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第02章 古典贸易理论(讲义)完整版

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《国际经济学》 第二章 古典贸易理论

2.1 The Evolution of Classical Trade Theory

第一节 古典贸易理论的演变

一.Adam smith’s Contribution to International Trade Theory


1.Criticism to mercantilism 对重商主义的批判

⑴ 衡量一国财富的不是其所拥有的贵重金属的多少,而是这些贵重金属所能购买的商品数量; ⑵ 扩大生产才能提高本国的生活水平,而生产的扩大最根本的动力是劳动生产率的不断提高。财


Smith challenged the mercantilist views on trade by arguing that, with free trade, international specialization of factor inputs could increase world output, which could be shared by trading nations. All nations could simultaneously enjoy gains from trade. Smith maintained that each nation would find it advantageous to specialize in the production of those goods in which it had an absolute advantage.


强调国库和王室成员所拥有的贵重金属的多寡是衡量国家是否繁荣昌盛的最重要的标志。所以,为政府开具的调节经济的处方是取消进口,因为进口会导致本国贵重金属的流失,同时鼓励出口,因为出口会导致贵重金属的流入。重商主义认为国际贸易是一种零和博弈(zero-sum game),鼓吹经济民族主义(Nationalism)。

If a country could achieve a favourable trade balance, it would enjoy payments received from the rest of the world in the form of gold and silver. Such revenues would contribute to increased spending and a rise in domestic output and employment.

To promote favourable trade balance, the mercantilists advocated government regulation of trade. Tariffs、quotas and other commercial policies were proposed by the mercantilists to minimize imports in order to protect a nation, s trade position. In short, mercantilists maintained that trade is a zero-sum activity and preached economic nationalism.

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《国际经济学》 第二章 古典贸易理论

价格-铸币-流动学说(Price-Specie-Flow Doctrine)


A favourable trade balance was possible only in the short run, for over time it would automatically be eliminated. To illustrate, suppose England were to achieve a trade surplus that resulted in an inflow of gold and silver. Because these precious metals would constitute part of England’s money supply, their inflow would increase the amount of money in circulations. This would lead to a rise in England’s price level relative to that of its trading partners. English residents would therefore be encouraged to purchase foreign-produced goods, while England, s export would decline. As a result, the country’s trade surplus would eventually be eliminated.

2.The concept of Absolute Advantage 绝对优势的概念

一国生产1个单位的某种商品所使用的资源少于另一个国家同类产品的生产所使用的资源。 One nation uses less labor to produce a unit of output than the other nation.

二.The Contents of Classical Trade Theory 古典贸易理论的内容

Smith and Ricardo emphasized the supply side of the market. The immediate basis for trade stemmed from cost differences between nations, which were underlaid by their natural and acquired advantages.

1.绝对优势理论(Principle of Absolute Advantage)(亚当〃斯密 Adam Smith)


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《国际经济学》 第二章 古典贸易理论


In a two-nation、two-product world, international trade and specialization will beneficial when one nation has an absolute cost advantage in one commodity and the other nation has an absolute cost advantage in the other commodity. For the world to benefit from international division of labour, each nation must have a commodity that it is absolutely more efficient in producing than its trading partner. A nation will import those commodities in which it has an absolute cost disadvantage; it will export those commodities in which it has an absolute cost advantage.



Q :What if a nation is more efficient than its trading partner in the production of all


2.比较优势理论(Principle of Comparative Advantage)(大卫〃李嘉图 David Ricardo)



Even if a nation has an absolute cost disadvantage in the production of both commodities, a basis for mutually beneficial trade may still exist. The less efficient nation should specialize in and export the commodity in which it is relatively less inefficient(where its absolute disadvantage is least). The more efficient nation should specialize in and export that commodity in which it is relatively more efficient(where its absolute advantage is greater).

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《国际经济学》 第二章 古典贸易理论

2.2 The Differences of Productivity and International Trade

第二节 劳动生产率差异与国际贸易:李嘉图模型

一.Assumptions 假设

以劳动价值论(Labour Theory of Value)为基础:

1.2*2模型 2.只投入一种生产要素 —— 劳动力 3.劳动力在国与国之间不能流动 4.两国资源都得到充分利用 5.机会成本不变 6.运输成本和其他交易费用为零 7.商品可以在各国之间自由流动 8.进出口贸易总值相等 9.生产和交换是在完全竞争的条件下进行的 10.不存在政府对贸易的干预或管制

1.The world consists of two nations, each using a single input to produce two commodities. 2.In each nation, labour is the only input. Each nation has a fixed endowment of labour, and labour

is fully employed and homogenous.

3.Labour can move freely among industries within a nation but is incapable of moving between nations. 4.The level of technology is fixed for both nations. Different nations may use different technologies,

but all firms within each nation utilize a common production method for each commodity. 5.Cost does not vary with the level of production and are proportional to the amount of labour used. 6.Perfect competition prevails in all markets. All producers or consumers are all are price takers.

All units of each product are identical. There is free entry to and exit from an industry, and the price of each product equals the products marginal cost of production. 7.Free trade occurs between nations; That is, no government barriers to trade exist.

8.Transportation costs are zero. Consumers will thus be indifferent between domestically produced

and imported versions of a product if the domestic prices of the two products are identical. 9.Firms make production decision in an attempt to maximize profits, whereas consumers maximize

satisfaction though their consumption decision.

10.There is no money illusion; That is, when consumers make their consumption decision, they take

into account the behaviour of all prices.

11.Trade is balanced(exports must pay for imports), ruling out flows of money between nations.

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《国际经济学》 第二章 古典贸易理论

二.Absolute advantage and Comparative advantage 绝对优势与比较优势 1.Absolute advantage

Production cost Productivity

aLX < bLX 1 / aLX < 1 / bLX bLY < aLY 1 / bLY < 1 / aLY

2.Comparative advantage

Opportunity cost

aLX / aLY < bLX / bLY

Table 2-1 Production Function of Nation A and Nation B

Commodity / Department X Y Nation A LX / aLX LY / aLY AANation B LX / bLX LY / bLY BBNotes:

aLX A国的X部门的单位产出所需要的劳动投入量 aLY A国的Y部门的单位产出所需要的劳动投入量 bLX B国的X部门的单位产出所需要的劳动投入量 bLY B国的Y部门的单位产出所需要的劳动投入量 (倒数就是劳动生产率) LAX A国的X部门的劳动投入 LAY A国的Y部门的劳动投入 LBX B国的X部门的劳动投入 LBY B国的Y部门的劳动投入

Table 2-2(a) Labour input per commodity output in both nations

Labour input per X Labour input per Y Nation A 3 6 Nation B 12 4 Table 2-2(b) Labour input per commodity output in both nations

Labour input per X Labour input per Y Nation A 3 6 Nation B 12 8 - 5 -

第02章 古典贸易理论(讲义)完整版


