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Observation is the best teacher. ( 启迪:观察是好的导师 )

D. Instead of smiling ,each of them made a face.

Question 1 : Usually experiment is interesting ,but why did the teacher and students showed different facial expressions?

Question 2 : What's the teacher's expression ?

Perhaps he _______ ,_______ _______ _______ ( smiled ,looking rather pleased) ,for he was _______ _______ (pleased with)his trick.

Question 3 : Why did the student make a face without smiling ?

Question 4 : What inspiration ? Carelessness is a kind of punishment life gives you all. ( 启迪:粗心大意是生活给你们的惩罚 )

E. He said sadly ,“ I am sorry , none of you watched carefully enough. Question 1 : Why did he say so ? The finger _______ was not the one _______ . Question 2 : What inspiration ?

The teacher ’s disappointment contains expectations. ( 启迪:老师的失望中蕴涵着期待 )

Step3 :( While - reading )综合巩固性运用

( 说明:综合巩固性运用通过全方位的手段,例如将叙述性语言转化为对话语言,将文字语言转化为肢体语言,将单向问答转为多向交流,目的是通过读者与作者、读者与老师,读者与读者之间的交流进一步加深对课文的理解,挖掘意义,巩固语言知识运用,用现场交流等形式取代课文复述、背诵等机械记忆的巩固方式,说明在巩固操练环节仍然要坚持以意义为中心。)

将叙述性语言转换为对话语言,通过角色表演来进行巩固性演练。 (1) 老师交代任务并示范

T :Now group work.If you were Paul ,how to conduct the lesson ? Let me demonstrate

what you will do.

T :Class begins. Ss :Good morning ,Sir.

T : Good morning ,Class!Today is our first chemistry lesson.Let me introduce myself.My family name is Jack.As you see ,I'm a little man with thick glasses ,but I have a strange way of making my lesson lively and interesting.Not easily forgotten.Are you ready ?

Ss :Yes.

T :Look at me.(Using pictures)The three bottles.One is filled with petrol,one with castor oil and one with vinegar. Now watch carefully( 动作演示 1)What I will do next ?Fill a cup with some petrol ,some castor oil ,some vinegar ,hold up one finger ,show it to the class ,dip it into the cup ,take the finger out … .Tell me what I did just now. Ss :You put a finger into your mouse ,tasted and smile ,then you handed the cup around the class. Each student dipped the finger into the mixture and sucked it.

(2) 学生通过分组讨论进行语言转换。 (3) 学生来台前汇报表演。 (4) 老师评价。


(1) 设问提示型归纳:通过问题来引导学生进行语言巩固性运用。 (2) 口头故事型结尾:用将故事的方式来叙述课文,旨在巩固运用。

(3) 听写填空型结尾:老师根据课文内容设计空缺型听力材料,学生先听写,再根据课文实际来填空。

(4) 看图叙述型结尾:围绕课文内容设计几幅简图,学生看图描述,巩固运用课文知识。 (5) 单词串联型结尾:将课文的重点词汇,包括动词 ( 短语 ) 、名词、转折连词等板书在黑板上,让学生根据课文内容串词说话。

(6) 自由回忆型结尾:老师不设置任何前提条件,让学生自由畅谈在本节课中的得失。

(7) 生活启迪型结尾:让学生谈论课文的学习对自己学习生活的启迪。

(8) 填表罗列型结尾:老师事先制作一份表格,学生在回忆课文内容的基础上填写。

(9) 模拟设计型结尾:模拟设置与课文类似的情景,实现语言的再利用。例如同学可以设计这样的情节,将苹果削成不同形状的薄片,一部分撒上盐,另一部分撒上糖,通过老师吃苹果片来检验学生的观察力。

(10) 模拟发现式结尾:老师运用与课堂类似的道具,设计类似的情景,但运用的材料不同,训练学生发现式思维,并加强学科间的知识渗透。

(11) 逆向批判性结尾:在课文教学结尾提出自己与课文相反的观点,并通过论点、论据、结论之间的比较达到复习巩固、培养思维品质的目的。



