Metal Plating Device
申请(专利)号: KR20120113696
专利号: KR101420865B1 主分类号: C25D17
申请日: 2012-10-12 公开公告日: 2014-07-18
分类号: C25D17;
C25D21/22; C25D3/30 发明设计人: ???;
???; ???; ???; ???; ???; ???; ???; ??? 申请国代码: KR
优先权: 20121012 KR
摘 要 附 图:
公开国代码: KR 优先权国家: KR
摘 要:
The present invention relates to a metal plating device which is provided to use a pulse rectifier to plate a workpiece with metal and which comprises: a plating cell having electrodes on both sided thereof; a membrane for partitioning the plating cell into an electrolyzing chamber in which an electrolyte is contained and a plating chamber in which a plating solution is contained; and the pulse rectifier which alternately applies positive (+) and negative (-) charges. [Reference numerals] (130) Pulse rectifier 主权项:
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权 利 要 求 说 明 书
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