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考研英语作文是考研英语的压轴题,自然受到考生的高度重视,为了方便考生备考,下面为大家整理了考研英语高分作文常用表达,希望能帮助大家更好的复习! 2018考研英语作文高分表达:教育类 培养 cultivate
Pursuing personal growth is a powerful thing . But it should be used to
uncover and cultivate a more authentic self .
追求个体发展是一件很强大的事,但是我们应该用其来揭示和培养更真实的自我。 课余的 extracurricular
Extracurricular activities is an indispensability part of school life . 课外活动是学校生活不可缺少的一环。 填鸭式 duck-stuffing
Simultaneously , the great pressure of college entrance examination and
duck-stuffing teaching cause the loss of senior students happiness in
learning English .
同时,巨大的升学压力和 填鸭式 课堂教学,造成高中学生英语学习幸福感的缺失。 文凭热 diploma craze
教学改革 educational reform
Deepening educational reform , promoting quality-oriented education and
striving for China s revitalization .
深化教育改革,全面推进素质教育,为实现中华民族的伟大复兴而奋斗。 学术的 academic
The success of a person lies not in academic achievements , but rather in
character and integrity .
一个人的成功,不在于学术的辉煌,而在于高尚的品格和廉正。 创新学习 innovative learning
The evaluation of students innovative learning behaviors is an important
link and effective means of guiding students innovative learning .
学生创新学习行为评价是创新学习指导的一个重要环节和有效手段,具有诊断、反馈、指导、激励和甄别功能。 高等教育 higher education
We improved the overall quality of higher education , and enhanced the
innovation capacity of colleges and universities .
全面提高高等教育质量和水平,增强高校创新能力。 假毕业证/文凭 fake certificate/diploma
Furthermore , it s unfair that one fails to get his job just because his
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rival has a fake diploma or certificate .
再者,这是不公平的,只是因为他的对手有一个假文凭或证书他就没有得到工作。 考研热 the craze for graduate school 贫困学生 poverty-stricken students
Many people complain that the fee-paying system keeps poverty-stricken
students away from college .
许多人抱怨新收费体系会让贫困学生上不起大学。 全体教员 faculty
For the faculty , there exists the triad of responsibilities : teaching ,
research , and service .
教员要承担三重责任:教学、研究与服务。 深造 further one s study
In 2002 he was awarded the Hong Kong Jockey Club Dance Scholarship to
further his study at the National Conservatoire of Music and Dance in Paris .
素质教育 quality education
It caters to quality education and should be greatly promoted . 它迎合了素质教育的需求,应该加以大力提倡。
德才兼备 possess political integrity and professional ability
One of the tasks of our higher education is to promote university students
socialization , thus to make them builders of socialism who possess political
integrity and professional ability .
提高学生身心素质 improve the health and psychological quality 适应社会的改变 adjust to the social changes quickly
努力获得精神文明 make efforts to seek cultural and ideological progress