小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接: /waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:一只让我悟道的乌龟
Life is good, really good. Sometimes I feel like thegood karma train picked me up, and simply refusesto let me off.
生活不错,很不错。有时我觉得仿佛坐上了一列善有善报 的列车,想下车都不行。 I have an amazing wife, a teenage son that makesme glow with pride, good health, a wonderful familyand the best friends a guy could ask for. I have a lotto be grateful for.
我有个人人夸好的妻子,有个给我脸 上增光的十几岁的儿子,我们身体健康,家庭美满和睦,还有 一帮世上最棒的朋友。我有好多值得感恩的东西。
For many years now, “thank you” has become my meditation as I start each day.
多年来,“感 谢老天” 经成了我开始每一天的默祷词。
But the truth is, life was not always this good. It wasn’t all that long ago, when the resume’ ofmy life looked radically different.
可是事实上,生活并不总是这么美好。就在不久前,我的 人生简历看上去还是迥然不同。
At one time, my life was filled with nearly everything people try to avoid. 曾经一度,我的生活充满了令 每个人都想躲避的东西。
Experiencing everything from unhappy relationships to financial struggles, poor health,depression, and an endless stream of negative habits was a part of my
daily life.
从让人沮丧的婚姻,到困窘的经济状况, 糟糕的健康,抑郁的心情和无穷无尽的坏毛病,都是我每天生 活的一部分。
It seemed that no matter how hard I tried, happiness was constantly eluding me anddisappointment became my shadow.
似乎不管我怎么努力,快乐总是躲着我走,而失 望则如影随形。
It also seemed as if I was paving the way for a future that sadly resembled my father’s…until hetook his own life at the age of 54.
而且似乎我在亦步亦趋地把日子过成父亲那样, 他在54岁的时候自杀了。
This was a defining moment for me. Once the shock of losing my father began to fade, clarityand a new sense of purpose became the dominant force in my life. 那一刻成了我人生的转折点,一度失 去父亲所受的打击开始消退,慈善和生活的目标感开始支配我 的生活。
I remember feeling as if I had “met myself” for the very first time while also becomingconscious of my life’s true purpose.
我觉着好像有生以来第一次发现了自己,认识到了生 命的真正目的。
It was in that moment that I had made a major decision. Not only would I change my own life,but I would also make a difference in the lives of others. 从那一刻起,我便做了一个重大决定。我不仅 要改变自己的生活,而且要令别人的生活改观。
Enlightenment and epiphanies can show up in some pretty strange ways. The Buddha found itunder a Boddhi tree, Nelson Mandela in prison and spiritual guru
Ram Dass throughpsychedelic drugs.
令人茅塞顿开的灵光会以相当奇特的方式出现。佛祖在菩 提树下悟道;纳尔逊?曼德拉在狱中觉醒;灵魂大师瑞姆?达; 斯则在致幻剂中获得升华。
Little did I know, mine would arrive in the form of a hard-shelled reptile simply trying to crossthe road -- a turtle.
我从未曾料到,我的启示会以一只 试图穿越马路的硬壳爬行动物的形象出现,它是一只乌龟。
But this wasn’t just any turtle, this was the world’s most optimistic one. He was tenaciouslydetermined to cross twenty feet of tar as cars zoomed by at 55 mph. 但这可不是一只普通的乌龟,这是世上最乐观的一只乌龟。 它不屈不挠地打算穿越一条宽20英尺的柏油马路,路上是川流 不息的以时速55英里行驶的车辆。 But today was his lucky day. 可是今天是它的幸运日。
My wife’s quick reflexes not only ensured that “turtle soup” would not be for dinner that night,but her act of kindness would eventually become the foundation for everything I teachtoday.
我 妻子的快速反应不仅保证了它不会以“乌龟汤”的形式成为今 晚的餐桌一景,而且她接下来的善举还成就了我今天要讲述的 一切的基础。
As unusual as this sounds, the simple act of pulling our car over, removing this little turtlefrom harms way, and placing him back into the wild, caused something extraordinary tohappen inside of me.
这听上去要多玄有多玄,一个简单的将车停到路边, 把这只小乌龟救离险境并将之归