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论民营企业文化建设 毕业论文 外文翻译中英文对照

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Humanistic thought idea

As the core of traditional Chinese culture, Confucianism has profound influence on Chinese psychological character and behavior for thousands of years. The Confucian cultural character are enterprising actively, advocate the accession to the world , locate \\world ideal as the end-result, so that combine individual price and social theories together. We can say it is a kind of management thought from the beginning of the establishment . Whether it is based on the philosophical basis of explicit value judgment, or around the core concepts of organizational relationship, or through the practice of management chose to use strategy, Confucianism laid the cultural platform can make modern Chinese managers \business\

Confucius said: \beloving makes great\thought in details that the human is the center of the universe in its ideas of heaven and man. It said: \make the best of their nature can get to know people with common nature ; to realize human nature can realize that everything has nature; to recognize the nature of everything in the world can help the living things in the world changes develop ; to help the living things in the world changes develop can get to heaven and earth. That is to say, people , heaven and earth tie for three, and people get the same respect with heaven and earth, and people are in the centre of world. At the same time, the Confucianist takes \therefore, people are the most intelligent animal in the universe. In modern society, people are not machines, but \has its special social relationship and the complex background relying on it. A scientific

management system will inevitably need to consider these factors in the implementation process. The thought of taking respecting the human as purpose gradually enter into the management field. The most important point is not only to the interests of enterprises, but to start from a social perspective, respect for human rights, values and aspirations, and concern about their future. Therefore, respect for humanity, recognize the determined meaning of people in the development of enterprises, regard the people as the starting point and purpose of the enterprise behavior, it has important realistic significance to humanity of the construction of Chinese enterprise culture.

Advanced enterprise needs the harmonious enterprise culture to support. Under the new situation, how to build harmonious excellent corporate culture to provide a reliable guarantee for the development of enterprises, is a currently facing major task. We believe that in the process of company culture construction should be people-oriented, through the staff to achieve the harmonious enterprise culture. Enterprise culture in the final analysis is the human culture,

harmonious enterprise culture should be realized through people. The staff is the enterprise profit author. This requires us to protect the fundamental interests of employees, pay more attention to staff's woes, concern about the physical and mental health of staff, cogently help staff to solve difficulties in life and work, furthestly content the staff 's material culture and the spiritual and cultural needs, increase their sense of belonging and sense, arouse their enthusiasm and creativity, enhance the cohesion and centripetal force.


on people, respect people, understand people, care about people, the realization of human value. (1)Rely on the people. The development of the private enterprises can not rely on a person, also not only depend on the original family members, should rely on most employees, the masses are the real heroes. Modern society decide an enterprise's development, the main lies not in the

machine equipment, but that they have knowledge, wisdom, talent and skill. All economic activity, are made by people, people do not have energy, enterprise is no vitality and competitiveness. Therefore, managers must establish the business philosophy of relying on the

people, through the joint efforts of all staff to create the brilliant outstanding achievement of the enterprise.And can’t think the enterprise is mine, you just work for me, I support you, you should thank me, my enterprise will still operate without you. Management’s slip of the tongue will break the hearts of the staff, it is difficult to imagine a enterprises without centripetal force, cohesive, competitive, can share a cup of soup in the international and the domestic competition. (2)The respect for each individual. As the enterprise, not only to respect every employee, but also to respect every customer, every user. Enterprise managers should alert\ that simply treat employees as the tools to achieve their business goals , and should regard them as a member of their own career team, take them as indispensable partner of the whole enterprise.

Don’t allow insulting personality, damaging to human rights, ignoring the interests of

employees, not respecting labor rights, manager without humanitarian is not a good manager.

When the staff's work is affirmed and respected, he would try his best to achieve his duty.

(3)Understanding and caring about staff, using a motherly tenderness treat employees, to give employees more humanistic care, to realize their life values. \will attribute to you as flowing water.\invisible mental force behind any great career , it leads people to strive for economic fruit, encourages people to develop business and profit, accumulate wealth, innovate again course of enterprise diligently. Managers take psychological emotion as the link to reasonable principle

of infiltration, care staff, be permeated with thick human, will become the source of enterprise centripetal force. Common to care for the sick, to the dead to condolences, mourning to be pension, emotional input. Ensure that staff in the disease, old, injury, incomplete and unemployment of normal life, improve employee's salary, benefits, rich existing the means of incentive, adopt diversified distribution methods to do to a key position and income policy talents tilt. Employees will think managers and read the virtue of its of love, with loyal attendance, the incentive to the wisdom of poor health living.

(4)The cultivation of harmonious interpersonal relationship, advocating team spirit vigorously . In the enterprise, the staff regard the enterprise as their “home” of survival and development , they will make all-out efforts to do their own work ,exert maximum strength for the enterprise's survival, development. It is the bounden duty of enterprise managers to make the enterprise's appeal to the greatest limit, managers how to create a %understanding and respecting, by the noble personality and interaction of telepathic

communication, to establish good relationship between managers and employees. Realization the employees’ corporate philosophy from cognition to identity, working attitude from making a living to respect-work , thoughts and feelings from pleasure to belonging, to enterprise itself from trust to relying on, and such a series of leap. Everyone fully play their ability, and can be mutual

cooperation, and this is where the secrets of the organization. Any organization if not most fully play their individual ability, the organization will surely is inefficient and ineffective. To use a

Coca-Cola company President motto: if one day I am enterprise unfortunately the submerged, I can totally with enterprise's\feat, started to start all over again.

The establishment and perfection of socialist market economic system, private enterprise cultural reconstruction is an important assure to promote civilian battalion economy and the whole society productivity develops quickly. Therefore, it has attracted wide attention from the society.

First, civilian battalion enterprise culture connotation analysis

To better carry out our country’ private enterprise cultural reconstruction research question, we must first study the true meaning of the private enterprise cultural reconstruction, understand its qualitative formulary. At present, although the domestic and foreign have a variety of understanding to the%up old things and try to do from the beginning . To carry out analysis and research of private enterprises, private enterprise cultural reconstruction should include three main elements: First is to discard the whole of the morbid enterprise culture, to construct healthy and can long time to promote business growth of the higher level of the enterprise culture, to abandon the family emotion type of enterprise culture, to shaping system constraint type of corporate culture, concept guiding type of enterprise culture and the pursuit of corporate culture, so that different types of corporate culture has a qualitative change; Second is to reset the enterprise culture administrative levels or structure position construct the new core level, and form a unique corporate culture system; Third is to completely change the traditional slow corporate culture dissemination and diffusion form, greatly reduce corporate culture production procedure, shorten its formation and penetration process and time.

Second, private enterprise cultural reconstruction the deep reason analysis

From overall look, the vast majority of our private enterprise culture power is still fundamentally inadequate, it needs to design and create. The deep reason lies in four aspects: First is the core of enterprise culture level -- basic values formation, spread and diffusion in a passive state, mostly in the constrained condition. Long period, private enterprise's basic values embodied in the enterprise production and management as entity only law-abiding and lawfully pay taxes, not to consider other aspects of the interests and needs of the country. The basic view of value is an important feature of people's thinking to passively adapting certain regulations, thus limiting the managers and employees of culture positive communication and to the highest pursuit of the concept of corporate culture, so that the operation in the \me \is difficult to form strong core culture, greatly reduced the overall enterprise culture's impetus, inhibition of material productivity; Second is the enterprise culture level on the low side, it is difficult to support the enterprise long-term rapid development. Private enterprise culture level height is by corporate culture type decision. From our country in last few years the circumstance looks, civilian battalion enterprise culture is mainly divided into the family emotion type, system constraint, to guide the concept type and pursuit of type four. At present, most of the private enterprise cultures belongs to the first and second types, the third type is less, and the forth is far less. These four types of corporate culture in accordance with the material productive forces driving the degree of size

论民营企业文化建设 毕业论文 外文翻译中英文对照


