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一、单词:拼读、过关、讲解 1.attendant n. 侍者、服务员

2.bring bring sb. sth=bring sth. to sb.(当sb. sth.都为代词时,只用bring sth. to sb.) When did you bring it to us? We brought it here three days ago.

bring(针对说话人所在地点)带来:Bring your book here next time.

take(针对说话人所在地点)带走:It is going to rain.Take the umbrella with you. 3.garage Let's go into the garage

4.crash n. a car carsh 车祸 Didn't you have a crash?

5.repair v. 修理,修补;修缮(房屋等):He repaired his house.他修缮了他的房子。 Can your mechanics repair it?

6.try v. try to do sth 尽力、设法做什么(不强调结果) try doing 尝试做……

try one's best to do sth. 尽某人最大的力量做…… have a try. 试一下 They are trying to repair it. 二、课文:领读、句子过关、讲解

1.Is my car ready yet? be ready for 为……做准备。 yet用于否定疑问句句尾。

2.the number of… ……的数量 3.remember to do sth.记得做…… remember doing 记得做过…… 4.finish doing sth. 完成…… 5.work on 从事、干…… 6.let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事

7.have a look at… 看一看...... 8.drive…into… 开车撞到……上 9.to tell you the truth 跟你说实话 10.have a crash. 撞车 11.three days ago 三天前 三、语法

现在完成时的疑问式及否定式:现在完成时的构成是have/has+过去分词,因此其疑问式是:将have /has 提到主语之前,否定式则在have/has后加上not即可。如:

Have they lived here for 10 years? 他们在这儿住了10年了吗?

No, they haven't lived here for 10 years. 没有,他们在这儿没有住了10年。 How long have they lived here? 他们在这儿住了多久? They've lived here for only 5 years. 他们在这儿仅住了5年。

一、单词连线 二、词组连线

lamp-post 带来、送来 be ready for 从事、干…… try 修理 finish doing 记得做过…… bring 车库、汽车修理厂 remember to do 准备做…… crash 灯杆 remember doing 跟你说实话 repair 努力、设法 work on 记得要去做…… garage 碰撞 to tell you the truth 完成做…… attendant 接待员 三、单选

1.Have you been ________.Beijing __________?A.to , already B.to , yet C.for , yet D.for , already 2._________the truth.I don't agree with you. A.For tell B.On tell C.About tell D.To tell 3.He ________Tom two weeks ago. A.didn't meet B.didn't met C.doesn't meet D.meets 4._________the bus come yet? A.Did B.Has C.Does D.Have

5.They _______here for 10 years. A.live B.have living C.have lived D.lived



1、接待员 6、修理 2、带来,送来 7、努力,设法 3、车库,汽车修理厂 8、哭、喊 4、碰撞 9、村庄 5、灯杆 10、小心的、仔细的 11、气候(L51) 二、词组:

1、把……带来给某人 2、撞倒 3、三天前 4、撞车 5、看一下


1.hear _________ ____________ 6.find _____________ ____________ 2.meet __________ ___________ 7.make _____________ ____________ 3.tell ____________ ___________ 8.send ______________ ____________ 4.leave ___________ ___________ 9.lose _______________ ____________ 5.buy _____________ ___________ 10.get _______________ ____________ 四、用所动词的适当形式填空

1.It ________(be) ten o'clock. I _________(go) to bed in ten minutes.

2.Winter _________(be) over. It ____________(get) warm. The days __________(be)long.

3.She ________(begin) to learn English three years ago. Now she ____________(speak) good English. 4.The boy ____________(have) a bad cold the day before yesterday. Today he ____________(feel) better. 5. I __________(not finish) my homework yet. I _________________(still do) it. 6.Don't turn off TV. I ____________________(still watch) the programme. 7.It _____________(still rain) heavily.

8.___________ (not drive) so fast. Look, the policeman ______________(wave) to you. 9.I __________(write) 3 letters this morning.

10.He must ___________(remain) in bed for a week.


1.He left forty minutes ago.(就划线部分提问)

___________________________________________________________? 2.He has already painted the bookcase.(改为否定句)

_____________________________________________________________. 3.They had lunch at twelve yesterday.(改为否定句)

______________________________________________________________. 4.I have got some money.(改为一般疑问句)


5.I have already seen that film.(改为一般疑问句)



1我把汽车撞在电线杆子上了。 2难道您没出车祸吗?

3他们正设法修这辆车。 4让我们到车库去看一下吧。

5您什么时候送来的? 6 春天的天气怎么样?(L51)



