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专题四 任务型阅读

考试大纲 要求考生读懂简易的英语文学作品、科普文章、公告、说明、广告,以及书籍、报纸、杂志中关于一般性话题的简短文章并回答相关问题。考生应能根据文中提供的信息,用恰当的词语完成与短文相关的图表。


年份 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 标题 How Arts Promote Our Economy Population Change An Extension of the Human Brain What News Stories Do You Read? What Is Peer Pressure 词数 416 488 430 411 407 阅读文体 说明文 说明文 说明文 说明文 议论文 该题属综合能力考查题,强调主观表达能力、语言理解能力和逻辑推断能力。 要求 考纲解读 从某种意义上来说,任务型阅读是客观题阅读到主观题的自然过渡,其能力要求在阅读理解以上、书面表达以下。此题型重点考查语言的综合运用能力,也可以理解为另一种方式的阅读,因此,考生必须具备一定的阅读和写作能力。 从上表可以看出,近五年江苏高考任务型阅读的文章体裁以说明文为主,偶有议论文出现,词数在400~500之间,一般都比较难。这类文章结构清晰,很容易把握文章脉络。在题材的选取上更加富有时代气息,更加贴近考生的实际生活。要想任务型阅读得高分,考生必须具备极强的信息转换和概括能力!在复习中,要注意以下几点: 1.注意对词义和词性转化的积累,提高对固定搭配的敏感度。



How Arts Promote Our Economy

When most people think of the arts, they imagine the end product, the beautiful painting,a wonderful piece of music,or an award-winning performance in the theater.But arts groups bring broader value to our communities.The economic impact of the arts is often overlooked and badly judged.

The arts create jobs that help develop the economy.Any given performance takes a tour bus full of artists, technical experts,managers,musicians, or writers to create an appealing piece of art.These people earn a living wage for their professional knowledge and skills.

Another group of folks is needed to help market the event.“If you build it they will come” is a misleading belief.Painters,digital media experts, photographers, booking agents and promoters are hired to sell tickets and promote the event.According to the Dallas Area Cultural Advocacy Coalition, arts agencies employ more than 10,000 people as full-or part-time employees or independent contractors. A successful arts neighborhood creates a ripple effect (连锁反应)throughout a community.In 2005, when the Bishop Arts Theatre was donated to our town, the location was considered a poor area of town.After investing more than $1 million in reconstructing the building, we began producing a full season of theater performances, jazz concerts, and year-round arts education programs in 2008.Nearly 40 percent of jazz lovers live outside of the Dallas city limits and drive or fly in to enjoy an evening in the Bishop Arts District.

No doubt the theater has contributed to the area’s development and economic growth.Today, there are galleries, studios, restaurants and newly built work spaces where neighbors share experiences, where there is renewed life and energy.In this way, arts and culture also serve as a public good.

TeCo Theatrical Productions Inc.made use of Bloomberg’s investment of $35,000 to get nearly $400,000 in public and private sector support during the two-year

period.Further, Dallas arts and arts-based businesses produce $298 for every dollar the city spends on arts programming and facilities.In Philadelphia, a metro area smaller than Dallas, the arts have an economic impact of almost $3 billion and support 44,000 jobs, 80 percent of which actually lie outside the arts industry, including accountants, marketers, construction workers, hotel managers, printers,and other kinds of art workers.

The arts are efficient economic drivers and when they are supported,the entire small-business community benefits.

It is wrong to assume arts groups cannot make a profit.But in order to stay in business, arts groups must produce returns.If you are a student studying the arts, chances are you have been ill-advised to have a plan B.But those who truly understand the economic impact and can work to change the patterns can create a wide range of career possibilities.

Our communities (71)________ from arts in terms of Arts as an economic driver economy. Arts activity demands a (n) (73)________ effort. It involves creation,performance,and (74)________. ◆Artists make a living through their creative work. ◆Others get paid by marketing the event. Arts have a gradually spreading (75)________. They could help promote other industries whether they lie (72)________ of arts’ promoting our economy inside or outside arts. ◆Besides tickets, some jazz lovers will pay their (76)________ to and from the events. ◆Arts contribute to cultural development when people gather together to share their experience and renew their energy. Investment in arts could produce potential (77)________ economic results.



