1. be able to do sth. Äܹ»×öijÊ 2. be about to do sth ¼´½«×öijÊ 3. be absent from ȱϯ 4. according to sth. ¸ù¾Ý¡¢°´ÕÕ 5. act asµ£µ±
6. add up to ºÏ¼Æ´ïµ½ 7. in addition ´ËÍ⣬¶øÇÒ 8. in advance Ô¤ÏÈ
9. advise sb. to do sth.½¨ÒéijÈË×öijÊ 10. afford sb sth. ¸øijÈËÌṩijÎï 11. afford Ç®for sth. ÂòµÃÆðijÎï 12. be afraid of º¦Å 13. after all±Ï¾¹
14. again and againÔÙÈýµØ
15. once again / once and again ÔÙÒ»´Î 16. now and againÓÐʱ 17. at the age of ÔÚ¡¼¸Ëêʱ 18. agree to do sth. ͬÒâ×öijÊ 19. agree with sb. ͬÒâijÈËÒâ¼û 20. agree on / upon sth.¶Ô¡Òâ¼ûÒ»Ö 21. ahead of Ôڡ֮ǰ ¡¾in advance ÌáÇ°¡¿
22. get ahead ʤ¹ý£¬³¬¹ý 23. aim at Ãé×¼£¬ Õë¶Ô
24. by air ³Ë·É»ú ¡¾by sea³Ë´¬£¬×ßˮ·£»by land×ß½·¡¿
25. in the airÁ÷´«£»²»È·¶¨£» 26. on the air ÔÚ²¥Òô£¬ÕýÔڹ㲥 27. all in all ×ܵÄ˵À´ 28. all overµ½´¦ 29. in all ×ܼÆ
30. not at all Ò»µãÒ²²»£» ²»ÓÃл 31. first of all Ê×ÏÈ
32. allow sb. to do sth.ÔÊÐíijÈË×öijÊ 33. along withÁ¬Í¬¡¡Ò»Æ𣬠34. be angry with sb.ÉúijÈ˵ÄÆø 35. one after another Ïà¼ÌµØ 36. answer the telephone ½Óµç»° 37. answer back»Ø×죬¶¥×ì
38. the answer to the questionÎÊÌâµÄ´ð°¸ 39. be anxious about sth. ½¹ÂÇ
40. apologize to sb. for sth.ΪijÊÂÏòijÈ˵ÀǸ ¡¾make an apology to sb. for sth.ΪijÊÂÏòijÈ˵ÀǸ¡¿
41. argue about ÒéÂÛijÊ ¡¾quarrel about ÕùÂÛijÊ¡¿ 42. argue against ·´¶Ô
43. arm in arm±ÛÍì×Å±Û ¡¾hand in handÊÖÍìÊÖ£¬shoulder to shoulder¼ç²¢¼çµØ£¬ÆëÐÄÐÁ¦µØ¡¿
44. take sth. in one's arm ±§¡ 45. around the corner ÔڹսǴ¦£»½Ó½ü
46. arrive at/ in a place µ½´ï£¨atСµØ£¬ in´óµØ£©
47. as¡as Óë¡Ò»Ñù ¡¾·ñ¶¨Ê½£ºnot as/so¡as Ó롲»Ò»Ñù¡¿
48. as if/ as though ºÃÏñ 49. as well as (= and) ºÍ 50. be ashamed of ³ÜÓÚ¡¡ 51. ask for sth. ÇëÇó
52. ask sb. for sth.ÇëijÈ˸øijÎï 53. ask sb. to do sth.ÇëijÈË×öijÊ 54. be astonished in sth.Òò¡¾ªÑÈ 55. attempt to do sth.Æóͼ¡¢ÊÔͼ×öijÊ 56. make an attempt at/to/on sth. ŬÁ¦£»³¢ÊÔ 57. pay attention to sth. ×¢Òâ
58. on£¨an£©averageͨ³££»°´Æ½¾ù 59. be aware of Òâʶµ½£¬ÖªµÀ 60. away fromÔ¶Àë
61. base on/ be based on »ùÓÚ
62. because of ÓÉÓÚ ¡¾due toÓÉÓÚ£¬owing toÓÉÓÚ¡¿ 63. make the bed ÕûÀí´²ÆÌ 64. before long²»¾ÃÒԺ󣬺ܿì 65. long before ºÜÔçÒÔÇ°
66. beg one¡¯s pardonÇëijÈËÔÁ¡£
67. beg sb to do sthÇëÇóijÈË×öijÊÂ
68. begin with Ê×ÏÈ ¡¾start with ¿ªÊ¼£¬×ÅÊÖ¡¿ 69. begin/start doing sth. ¿ªÊ¼×ö 70. at the beginning of ¡µÄÆð³õ 71. believe in . ÐÅÑö 72. belong to £¨½é´Ê£© ÊôÓÚ
73. do / try one's best ¾¡Ä³ÈË×î´óŬÁ¦ 74. all the best ×£Ò»ÇÐ˳Àû
75. make the best (out) of¾¡Á¿ÀûÓã»ÉÆÓà 76. had better (not) do sth. ×îºÃ£¨²»£©×öijÊ 77. better off С¿µ
78. a bit (of) Óеã¶ù
79. bit by bitÒ»µãÒ»µãµØ£¬½¥½¥ 80. be to blameÓ¦ÊÜÇ´Ôð 81. blame sb for sth.Ôð±¸Ä³ÈËijÊÂ
82. borrow sth from sb.ÏòijÈ˽èijÎï ¡¾lend sth. to sb. °Ñ¶«Î÷½è¸øijÈË¡¿ 83. both¡and ¡Á½Õ߶¼¡ 84. at the bottom of ÔÚ¡µ×²¿ 85. break away from ÍÑÀ룻°ÚÍÑ
86. break down ³ö벡£¬ Å×ê 87. break in ´³È룬²å×ì 88. break intoÇ¿Ðд³È룬 ´ò¶Ï 89. break off Öжϣ¬ÖÐÖ¹
90. break out £¨¼²²¡¡¢Õ½ÕùµÈͻȻ£©±¬·¢ 91. break through Í»ÆÆ£¬Í»Î§ 92. break up·ÖÁÑ£¬·Ö½â£»½áÊø£»½âÉ¢ 93. at breakfast Ô緹ʱ
94. have breakfast / lunch / dinner ³ÔÔç·¹ / Öз¹ / Íí·¹ 95. catch one¡¯s breath ´Ï¢£¬Ðª¿ÚÆø£»ÆÁסºôÎü 96. hold one's breath ÆÁסÆø 97. out of breath ÉÏÆø²»½ÓÏÂÆø 98. take breathЪϢ
99. take one's breath awayÄ¿µÉ¿Ú´ô£»´óΪ¾ªÑÈ 100. waste one's breath°×·Ñ¿ÚÉà 101. burst out±Å·¢£»Í»È»¡ÆðÀ´
102. burst into tears/ laughter ͻȻ´ó¿Þ / ´óЦ 103. go to µØµã on business ³ö²î 104. be busy doing sth.æÓÚ×öijÊ 105. be busy with sth.æÓÚ×öijÊ 106. but forÒª²»ÊÇ
107. by bus/car/plane/train/ship/air ³Ë×ø¹«¹²Æû³µ / ³Ë³µ / ³Ë·É»ú / ³Ë»ð³µ / ³Ë´¬/ ³Ë·É»ú
108. by and by ²»¾ÃÒÔºó£» 109. call for ÇëÇó
110. call inÕÙ¼¯£¬ ÕÙÀ´£¬ À´·Ã 111. call on sb.°Ý·Ã