“So you want to be a rock and roll star?” asked the musician, Bob Dylan. You have decided to seek fame’s spotlight. And you will not be persuaded otherwise. What is it that lures you? Is it the worshipping fans? Or is it simply to be recognized for being truly fantastic at something? This is all quite understandable. I should warn you, though. It is difficult to sustain the public’s favor. These people will grow bored so easily. Even if you should succeed, you might not be happy. Once you win in your conquest of fame, complaints will follow. For example, people will say that your work fails to show continuity in its appeal. You see, their enthusiasm will soon dissolve. I should also tell you that there will be plenty of people who will want to exploit you during your brief stay at the top. Friends? Sure, as long as you have money you’ll have friends who will suck everything you have out of you. And don’t forget to watch your agent closely. You might need a good lawyer and an accountant, but they too will want their piece of the pie-making money out if you.
I see, you understand the cruelty of the situation. However, your chase for fame can’t be discouraged by my pessimistic outlook. Go ahead then. Don’t let me stop you. But when you fail or fall right back where you started and you’re miserable, don’t accuse me of not having warned you. I’ve done all that I can for you.
\所以你想成为摇滚明星?\问音乐家,鲍勃 · 迪伦。您已决定寻求名利的聚光灯。你不会被说服否则。是什么吸引你的?它是雍容华贵的粉丝吗?还是只是为了得到承认被某种东西真正了不起吗?这是都很可以理解的。我应该警告你,不过。它很难维持市民的青睐。这些人这么容易长钻孔。即使你成功了,你可能会不会幸福。一旦你赢了你的名声的征服,将按照投诉。例如,人们会说你的工作未能在上诉中显示缺乏连续性。你看,他们的热情很快就会溶解。我也应该告诉你会有很多人会想要利用你在你在顶部的短暂逗留期间。朋友吗?肯定的是,只要你有钱,会吸你拥有你的一切的朋友。也不要忘记密切注视你的代理人。您可能需要一个好律师和会计师,但他们也会想要他们一块馅饼赚钱如果你。 我明白了,你明白情况的残酷。但是,您为名利的追逐不能气馁的悲观预期。然后去吧。不要让我阻止你。但当你失败或右回退您开始和你很悲惨,不要告我的不会有警告你。我做的所有的我可以为你
It is doubtful that there was a more successful comedy team in the 20th century than Three Stooges. Larry, Moe, and Curly became famous for their many short movies featuring extraordinary comedy. In their movies, they found many ways of showing off funny actions. They attracted large audience and received a lot of applause. However, their movies also sparked criticism. Some people who didn't like the Three Stooges claimed they were too violent. In a TV interview Moe and Larry were roused to defend themselves. Their coarse brand, they said, shouldn't be taken seriously. It was just \
The Stooges got their name and their start in an act called Ted Healy and his Stooges. This act began paving the way for their exceedingly successful career. Originally, the team was composed of Larry, Moe and Shemp. However, Shemp left for a career in more serious movies. When Shemp left, Curly took his place. Shemp's clumsy character returned in 1946 after Curly suffered a stroke.
Moe was the heart and soul of the team, acting as both their main comic force and their director. He was responsible for scripting many of the jokes. He'd also spend time providing his services as their business manager. In 1934 the team began a series of comedy shorts that numbered more than 200 when they ceased in 1958, which won them numerous fans. Despite all the criticism, the Three Stooges are undoubtedly the most famous comedy team that history ever invented.
值得怀疑的是,三个傀儡比 20 世纪更成功的喜剧团队。拉里、 教育部和 Curly 成为著名的他们很多的短电影,具有非同寻常的喜剧。在他们的电影,他们发现许多滑稽动作炫耀的方式。他们吸引了大批观众,收到了很多的掌声。然而,他们的电影也引发了批评。有些人不喜欢三个傀儡声称他们只是太暴力了。在一次电视采访中激起教育部和拉里为自己辩护。他们粗的品牌,他们说,不应该严肃对待。这是只是\卡通暴力\。
活宝了他们的名字和他们在叫 Ted 希利和他的活宝行为中的开始。这一行为开始为他们极其成功的职业生涯铺平道路。最初,该团队由拉里、 教育部和 Shemp 组成。然而,Shemp 离开了更严重的电影中的职业生涯。Shemp 离开的时候,Curly 花了他的地方。Shemp 的笨拙的字符在 1946 年 Curly 中风后返回。
教育部是核心和灵魂的团队,作为其主要的喜剧力量和其董事。他负责编写脚本的笑话很多。他也会花时间作为其业务经理提供他的服务。在 1934 年,团队开始了一系列的编号为超过 200,当他们停止于 1958 年,其中他们赢得了众多粉丝的喜剧短裤。尽管所有的批评,三个傀儡无疑是历史上前所未有的最著名的喜剧团队。
The challenges faced by all child protection caseworkers are obvious. What is often not so obvious are the many rewards a caseworker career offers. People often ask why anybody in their right mind would want to be a child protection caseworker, habitually dealing with the most disadvantaged and troubled families in their community. Caseworkers routinely come across disturbing cases of child abuse and neglect, and clients who are not cooperative. Being a caseworker means being an agent of positive change, especially when the welfare sector is not just a job to you, but a professional vocation.
Child protection is a difficult and challenging career path to follow, but the rewards do exist. Many of our caseworkers choose this career path out of a desire to contribute to the community. To be part of a process can ultimately change a family's life, and caseworkers may witness their intervention equip a young person so that his or her future prospects are improved. Of course, this does not occur with every intervention. But when it happens, it is a(n) rewarding experience. And if you are wondering whether this experience makes the job worthwhile, then the answer is YES!
A good indicator of how outside people look at the caseworker career has been the feedback from university students. In 2006 there were 118 students on placements (实习) of caseworker career. Those students who completed their placements in child protection in 2006 told us about the great opportunity they have had to apply theory to practice; the many chances of learning new skills and trying new tasks; the sound knowledge available through training; the willingness of caseworkers to talk about their experiences; and how valuable becoming familiar with different welfare services was to their future career.
保护儿童是艰难和具有挑战性的职业道路,遵循,但回报确实存在。我们的个案工作者的许多选择这个职业生涯的为社会作出贡献的愿望。一个过程的一部分最终改变一个家庭的生活,和个案工作者可能会见证其干预装备的少年人,使他或她的未来前景的改善。当然,这不会不会发生每干预。但当它发生时,它是奖励经验的组件。如果你想知道是否这个经验使得这项有意义,那么答案是肯定的 !
如何外面的人看个案职业生涯的良好指标已从高校学生的反馈。在 2006 年对存款 (实习) 个案的职业生涯有 118 的学生。那些完成他们在 2006 年的儿童保护的实习的学生给我们讲了很好的机会,他们不得不将应用理论到实践 ;很多的机会学习新的技能和尝试新的任务 ;健全的知识可通过培训 ;个案愿意谈论他们的经验 ;和如何有价值变得熟悉不同的福利与服务是他们未来的职业生涯。
We are living in the age of a telecommunications revolution. In order to keep from getting left behind, many developing countries are making an intensive effort to strengthen their telecommunications infrastructure. This will help them catch up with the developed countries. It was, after all, advanced telecommunications that gave some countries an economic advantage over others during the 20th century. There is one place that developing nations are looking to improve upon. That is enabling their citizens and businesses to get access to the Web. They are installing advanced optical fibers. These fibers, a millimeter in diameter, can bring the information superhighway to their door. The initial investments that countries like Vietnam are making may seem too great because they still lack basic utilities, like electricity and water. However, government officials say that these moves are strategic. They are also confident that their countries will reap the benefits. They will benefit from having more reliable and up-to-date telecommunications equipment and gaining more revenues. One Vietnamese leader said, \ tackle their immediate problems first. Still, our entire future is at stake. People don't always understand the breadth of the problem, though.\continued, \continue to use such old equipment, the gap between us and the developed world will continue to widen. sacrifices have to be made now so that our children will have a country with opportunities equal to those they see in the developed world.\when they can cruise alongside Americans and Western Europeans on the information superhighway.
我们生活在一个电信革命的时代。为了保持从落后,许多发展中国家正在作出积极的努力,以加强他们的电讯基建设施。这将帮助他们赶上发达国家。它,毕竟,提前给一些国家经济比别人有优势了 20 世纪的电讯。有发展中国家希望提高后的一个地方。这使他们获得访问 Web 的市民和企业。他们正在安装先进的光学纤维。这些纤维,毫米的直径,可以带到他们的门的信息高速公路。因为他们仍然缺乏基本的实用程序如电和水的像越南这样的国家正在进行的初始投资可能显得太大。然而,政府官员说这些举动是战略。他们也有信心他们的国家将获得好处。他们将受益于有可靠和最新的电讯设备,获得更多的收入。一位越南领袖说,\这是可以理解的人们想首先解决他们当前的问题。尽管如此,我们的整个未来是利害。人不总是了解宽度的问题,虽然。\他继续说,\有使用古董通信设备的问题。如果我们继续使用这种旧的设备,我们与发达国家之间的差距将继续扩大。牺牲有现在作出,使我们的孩子有机会等于那些他们看到,发达世界的国家。远后他们可以在信息高速公路上邮轮美国和西欧人的同时,它将不会。