Examination table
申请(专利)号: US20060375145
专利号: US2006220432A1 主分类号: B60N2/48 申请权利人: CHRISTER
SUNDSTROM 公开国代码: US 优先权国家: US
申请日: 2006-03-15 公开公告日: 2006-10-05
分类号: B60N2/48 发明设计人: CHRISTER
优先权: 20060315 US
37514506; 20050315 US 65146405
摘 要 附 图:
摘 要:
An examination and treatment table
having a base (1) adapted to lift and lower a table (2) attached thereto, the table comprises a seat
cushion (4) and a back cushion (3), which are individually movable. The table (2) is only attached at one side to the base (1) by means of a pivot pin (12) and that the seat cushion (4) and the back cushion (3), respectively, has a
suspending frame (29, 30) each connected to the pivot pin (12) and extending along, at least partially, one side of the cushion (3, 4), which is the same side as the pivot pin (12) is provided. 主权项:
1. An examination and treatment table having a base (1) adapted to lift and
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Examination table