《国际经济学》 第二章 古典贸易理论
图 2-5 贸易后的一般均衡
(五)Gains from Trade 贸易利益
1. 根据贸易前后社会无差异曲线的移动来判定
aLY/aLX * PW ≥aLY/aLX * PA = 1
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《国际经济学》 第二章 古典贸易理论
2.3 The Empirical Tests and Evaluation
of Classical Trade Theory 第三节 古典贸易理论的验证与评价
一.Verification of Classical Trade Theory 古典贸易理论的验证 1.迈克尔道格尔的假设检验结果
二.Brief Evaluation of Comparative Advantage Theory 古典贸易理论的评价 1.Progressiveness 进步性
⑴ 揭示了一个客观规律 —— 比较利益定律,从实证经济学的角度证明国际贸易的产生不仅在于
⑵ 曾为英国工业资产阶级争取自由贸易(Free trade)提供了有力的理论武器,而自由贸易政策
又促进了英国生产力的迅速发展,使英国成为“世界工厂(World factory)”,在世界工业和贸易中居于首位。
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《国际经济学》 第二章 古典贸易理论
2.Limitations 局限性
⑴ 把理论建立在一系列简单的假设前提基础上,把多变的经济世界抽象成静止的均衡的世界,因
而所揭示的贸易各国获得的利益是静态的短期利益(The short-term static benefits); ⑵ 仅考虑狭义的利益,即经济利益(Economic gains),忽视广义的利益中的社会效益(social
efficiency)和生态环境效益(The benefit of ecological environment);
⑶ 引起各国劳动成本差异的原因、互利贸易利益(Mutually beneficial trade gains)的范围
⑷ 在现实中,难以找到一个国家在国际贸易中进行完全专业化(Complete specialization)生
三.Theory of reciprocal demand 相互需求理论
John Stuart Mill 约翰·斯图亚特·穆勒
Within the outer limits of the terms of trade, the actual terms of trade is
determined by the relative strength of each country’s demand for the other country’ s product.
The reciprocal-demand theory best applies when both nations are of equal economic size, so that the demand of each nation has a noticeable effect on market price. If two nations are of unequal economic size, however, it is possible that the relative demand strength of the smaller nation will be dwarfed by that of the larger nation. In this case, the domestic exchange ratio of the larger nation will prevail. Assuming the absence of monopoly elements working in the markets, the small nation can export as much of the commodity as it desires, enjoying large gains from trade.
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《国际经济学》 第二章 古典贸易理论
If two nations of approximately the same size and with similar taste patterns participate in international trade, the gains from trade will be shared about equally between them. However, if one nation is significantly larger than the other, the larger nation attains fewer gains from trade while the smaller nation attains most of the gains from trade. This situation is characterized as the importance of being unimportant. What’ s more, when nations are very dissimilar in size, there is a strong possibility that the larger nation will continue to produce its comparative-disadvantage good because the smaller nation is unable to supply all of the world’ s demand for this product.
四.The development dilemma of developing nations 发展中国家的发展困境 1. 比较优势陷阱(The comparative advantage trap)
发展中国家完全按照比较优势,生产并出口初级产品(Primary products)和劳动密集型产品(Labor-intensive products),则在与技术密集型产品(Technology-intensive products)和资本密集型产品(Capital-intensive products)出口为主的经济发达国家的国际贸易中,虽然能获得利益,但贸易结构和收益都不稳定(Unstable gains),总是处于不利地位。 2. 三明治经济(“Sandwich” Economy)
选择劳动密集型产业为突破口的国家,在发展一段时间之后,发现自己进入了一个非常尴尬的境地:上面是发达国家(Developed nations),与它们之间有不可逾越的障碍;下面是劳动力更加便宜的发展中国家(Developing nations),这些国家有后发优势(The advantage of backwardness)。
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第02章 古典贸易理论(讲义)完整版