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大学英语泛读教程4(第三版)期中期末试卷Reading Master 4 – Midterm Exam A

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Reading Master 4– Midterm Exam A

A. Vocabulary

Directions: Use the words from the box to complete sentences 1 to 10. Each is used one time.

corruption metropolis initiative scrapped outcry

fraud bad rap willpower carcass violation 1. Maggie showed a lot of _______________ by cutting down on sweets and losing a little weight.

2. The company project was _______________ since they were unable to convince investors to finance it.

3. Credit card _______________ can be avoided by keeping your PIN number and card locked in a place.

4. The students took the _______________ to clean up the school park since there was litter everywhere.

5. If you drive your car through a red light, it is a(n) _______________ of the traffic laws. 6. Government _______________ can be a problem if officials have too much control over their departments.

7. Pit bulls are a type of dog breed that often get a(n) _______________ for being aggressive and dangerous.

8. There was a(n) _______________ from citizens when the government announced new taxes. 9. The city of New York is a(n) _______________ with millions of inhabitants.

10. Researchers pulled out a large _______________ from the ocean and concluded that it was the body of a blue whale.

Directions: Use the words from the box to complete sentences 11 to 20. Each is used one time.

notorious feasible drastic irreversible leaked

decay trim slipped peeped mangle

11. Jesse James is a(n) _______________ train and bank robber who lived in the American west in the late 19th century.

12. Although the puppy was only eight months old, it had sharp enough teeth to _______________ and destroy his pillow.

13. I asked the hairdresser to _______________ my hair, but it seems as though she cut off more than ten centimeters.


Reading Master 4– Midterm Exam A

14. Amanda went to Canada in the wintertime and she somehow _______________ on some ice and injured her leg.

15. The kids _______________ over old Mr. Winslow’s fence before climbing over to retrieve their ball.

16. The media _______________ some information about the movie star’s secret love child. 17. Once a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, the change is _______________.

18. There was a(n) _______________ change in Howard’s behavior in class after the teacher spoke to his parents.

19. The bananas began to _______________ after sitting on the kitchen table for more than a week. 20. Rachel’s plan to travel all over Europe wasn’t _______________ since she had not saved up enough money.

Directions: Choose the best answer for each of the following.

21. After pitching for the Hurricanes for two years, Joe Black was finally ______ to play in the major leagues. a. called up b. call c. no call d. calling 22. With all our bags packed and reservations confirmed, we were ______ to begin our one-month

vacation in Spain. a. set

b. worked off

c. self-sustained

d. incinerated

23. Sherlock Holmes ______ the house to find any evidence of wrong-doing. a. reported back b. snooped around c. informed on d. picked up 24. The media ______ a rumor about the celebrity being pregnant for the fifth time. a. ruined b. spread c. improved d. gained

25. Claudia decided to ______ eating sweets, so she could fit into her wedding dress in the spring. a. fall in b. clean up c. put on d. give up 26. After teaching at the university for more than 20 years, Professor White ______ so he could retire. a. pushed through b. stepped down c. got behind d. did away with 27. The angry customer ______ his meal after he had found a fly on his plate. a. thrown out b. sent back c. shot up d. passed through 28. The scared boy looked ______ as the nurse injected him with his measles vaccination. a. away b. around c. here d. nearby 29. The company decided to ______ their plan to cut costs by 20% over the next five years. a. ban b. implicate c. waste d. integrate


Reading Master 4– Midterm Exam A

30. Fire trucks are normally ______ with hoses and ladders in case of serious fires.

a. rescinded

b. overthrown

c. rigged

d. passed

B. Grammar

31. Smoking in the building ______ by management at any time. a. has permit b. has not permitted c. have permit 32. The famous song _____ live by only a few talented singers. a. have been b. has been sung c. has been

d. is not permitted

d. sang

33. _____ of an emergency landing in water, please use the vest located under your seat.

a. In case

b. Insofar as

c. In that

d. As

34. He was an excellent teacher _____ he always challenged his students during his lessons. a. in case b. with the aim of c. in that d. so that 35. Please call me _____ you have arrived at home, so I don’t worry. a. were b. when c. should

d. but for

36. If she _____ wear a little make up, it might help to boost her confidence. a. weren’t for b. weren’t c. were d. were to 37. _____ it was very expensive, we bought our first house last week. a. Even though b. Just as c. Whereas

d. Not only

38. _____ looking up at the stars, one cannot help but feel at how small we really are. a. Even though b. Not only c. Just as d. While 39. They _____ but to sell their car since they couldn’t afford the extra expenses. a. had no alternative b. has no choice c. no alternative d. have alternatives 40. You ___________ pay your credit card bills on time if you want to have a good credit rating. a. has to b. have c. must d. don’t have to 41. Tina and George were very proud of ___________ when they bought a new house together. a. them b. themselves c. yourself d. yourselves 42. Carol likes pop music, but as for ___________, I prefer classical pieces such as Beethoven. a. itself b. myself c. yourself d. me


Reading Master 4– Midterm Exam A

C. Reading Comprehension (A)

Directions: Read the following excerpt from The Whistle-Blowers and answer the questions that follow.

Chelsea Manning

Born Bradley Manning, this former marine is currently serving a 35-year-sentence for violating the U.S. Espionage Act. As in the case of Snowden, opinion is deeply divided over whether Manning should be reviled as a traitor or celebrated as a hero. Working as a military intelligence analyst in Iraq in 2009, Manning had access to hundreds of thousands of cables containing classified information. When Manning began leaking files in 2010 to Wikileaks — a website that gained notoriety for making top-secret information public, all hell broke loose. Two videos that

documented controversial military actions in Afghanistan and Iraq caused an online sensation. The latter, which has been viewed millions of times on YouTube, shows an airstrike that had been

carried out by a U.S. Army helicopter in Baghdad in 2007. Although the first strike initially targeted enemy combatants, at least three unarmed people, including two international journalists, were also killed when the aircraft opened fire for a second time. The controversial video, which Wikileaks gave the title of “Collateral Murder,” was eventually traced to Manning who at one stage could have faced the death penalty for his actions. The U.S. courts argued that Manning’s behavior was tantamount to assisting the enemy and therefore constituted treason, but human rights activists have condemned the length of the former soldier’s sentence.

43. According to the excerpt, which of the following is true? a. Manning made an official statement against the U.S. government, so he was punished for it. b. Manning was the pilot who conducted an airstrike against unarmed civilians. c. Manning made public sensitive information about some of the events which took place in the Middle East. d. YouTube and Wikileaks stole the military video footage and later made it available to the public. 44. According to the excerpt, what do the leaked videos show? a. Only a battle with Iraqi soldiers. b. A helicopter battle between opposing forces. c. Two journalists stealing documents. d. A helicopter firing on civilians.

45. What can be said of public opinion regarding Manning as a whistle blower? a. They think he is a murder. b. Everyone believes he is innocent. c. They are unsure if the punishment fits the crime. d. Everyone believes he got what he deserved.


Reading Master 4– Midterm Exam A

46. The word tantamount is closest in meaning to which of the following? a. equal b. targeted c. divided d. controversial (B)

Directions: Read the following excerpt from When the Product Doesn’t Count and answer the questions that follow.

Heading the list of most reputable companies for the second consecutive year with a score of 78.39 was BMW. The statistics spoke for themselves. Of the hundred companies surveyed, the German automaker was the only one to place in the top five of each of the seven criteria on corporate

reputation. Like most of the companies on the list, BMW, which also owns Mini and Rolls Royce, got slightly higher marks with domestic voters. However, it amply demonstrated its international presence by ranking in the top 10 overall in nine of the 15 participating countries. It also showed great diversity in the markets that it has conquered: The brand was top in the reputation stakes in Russia, Korea and Australia. What helped set it apart from fellow car manufacturers like Toyota and Volvo, who came 37th and 42nd in the table, was the finding that consumers were around 10 percent more likely to buy BMW’s products based on reputation. Trust was the word on the lips of many of the survey’s respondents. Another German car company that put in a good showing was Mercedes-Benz owner Daimler, which came fifth. Volkswagen at 13th made it a hat-trick of German car firms in the top 20.

47. What did BMW attain according to the survey conducted? a. a positive reputation b. high quality engineering c. an excellent promotional campaign d. the highest sales margin of all automakers 48. How many countries were included in the survey? a. 78 b. 10 c. 42 d. 15 49. What can be assumed about car sales in Australia? a. Toyota outsells all the German automakers. b. Volvo outsells Volkswagen. c. BMW outsells Toyota. d. German automakers all outsell Japanese cars.

50. The word amply is closest in meaning to which of the following? a. likely b. thoroughly c. reputably d. consecutively


大学英语泛读教程4(第三版)期中期末试卷Reading Master 4 – Midterm Exam A


