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Unit2 How often do you exercise?

一、选择填空 (15分)

( )1. I usually go to the movies__ a month.

A. twice B. twice time C. two times D. twice times ( )2. _____do they play football? --Always.

A. How soon B. How much C . How many D. How often ( )3. His mother wants him _____ at home today.

A. stays B. stayed C. to stay D. staying ( )4. Here _____ the results _____ the students activity survey. 21*cnjy*com

A. is, with B. are, of C. is, of D. are, with ( )5. _____ Dashan is from Canada ,_____he can speak Chinese very well.

A. Although; but B. Although; / C. Although; so D. /; so ( )6.Good _____habits help me get good grades.

A. studying B. study C. studied D. studies ( )7. I think doing sports is _____our health.

A. good at B. bad for C. good for D. good to ( )8. Is her watch _______ yours or different?

A. the same B. the same as C. same as D. the same to ( )9. My mother is out, so I have to _____ my young sister at home.

A. look at B. look after C. look for D. look over ( )10.Let us talk about the difference ______Chinese and English names.

A. on B. of C. between D. with ( )11.What ________ she usually _______ after class?

A. is; doing B. does; do C. does; does D. is; do ( )12. Kate hardly ever does her homework on weekends, ________?2·1·c·n·j·y

A. is she B. isn’t she C. does she D. doesn’t she ( )13. I think eating more ________ food can help you keep ________.

A. health; health B. health; healthy C. healthy; health D. healthy; healthy ( )14. “____________give up, then you can be successful.”

A. Always B. Sometimes C. Never D. No ( )15.______ homework, we do their homework on Sunday. 21*cnjy*com

A. As for B. As to C. As of D. As from 二、完形填空 (10分)

It’s September 1st, and we’re all back to school. It’s good to 16 all my teachers and friends again. They all 17 fine.

We’re in Grade Eight this year. We have 18 new subjects. I’m not very 19 at Chinese, but Han Mei says she can 20 me. I think I can 21 it better.

I like English very much. Zhang Hong likes English, 22 . But she needs help. I 23 I can help her.

Mr. Hu is our new English teacher. He 24 know all of us, so he has our names on a piece of paper and 25 our names before he begins his lesson.21世纪教育网版权所有 ( )16. A. see B. watch C. find D. look 21·世纪*教育网 ( )17. A. do B. see C. look D. sound ( )18. A. a lot B. some C. lot D. much ( )19. A. well B. good C. bad D. nice ( )20. A. learn B. give C. help D. need ( )21. A. do B. play C. look D. feel

( )22. A. either ( )23. A. am afraid ( )24. A. doesn’t ( )25. A. gives 三、阅读理解 (30分)

B. very B. think B. don’t B. calls C. much D. too C. am sorry D. want C. does D. do C. asks D. tells


Liu Xiang is a famous runner in the world. He was the winner(获胜者) of the Athens Olympics(雅典奥运会) . The Chinese people are proud (自豪) of him. He is a hard-working young man. He is still strong and healthy. Why is he in good health? He usually gets up early in the morning and exercises every day. He likes listening to music and he sings well. He has good eating habits. He never eats junk food and hardly ever smokes and drinks. He goes to bed early and sleeps 8 hours every night. He often says, “It is important(重要) for health to have a good lifestyle.”

根据短文,判断对错。对的写T,错的写F. ( )26. Liu Xiang is a singer.

( ) 27. He never wins the Olympics.

( ) 28. He doesn’t have a healthy eating habit. 【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】 ( )29. He likes singing and smoking very much.

( )30. He has enough (足够的) sleep and he is healthy.


Fish and chips, and Chinese take-away food are very popular in England. But they are less popular in the U.S.A. In the U.S.A, they eat take-away food, too, like chicken. But the most popular kind of take-away food is the hamburger(汉堡包). It looks like bread with meat in it. Ham(火腿)is a kind of pork-but the hamburger does not have any pork in it. It has beef in it. The beef is inside a kind of cake. Hamburgers are delicious. They are very popular in the U.S.A. They are also popular in England and Australia. ( ) 31. Fish and chips are very popular ________.

A. in England B. in Australia C. in the U.S.A D. in Canada ( ) 32. In the U.S.A the most popular kind of take-away food is________.

A. hamburger B. fish C. chips D. bread ( ) 33. The hamburger does not have any ________ in it.

A. beef B. pork C. fish D. chips ( ) 34. Hamburgers are ________.

A. delicious B. terrible C. awful D. bad ( ) 35. Hamburger is a kind of ________.

A. meat B. drink C. food D. vegetable 【版权所有:21教育】


Perhaps you have learnt a lot about the Internet, but what is it?

The Internet is many different networks around the world. A network is a group of computers put together. These networks joined together are called the Internet.

Maybe that doesn’t sound interesting. But when we’ve joined the Internet. There are lots of things we can do. We can have a lot of interest on the World Wide Web (www). We can use the internet instead of a library to find all kinds of information for our homework.. We can find information about our favorite sports or film stars and do shopping on the Internet. We can also send messages to other people by e-mail. It is much cheaper and quicker than calling our friends or sending letters.

Thanks to the Internet, the world is becoming smaller and smaller. People can now work at home with a computer in front, getting and sending the information they need. They can buy or sell whatever they want by the Internet. But do you know 98%of the information is English? So what will English be like tomorrow? ( ) 36. The passage is mainly about_____.

A. the Internet B. information C. computers D. e-mail ( ) 37. The quickest and cheapest way for people to send message to their friends is ____.

A. by post B. by e-mail C. by telephone ( ) 38. The Internet can not be used to _____.

A. find information for our homework..

B. get some information about our favorite sports stars. www-2-1-cnjy-com C. do some shopping. D. do some housework

( ) 39. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The Internet is a big computer.

B. The Internet is lots of computer networks. C. The Internet is very helpful.

D. People can work at home with the help of the Internet. 21教育网 ( ) 40. What does the writer try to tell us with the last two sentences?

A. The Internet is more and more popular. B. All the information is English.

C. English is important in using the Internet. D. Every computer must join the Internet. 四、词汇 (15分)

(一) 根据句意及首字母提示,完成下列单词的拼写。(5分) 41. He writes to his father o a month. 42. Everyone likes to surf the I .

43. Li Ping likes reading English _______________(杂志). 44. Eating j food is bad for your health.

45. Judy and I grew up ___________(一起). We are good friends. (二)用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)

D. by TV

If your children have some bad eating habits, work to replace (代替) 46 with these healthy habits. ? Having breakfast every day.

? Turning off the 47 when you are having meals. (If the Tv is on, you will eat too fast without

noticing(没有注意)when you are 48 . This can make you eat much more.) ? Getting family members 49 for meals.

? Starting with small portions (一份)and getting a little more if you are still 50 . ? 51 less fast food. (These fast food meals have more calories(卡路里) 52 meals you eat at home.) ? 53 different kind of foods, such as vegetables, fruit and meat.【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】 ? Learning to stop eating 54 you are full.

There are some other healthy habits, such as watching TV for 55 than two hours each day and getting at least one hour of exercise each day.2-1-c-n-j-y

46.__________47.__________48.___________49.___________50.___________ 51.__________52.__________53.___________54.___________55.___________ 五、任务型阅读 (10分)

Tom is a little boy, and he is only seven years old. Once he goes to a cinema. It is the first time for him to do that. He buys a ticket and goes in. (58) But after two or three minutes he comes out, and buys the second ticket and goes in again. After a few minutes he comes out again and buys the third ticket. Two or three minutes after that he comes out and asks for (60)_____ ticket. But a girl asks him, “(59)你为什么买这么多的票? How hungry, they, less, eat, full, than, try, together, television, when many friends do you meet?” “No, I have no friends here, but a big woman always stops me at the door and cuts up my ticket.”


56. Is it the first time for him to go to the cinema?

57. How many tickets does Tom buy before the girl asks him? _______________________________________________________ 任务二:将划线部分分别翻译成汉语和英语

58. ______________________________________________________21cnjy.com 59. ______________________________________________________ 任务三:选择适当的词填在划线处。

60. ____________

A. another B. other C. the other 六、书面表达 (20分)

阅读下列表格,请你介绍Mary的日常活动情况,并谈谈你的看法. Activities do watch homework TV How often Play sports Go shopping sleep Practice English Every morning and every night 2 hours a only on Three Once a 9-10 day weekends times a month hours week 1-5ADCBB 6-10ACBBC 11-15BCDCA16-20 A C B B C 21-25 A D B A B 26-30FFFFT 31-35 AABAC 36-40ABDAC 41.once 42. Internet 43. magazines 44. junk. 45. togetherwww.21-cn-jy.com

46. them 47. television 48. full 49. together 50. hungry 51. Eating 52. than 53. Trying 54. when 55. less 56.Yes,it is. 57.Three tickets. 58. 但是2,3分钟后他出来了,买了第二张票又进去了。 59. Why do you buy so many tickets? 60. A 【出处:21教育名师】 书面表达

Mary has a good lifestyle. She does homework 2 hours a day. She watches TV only on weekends. And she

plays sports three times a week . She goes shopping once a month. Oh, she sleeps 9-10hours.She practices English every morning and every night. I think her healthy lifestyle helps her to keep in good health. Good studying habits helps her get good grades. Exercise helps her to study better.



