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各国通用签证邀请函参考样本 非使馆指定内容样本除外

1-2页为商务邀请模版,3-4页为探亲访友邀请模版 商务邀请函样本 invitation letter

i would hereby invite the members of beijing delegation

totally 4 persons (listed attachment) led by you, to come over to ***(country) for *** (exposition), which is to be held at *** (place)during *** (date). please make the necessary

arrangements for your delegation to arrive in *** (country).

during the exposition, you will stay here for *** days. all your expenses including international air tickets, local

transportation, accommodations, medical insurances and all other related expenses during your stay here will be paid by yourselves.

we are looking forward to greeting you in *** (country) very soon.

yours sincerely, (signature) (date) name list


兹邀请由您领导的北京4人代表团来***(国家)参加***(展览)。该展览将于***(日期)在***(地点)举行。请您安排来***(国家)的必要事宜。展会期间您们将在此逗留***日,所有的费用,包括国际机票、当地交通、食宿、医疗保险和其他相关费用由贵公司承担。 我们期待您的访问。 此致 敬礼


1. 商务签证邀请函需用邀请公司正式的抬头纸,有logo有电话有地址。

2. 有准确的访问目的、访问日期和回程日期最好。

3. 费用问题一定要写明白,通常是被邀请公司(即中国公司)支付。建议不要写个人支付。

4. 最好有一个名单表,写明名单表信息,避免重名的麻烦。 5. 落款要有邀请人的亲笔签名,最后再有正楷的拼写。

6. 如果访问日期较长的建议邀请函出一份简单的日程安排,注明访问期间的主要内容。

7. 如果需要多次入境签证的,最好在邀请函中注明并写清楚理由。 探亲访友邀请函样本

to: liang chaowei passport (born in april 23rd 1965, male, father),

liu jialing passport (born in nov. 10th 1968, female, mother), address: room 888, bldg 888, haiwan huayuan, jida, zhuhai city,

guangdong province, china

sub: invitation to visit australia dear mum and dad,

i would like to invite you to australia to stay with me for three weeks since 15 june 2009. it would be very nice to have you with me.

i have been studying in australia for over one year and i miss you so much. i do hope you can pay me a visit.

during your stay here, you will also get an opportunity to see and experience the western culture, meet different kinds of people and different variety of food. you will also enjoy the nice city i live in.

you will stay with me in my place located 230 albert st. granville, nsw 262, australia. yours lovingly, liang jiahui 自: 梁家辉

地址: 12 albert st. granville, nsw 262, australia 联系电话:0061-04218888888 日期:2009年6月5日 至:

梁朝伟 护照号(出生日期:1965年4月23日, 性别:男, 关系:父亲)

刘嘉玲 护照号(出生日期:1968年11月10日, 性别:女, 关系:母亲)

地址:中国广东省珠海市吉大海湾花园888栋888号 主题:邀请函 亲爱的爸爸妈妈,


我在澳大利亚已经学习了一年时间, 我非常想念你们, 希望你们能够来看我一次。

在你们留澳期间,你们将有机会亲身感受西方文化,与不同的人交流和品尝不同风味的多样化食品。你们将感受我正在住的美好城市。 来澳大利亚期间, 我安排你们和我一起住在12 albert st. granville, nsw 262, australia 梁家辉


1、 邀请人需要用学校、公司抬头纸打印。如为个人邀请,可以使用普通纸张。

2、 邀请函要准确注明被邀请人姓名、护照号、出生时间、到访目的、停留时间、住宿安排,


3、 邀请函需本人签名,如能将原件发回最好,没有原件请提供清晰的扫描件。

4、 邀请方另需提供:个人护照、签证页/居留卡/学生证/工作证、合法收入证明,以上资料 提供扫描件即可。


the mode:

new romanqifeng hydraulic technology co., ltd

add: chenwu industry,houjie town,dongguan city,guangdong province, china web:

email: qifeng@dgqifeng.com

-0769-85058028 fax: 86-0769-85893189 date: 06th october 2010 invitation letter



