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17. According to Paragraph 3, people in sunglasses would look_____. (B) A. smart B. mysterious C. proud D. confident

18. Sunglasses began to be popular in the______. (B) A. 1920s B. 1940s C. 1950s D. 1960s

19. The example of sportsman shows that______. (D) A. they over-emphasized the role of sunglasses B. the public are eager to follow them C. sunglasses create a desirable image D. sunglasses protect people from harassment 20. The passage is mainly written to______. (D) A. explain why sunglasses improve appearance B. demonstrate how to make better use of sunglasses C. introduce the major functions of sunglasses D. describe the evolution of sunglasses

Questions 21-25 are based on the following passage: Passage Three

A cup of tea is almost a symbol of British culture. As a nation, we are well known for our strong liking for this particular hot drink, especially if it is accompanied by some cake or biscuits. Here are some facts about tea drinking habits in the UK.

1)There is no real tea time

All around the world, everyone thinks that British people drink tea every day at 5 o’clock in the afternoon. In reality, we drink tea at every hour of the day, from the minute we get up to the last thing before going to bed. Of course it’s quite likely that a British person will drink tea around the middle of the afternoon, but it’s also common to drink it with breakfast. 2) The perfect partner : scones

Scones are a simple kind of cake, slightly sweet and usually served with jam and cream. They are excellent with tea. In fact, if you order a “cream tea” in the UK, you’ll get a teapot accompanied by a plateful of these little treats. Delicious! 3) Milk in tea

British people nearly always put milk in their tea. This seems strange to people from other European countries, who would rather drink their tea without adding anything to it. In British, people add a certain quantity of milk depending on taste and the tea ends up being opaque (不透明) and brown instead of clear. People are always shocked when I say that I prefer coffee to tea. Tea really is part of our cultural identity, whether we like it or not!

21. According to the passage, British people are well known for . (C) A. their unique cake and biscuits B. Their particular drinking habits C. their passion for tea

D. the love of their own culture

22. People tend to believe that British tea time is . (D)

A. at any time of the day B. at breakfast time C. before going to bed D. late in the afternoon

23. A typical “cream tea” in the UK . (A) A. usually goes with scones B. is a special kind of cake C. is a slightly sweet drink D. includes a teapot as a gift

24. According to the passage, people from other European countries . (C)

A. take tea as their culture identity B. prefer cream tea to coffee C. seldom add anything to their tea D. like to add milk to their tea

25. What is this passage mainly about? (D) A. British tea history. B. British eating habits. C. British tea time. D. British tea culture.

Questions 26-30 are based on the following chart: Passage Four

26. What can be said as an overview of the chart? (B) A. There has been little population change over decades. B. The aged population will continue to grow. C. Most American can live longer in 2020 than today. D. The growth rate of aged people is slowing down. 27. What was true of the situation in 2000? (D) A. The total number of aged people had dropped. B. The total number of aged people remained unchanged. C. The number of people aged 65-74 had grown. D. The number of people aged 75-84 had increased.

28. From 1980 to 2010, which age group had the highest growth rate? (A)

A. Aged 65-74. B. Aged 75-84. C. Aged over 85. D. Aged under 65. 29. What was the total aged population in 2010? (B) A. 30 million. B. 40 million. C. 33 million. D. 45 million.

30. Which decade sees the sharpest increase in population between 65-74? (D)

A. 1980s. B. 2000s. C. 1990s D. 2010s. Part Three Cloze Directions:

There are ten blanks in the following passage. For each numbered blank, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

Imagine a product that can be used as medicine, a cleaning agent, and a beauty treatment. You can eat it, drink its juice, and____31 essential oil from it. It is available all over the world, and is inexpensive. You may even have one in your kitchen ____32 . What is it? The lemon!

It is thought that lemons ____33 in Southeast Asia. From____ 34 they were gradually carried westward, toward the Mediterranean. Lemon trees thrive in

mild____ 35 , which is why they grow so well in places like Italy, Mexico, Spain, and even parts of Africa and Asia. A mature tree, depending on the variety and location, can produce ____36 from 200 to a staggering 1,500 lemons a year. The cultivated(培育的) varieties ____37 in different periods, making it possible to harvest lemons year-round.

You don’t need lots of space to grow a lemon tree. Even a sunny balcony (阳台) is enough, ____38 small lemon trees can be grown in pots and can make your house beautiful. They like sunny, wind-free spots where they can soak up the warmth, ____39 against a wall. However, if the temperature drops a lot during the winter, they need to be ____40 or brought indoors. 31. A. occupy B. examine C. obtain D. exchange (C) 32. A. right now B. on time C. in time D. just now (A) 33. A. rooted B. emerged C. appeared D. originated (D) 34. A. where B. which C. when D. there (D)



