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选修6 短语归纳

1制作雕像 make sculptures 2对~信任 have faith in 3结果 consequently, as a consequence 4起源于 start from date from/date back to 5带有~的目的 with the aim of 6代表宗教主题 represent religious themes 7很明显 It is evident/obvious that 8用一种更现实的方in a more realistic way 法 9代替 replace/take the place of 10集中 concentrate on/focus on 11用透视画法 in perspective 12采用更人道 adopt a more humanistic 的人生态度 attitude to life 13用画装饰他们 decorate their superb palaces 华丽的家 with paintings 14拥有 in possession of/ take ~ of 15凑巧 bycoincidence/chance/accident 16改变了很多 change a great deal/a lot break away from 18在户外工作 work outdoors 19一方面,另一方面 on the one hand, on the other hand 20荒谬的 ridiculous 21很多 scores of 四十个鸡蛋 2 score ( of ) eggs 22尝试做 attempt to do sth make an attempt to do sth in an attempt to do sth 第一次尝试 at his first attempt 23影子 shadow 24争论的 controversial 25精致的 delicate 26对~过敏 be allergic to 27在展览中 on show/exhibition/display 28活着的/本人 in the flesh 29敢做敢为的 aggressive 30一束花 a bunch of flowers 31林荫路 avenue 32对~有偏爱 have a preference for 33有吸引力 appeal to ( arms ) 17脱离/突破 34精细的贝壳 35博得名声 36文明 37视觉愉悦 38香的 39当代社会 40永久的 41区域 42委员会 43署名 44艺术收藏品 45艺术作品 Unit 2 1把…列成一张表 2表达思想 3押韵的词 4的一方面… 5传达某种感情 6童谣 7使某人高兴 8进球 9没有留心看球 fragile seashell build up a reputation civilization visual delights fragrant contemporary society permanent district committee signature art collection works of art make a list of express feeling rhyming words an aspect of … convey certain emotions nursery rhymes delight sb. score goals take the eyes off the ball stay up 11放松,不着急 take it easy 12精疲力竭 run out of energy 13由……组成 be made up of 14呈现一幅清晰的convey a strong picture 画 15洋溢着… be brimful of … 16改变,转变成… transform into 17翻译成… translate into… 18恰当的结尾 appropriate ending 19碰巧 by chance 20注意到,留意到…… pay attention to 21 嘲笑 tease 22无尽的工作 endless work 23部分 section 24文凭 diploma 25弥补--- make up for 26 在黑暗中 in total darkness 27 测试,尝试 try out 28发出尖叫 let out a scream 29与~矛盾 be contradictory to load A with B 30装载 10不睡觉,熬夜 31脑子一片空白 32赢得奖学金 33尤其 Unit 3 1抽烟 2喝酒 3.滥用麻醉药品 4. 保持健康 5. 在压力下 强调 有压力的,紧张的 6.青少年 7.禁止 8 由于 9 困难的 10对~上瘾 11对~习惯 12脱瘾症状 13易怒的 14自动的 Go blank win a scholarship in particular smoke cigarettes drink alcohol/alcoholic drug abuse/ child abuse keep healthy/fit/in ~health be under great stress lay stress on/upon stressful/stressed adolescent ban sb from sth/ a ~ on due to/owing to/thanks to tough be addicted to get/become accustomed to accustom oneself to withdrawal symptoms withdraw/~drew/~drawn bad-tempered automatically



