【期刊名称】《红外与激光工程》 【年(卷),期】2016(045)0z2
【摘要】The reflectance spectra of two element cascade structure photonic crystal was studied using transfer matrix method. It shows that total reflection bandwidth of single block photonic crystal (single stage) increases with the physical thickness of media layer increasing, and the band gap position also appears blue-shift. The total reflection bandwidth is rapidly broadening towards long wave as the photonic crystals composed of cascade structure, and the more number of cascades is, the faster broadening is. With the increase of incident angle, the total reflection bandwidth of two element cascades structure of photonic crystal quickly spread to the short-wave direction and with slow red-shift. The properties and modulation rules of reflection spectrum of two element cascade structure photonic crystal can be designed for new photonic crystal omnidirectional reflector and provide theoretical basis for optical switch device.%利用传输矩阵法理论,研究二元级联结构一维光子晶体的反射谱,结果表明:随着介质层物理厚度增大,单块光子晶体(单级)的全反射带带宽增大,并伴随蓝移现象;当光子晶体为级联结构时,其全反射带迅速向长波方向展宽,而且级联数目越多,全反射带展宽速度越快;随着入射角的增大,级联结构光子晶体的全反射带带宽迅速向短波