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新编大学英语第二版第五册第一单元练习答案 1. Understanding Emotions Step One anger anguish despair fear happiness jealousy love pleasure trust The King √ √ √ The King’s Daughter √ √ √ √ √ The Young Man √ √ √ √ √ Step Two(略)

2. Understanding Specific Information

1) C 2) A 3) D 4) D 5) C 6) A 7) C 8) B 9) A 10) D 11) C 12) C

3. Predicting the Outcome of the Story(略) Vocabulary

1. 1) semi-circle (half) 2) semi-detached (partly, not completely)

3) semi-finals (next to)

4) semi-annual (happening, appearing, etc. twice in a stated period)

5) semi-retired (partly, not completely) 6 ) semi-automatic (partly, not completely) 7) semi-professional (partly, not completely) 8) semi-conscious (partly, not completely) 9) Semi-tropical (next to) 10) semi-literate (partly, not completely)

2. 1) A. convict B. accused C. charged D. convicted 2) A. hopeful B. willful C. willful D. wishful 3) A. tradition B. habit C. custom/tradition D. custom 4) A. appreciation B. affection C. appreciation D. admiration 5) A. glance B. glimpse C. glare D. glance 6) A. reward B. awarded C. rewarded D. prizes

3. 1) on and off (from time to time) / now ad then (sometimes but not very often) 2) now and then (sometimes but not very often) 3) here and there (in different places) 4) ups and downs (good and bad periods following one another in turn) 5) far and near (everywhere) 6) now ad then (sometimes but not very often) 7) up and down (moving upwards and downwards) 8) day and night (all the time) 9) day and night (all the time)

10) on and off (from time to time)

Part Three Further Development 1. Enriching Your Word Power

1) B 2) B 3) A 4) B 5) B 6) A 7) A 8) B 9) A 10) C

2. Can You Solve This?

Answer: The murderer is Mrs. Van Pelt. Reasons: 1) Mrs. Van Pelt smoked; 2) Mrs. Van Pelt was wearing blue; 3) A note found in Mrs. Van Pelt’s purse (She Knew about her husband’s affair with a lady called Elizabeth); 4) At 11:10, five minutes after the murder, Mrs. Van Pelt came into the kitchen and heated milk. 5) Mrs. Van Pelt’s name was Jane (Her husband was in love with someone else and wanted to divorce her).

新编大学英语第二版第五册第二单元练习答案 Post-Reading

1. Understanding the Organization of the Text 1) Introduction: (Para.1)

A homeless man expresses thanks to a man holding the door for him Setting: a local restaurant

Characters: shoppers, families and students

Situation: the coming and leaving of a homeless man 2) Main Body (Para.2-11)

There’s a lack of good manners in today’s world. Supporting evidence:

AAt the restaurant, no one thanked the people providing the service; (Para.2)

BWomen hardly show their gratefulness to people for their help while driving; (Para.4) CFewer men hold open doors for those behind them; (Para.4)

DVery often parents do not apologize for what their children do; (Para.7) EChildren are not schooled in social graces; (Para.8)

FRude language is so commonplace that it is accepted behavior. (Para.10) 3) Conclusion (Para.12-13) The importance of manners:

In a crowded world, being polite to each other helps ease our daily stress.

2. Understanding Specific Information

1) B 2) B 3) C 4) A 5) C 6) C 7) B 8) B

3. Expressing Your Own Ideas

1) At the end of the article, the author raises the question, “Are we really so pressured that



we cannot stop to observe simple courtesy?” What do you think her answer would be? Do you agree with her? How do you explain the lack of courtesy?


The author’s answer must be “No”. I agree with her entirely. I think the lack of good manners is due to the following reasons:

— People haven’t realized the importance of good manners; — There is a general lack of good manners in the society;

— Children are not taught to observe courtesy at home and at school.

2) The author says that “In a crowded world, manners are of vital importance.” Do you agree? If so, why? SAMPLE:

I agree with what the author says in the article. With the increase of population, the world seems smaller. This inevitably causes more inconveniences, troubles, etc. If people do not observe courtesy in their everyday life, there will be quarrels, conflicts and even fights. The whole society will be in chaos. So I think that manners are really of vital importance in the world today.


1. home-style (l. 1): like what is made at home shopper (l. 2): someone who buys things in shops homeless (l. 4): without a home diner (l. 12): someone who is eating dinner in a restaurant discomfort (l. 13): the state of being uneasy/uncomfortable takeout (l. 14): dissatisfaction, disapproval disapproving (l. 21): showing that you think someone or something is bad or undesirable inconsiderate (l. 63): not caring about the feelings, needs or comfort of other people displeasure (l. 65): dissatisfaction; disapproval oversensitive (l. 66): too easily influenced or offended disintegration (l.72): the state of becoming weaker or less united and being gradually destroyed breakdown (l. 73): collapse (n.); failure to progress

2. Fill in the blanks

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.

commit gather up acknowledge help out inhabit be destined to indication chase derive from observe

1) After he received the phone call, John gathered up his papers and left the room. 【译文】接了一个电话之后,约翰收起他的论文离开了房间。

2) He was obviously in some kind of trouble, but I didn’t know how I could help him out. 【译文】他显然是碰到了某种麻烦,但我不知道该怎样帮助他解决。 3) Tim felt he had committed a faux pas and left quietly. 【译文】提姆觉得他犯了失礼的错误,悄悄地离开了。 4) We must not fail to acknowledge his services to the town. 【译文】我们一定不要忘了感谢他为镇上所做的事情。

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5) You can certainly derive a considerable amount of information from that picture. 【译文】你当然能够从那张照片中知道很多的事情。

6) Thomas Brown had always felt that he was destined to lead his country. 【译文】托马斯·布朗总觉得他注定是国家的领头人。 7) No one has inhabited that island for over 100 years. 【译文】100多年来从没有人在那个岛上居住过。

8) This law has been faithfully observed by the Italian government. 【译文】这项法律为意大利政府忠实地奉行。

9) There are indications that the weather is changing. 【译文】有迹象表明天气正发生变化。

10) The police car was going so fast, it must have been chasing someone. 【译文】警车跑得这么快,一定是在追什么人。

3. 1) A. acquisition 2) A. inhibited

B. requisition B. inhabit 3) A. striving

B. strides C. stripes

4. Exercise: Phrases with “Hand”

Directions: Fill in each of the following blanks with an appropriate phrase from the list.

1) in hand at hand by hand hand in hand down hand over

A. They would catch the robbers and hand them over to the police. 他们愿意抓获强盗并移交给警方。

B. The art of story-telling is handed down from mother to daughter. 讲故事的艺术从母亲传给女儿。

C. We have to make the corrections by hand since the computer can’t do them.

我们不得不用手工修正,因为计算机干不了。 D. Your composition should be handed in by Friday. 你的作文要在星期五之前交上来。

E. I thought I had my destiny in hand, but then fate played a trick on me. 我以为我把命运掌握在手中,可是随后命运就捉弄了我。

F. Remember to keep a first-aid kit (急救箱) close at hand all the time. 记得把急救包随时放在手边。

2) run around run into run over run out run off run through

A. I run through the list, but none of the machines interested me. 我匆匆看了一遍目录,但没有哪种机器让我感兴趣。 B. I'm afraid we’ve just run over the rabbit. 恐怕我们刚从兔子身上轧过。

C. The government’s plans have run into strong opposition from civil rights groups.


D. We could run off together, but neither of us wants to live the rest of our life abroad. 我们能一起跑出去,但我们都不想在国外渡过余生。

E. We knew we might run out of money before the end of the holiday.


F. No one noticed we had been running around emptying bins and cleaning up. 欢迎下载



新编大学英语第二版第五册第三课练习答案 Part One Preparation

1. Talking about Successful Companies Step One Companies Motorola Wahaha Group P & G Haier Group mobile phone mineral water, Future Cola, fruit milk face cream, soap, shampoo, tooth paste, detergent refrigerator, air-conditioner, washing machine Products Step Two(略)

2. Being a Good Manager(略)

3. Describing Trends Step One

Words and Phrases that mean

1) “to rise” or “a rise”: an increase, to increase, to go up, to reach a peak 2) “to fall” or “a fall”: a drop, a reduction, a decline, to hit/fall to the lowest point, to decline, to down, to drop 3) “no change” or “no difference”: to remain the same, to remain/stay constant, to remain stable Adjectives and adverbs that describe

4) a sudden, large change: sharp(ly), dramatic(ally), considerable, considerably 5) a very small change: slight(ly) 6) a regular change: steady, steadily, gradual(ly)

Step Two

1) In 1997. 2) 1997-2000. 3) 1994-1995. 4) 1998-1999. 5) 1995-1996. 6) In 2000. 7) In 1995. 8) 1996-1997. 9) 1994-1995 and 1996-1997. 10) In 1994.

Step Three

A Sample Description of Graph 1 The graph show the fluctuation in a company’s sales to South Asia over a period of twelve months. According to the graph, sales to South Asia increased steadily from 7 million dollars in January to 10 million dollars in May. After this, sales fell dramatically, hitting the lowest point in June at 6 million dollars. There was then a slight increase in July. Between July and September sales stayed constant at a little over 6 million dollars. There was then a sharp rise between September and November with a peak of 11 million dollars in November. After November sales declined significantly to 8 million dollars.

A Sample Description of Graph 2 The graph shows a company’s exports between 1995 and 2004. exports fell steadily from 15





