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Promote another effective tool for real estate return to residential property is to strengthen the construction of affordable housing. Feng Shui Niu, real estate regulation in three areas, in addition to the field of real estate industry and the field of regulation of the real estate market, including the field of housing security building. Only this part of the increase in supply, in order to achieve a higher level of equilibrium.

In addition, a long time, active in the real estate field, the hot money rare way out. \to build a wide range of investment channels to improve the housing cost ratio. If you want to make the root of the problem to the smooth implementation, the establishment of central and local governments, the proper meaning of the question of the linkage between the various departments and coordination mechanisms.

In view of the special product attributes and livelihood characteristics of the housing, Shanghai will on the one hand to accelerate the development and improvement of the real estate market system, the other hand, accelerate the establishment of a sound housing security system. Shanghai's housing security system, including the four major categories - low-rent housing, relocation and resettlement housing, affordable housing and units of rental housing, public rental housing.

New Year's Day 2010, the Shanghai municipal government introduced a policy of public rental housing for special populations, account restrictions to be broken, a new job is included in. Shanghai housing security and the Housing Authority housing support the Director of Li Dong said: \resolve to Shanghai workers, new employees entering the workforce, including the use of special policies to support talent stage housing difficulties, will use public rental housing system improved. \

4.4The establishment of effective management and supervision mechanisms for the protection of property developers

Strengthen the supervision of the Shanghai real estate market behavior and quality of behavior, have a bad record, and illegal violations as an important condition of the annual inspection and promotion. Stringent standards of the conditions of the real estate market access, and the dynamic evaluation of failed real estate

development enterprises determined to be canceled. Meanwhile, the Government has also established a long-acting regulatory mechanisms, in order to strengthen supervision and regulation of the entire real estate market to crack down on real estate speculators, and speculators, to prevent real estate prices have significant fluctuations, and maintenance of the real estate market healthy the sequence of momentum of development.

In 2010 ,during the \sessions\the collective content of the proposal submitted by the KMT Central Committee Political Consultative Conference, it is recommended to speed up amendments to the Urban Real Estate Administration Law, \real estate market sales system. The proposal pointed out that China already has the conditions to cancel the pre-sale system. This is mainly because of the credit industry in China has reached a certain level, can provide sufficient funds to support real estate enterprises. The economic strength of real estate developers have been able to bear a variety of requirements and risks of real estate development, have their own ways and means for funding the operation and coordination, the dependence on the sale of commercial housing system has been weakened.

4.5To crack down on tax evasion of the real estate prices in the cost of corruption

It focuses on real estate market with the previous regulation to combat the illegal activities of the development of enterprises of different special action in Shanghai market rectification and anti-corruption, the primary goal is to crack down on the field of real estate trading power for money, the inspection of real estate involved in the field relevant departments and staff in the project approval, land acquisition, planning approval, pre-licensing and other aspects of the existence of non-compliance approval, the abuse of power, impunity, bribes bribery and other acts, as well as real estate tax policy implementation. Which planning approval, demolition of houses, home sales, property processing and other sectors as a check focus. Social complaints of reported cases should be severely punished. According to reports, two of the country this year, the real estate industry trade power for money \

many delegates, the members' concern, not only affects the government to build a clean government, has also increased the implicit cost of the real estate industry has become high prices is one of the incentives. The \in the focus of regulation would be effective in compression of the \cost of the real estate field.

In addition, Shanghai remediation will also check the real estate companies publish illegal advertisements, store room reluctant to sell, driving up prices, contract fraud, tax evasion and violation forced evictions and other acts; investigated the illegal activities of the intermediary service organizations and staff.

Since 2005, central banks adjust interest rates to \eight Article\\national eight Article\\ministries and eight Article\and later some of the financial and taxation and financial policies, the Shanghai government real estate market, the implementation of a series of control measures. However, for various reasons, some major cities prices are still high, the real estate tax evasion problem.

In fact, the problems in the real estate market, China's actions in this area in recent years has been without interruption, such as crack down on hoarding houses, etc.. About to carry out the remediation action will be directed to reflect the increasingly strong officials and businessmen in collusion, money behavior, and the scale and intensity of eye-catching. 5.Conclusion

The rise in house prices from a certain extent, explain the improvement of the city's economic development and people's living level, but it will also bring a range of real estate and social, the correct handling of housing prices with the real estate between the relationship between the correct handling of housing prices with the life of the people, to explore the reasons for rising house prices and take the necessary measures to curb price increases and countermeasures will have an important role in the sound development of the Shanghai real estate in the real estate industry.

Highlight the problem of the real estate industry in the past for the timely, standardized and efficient policies and effectively transported to the degree of control is a top priority of the current state of the real estate industry. Industry management,

sooner rather than later, to advocate the participation of experts into the mayor finalized. The prospect of the industry energy analysis, the timely introduction of policies to prevent the policy lag is important premise of the industry management. This year is the next critical period of the control the real estate market in Shanghai believe that the Government will make a rational and strong measures to maintain the overall stability of the housing market.


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