:选D 句意:“到下个服务区,你能接着开吗?我想稍微休息一下。”“当然,到那时你将已经连续开了超过四个小时了。”表示从现在到将来某一时间为止动作还在进行,用将来完成进行时。

2.(2019·南通、泰州模拟)—I haven't met Mr. Smith these days.

—Oh, I forgot to tell you. He ________ from his post in our college. A.resigned C.had resigned

B.has resigned D.would resign

解析:选B 句意:“我这些天都没见到Mr. Smith。”“噢,我忘记告诉你他已经从我们大学辞职了。”他辞职这件事对现在造成了影响,又无过去时间点,所以用现在完成时。 3.(2019·南通、泰州模拟)—I thought tomorrow was the deadline for my confirmation. —Never mind.Call me later and tell me what you ______ then. A.would think C.think

B.had thought D.thought

解析:选C 下句句意:没关系。晚点给我打电话,到时候告诉我你是怎么想的。此处表示一惯性的动作,用一般现在时。

4.(2019·徐州模拟)In Western countries, only the completely innocent or the

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determinedly blind could believe that any government activity near to election time ______ electoral implications. A.hasn't had C.doesn't have

B.didn't have D.hadn't had

解析:选C 句意:在西方国家,只有单纯的孩子与完全的瞎子才会相信政府在临近大选时期的活动没有受到选举的影响。相信的内容作为陈述的一个事实、道理,使用一般现在时。

5.(2019·镇江模拟)Listen! Johnson, together with his classmates, ________ the English Speech Contest to be held next week. A.will discuss C.is discussing

B.has discussed D.are discussing

解析:选C 句意:听!约翰逊和他的同学们正在讨论下周即将举行的英语演讲比赛。根据句中的“Listen”一词可知,空处所表示的动作现在正在进行,故应用现在进行时;又因名词作主语,且其后有together with连接的名词时,谓语动词的数应同前面的名词(Johnson)保持一致,故空处的谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式。

6.(2019·南京、盐城、连云港模拟)—How are you getting along with your presentation? —Almost ready, and I ________ all I am supposed to. A.did C.have done

B.had done D.shall have done

解析:选D 句意:“你的报告准备得怎么样了?”“快好了,我会把我该做的都弄好的。”此处用的是将来完成时,表示将来有可能已经完成的动作。

7.(2019·通、泰、扬、徐、淮、宿模拟)—It's said that Linda was picked out as a volunteer English teacher.

—Yes. I ________ about it in the school newspaper. A.was reading C.would read

B.had read D.will read

解析:选A 句意:“据说琳达被选为志愿英语教师了。”“是的,我刚在校报上读到这个消息。”根据语境可知,“读到这个消息”应该发生在过去,所以必须在A和B之间进行选择。因为并没有与“read”这个动作进行对比的过去的时间或者动作,所以不可以用过去完成时。故选A。

8.(2018·通、泰、扬、徐、淮、宿模拟)—Darling, my routine meeting ends at 8:00 p.m. when, I suppose, you ______dinner. —But I can wait. A.will have

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B.have had



